Powwow Report for Germany - München, Bayern (Nov 29 2007)

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Report from  Iris Mesko
We were four people all together and we did have some very fruitfull discussions. We did have an exchange of our past experience and future plans and possibilities.

There have been some points which we agreed upon and stressed their importance:
- specialization
- the human contact to people in charge of
- an individual plan to work on contacts on days without translation work
- direct contact to other translators
- promotion via internet

We did have a nice evening in sharing our experience and got from each other some new ideas how to reach our personal goal in the future.

It has been also interesting to get some feedback about "When do I alow myself to say NO to a job offer"
- when I don't feel like doing it, as it is not a part of my specialization
- when I am not sure to be able to do a good job - because of time pressure etc.
- when I have to many other things to do

We decided to use other powwows in Munich to meet again in the future, maybe each few months, to be able to keep in touch.

Photos from  Iris Mesko

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Susanne Effner
Margrit Rother (X)
Iris Mesko
Marijan Dr. Spoljar

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Nov 30 '07  Iris Mesko: altought we were not many ...
we did have good discussions and I do belive we all got some new ideas and possibilities for future work
Nov 29 '07  Maren Drath (X): when and where?
when and where will the powwow take place?