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    • English
      • Gaming/Video-games/E-sports
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          • Term
            • slow burner
          • Additional fields of expertise
          • Definition(s)
            • something that gradually becomes interesting, enjoyable, successful, etc Cambridge Dictionary
          • Example sentence(s)
            • But don't let a slow start put you off: some of the very best films and shows out there are slow burners that gradually draw you in. From creeping chillers to engrossing dramas, patience pays off when it comes to these big and small screen successes. - Stars Insider by
            • NUTS is a slow burner and there are no ways to make it go faster. Which could prove to be a bit boring for some. After setting up 3 cameras the gameplay became much more rewarding. If you try to beat the game, you will get annoyed several times for sure because there is no other way to make it move faster - IndieWatch by
            • Like many streaming shows, BoJack Horseman's early fans, when it first aired in 2014, were always promising it was a slow burner – it gets better, they swore, around episode seven. But even those early evangelists couldn't grasp the gravity of what creator Raphael Bob-Waksberg had in store: over the next six seasons, it would become a heart-wrenching rumination on no less than the meaning of life, as BoJack grappled with the hollowness of worldly success, devastating loss, a pile of dire regrets, and near death. - by
  • Compare this term in: French, Portuguese

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