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    • English
      • Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
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          • Term
            • audience
          • Additional fields of expertise
          • Definition(s)
            • The number of people or households exposed to a vehicle, without regard to whether they actually saw or heard the material conveyed by that vehicle. Texas Advertising and Public Relations
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Both plays and films need to be economically viable and so both need to advertise themselves to their potential audiences. - Currency Press by
            • Because in the advertising situation the practical concern is more with the consumer's acquiring (rather than using) knowledge, the focus in this paper is primarily on the knowledge-acquiring type of involvement-namely, audience involvement. - Audience involvement in advertisement by
            • When they say the screen time is, say, 7:30, that should be the time the movie starts, not the time the theater starts showing commercials to a captive audience. - Media Awareness Network by
  • Compare this term in: Japanese

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