Powwow Report for Netherlands - Boxtel (Dec 15 2001)

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Report from  Thijs van Dorssen
One more photo from Boxtel. Thanks again to Carla and Marijke for their efforts. It was well organised and I had a great time.

It has surely been worth while to come to the Netherlands. I am looking forward to the next meeting! It was an multi-national group of translators and non-translators. The conversations I had about job-related issues were very useful indeed. And of course, it was great fun to meet the people behind the usernames.

See you all next time!

Thijs van Dorssen
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Report from  Marijke Mayer
In spite of freezing weather and unco-operative Dutch railways, the Boxtel powwow proved to be a big success! The combination of Carla's excellent organisation and wonderful instructions on her website, as well as the fact that the Netherlands, Belgium and even parts of Germany are relatively close, resulted into the fact that about 19 people joined the party. Good food and Belgium beer increased the typical Dutch 'gezelligheid' and the photographs bear witness to that.

Even though we were virtual strangers, it was as if we had already met in previous lives as it were. From the time we met there was instant recognition. This feeling had grown even stronger when it was time to leave. During the 6 hours that we were together we were all very happy to have finally made each other's acquaintance, exchanged information, asked questions, discussed topics such as working methods using D�j�Vu and/or Trados and formed plans to take upcoming ATA exams in Regensburg. We all agreed that it was important to continue to maintain contact between translators and to build bridges between all the little rooms in which we are working independently.

Now that we haven gotten to know one another as real people, not just as email addresses, it will make it easier to discuss ideas, plans, and problems with regard to the future. It would be nice if the next powwow would have a mutually agreed-upon agenda, and we would like it if more nice people could join (maybe all translators with Dutch as as source or target language), and provide some in-depth coverage of what we are all occupied with on a daily basis.

Let's keep in touch and build on a good start!

On behalf of the Dutch powwow group in Boxtel,
Marijke Mayer
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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Filippo Rosati
Marianne Sluyter
Carla Zwanenberg (X)
Doelman (X)
Alexander Schleber (X)
Sandra van Bijsterveld (X)
Titia Dijkstra
Linda Ferwerda
Marijke Mayer
claire oostvriesland (X)
Thijs van Dorssen
Ellemiek Drucker
Ton Remkes
Andrea Luijten

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