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    • Bulgarian
      • Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
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            • минимализъм
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            • Minimalism describes movements in various forms of art and design, especially visual art and music, where the work is stripped down to its most fundamental features. As a specific movement in the arts it is identified with developments in post-World War II Western Art, most strongly with American visual arts in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Prominent artists associated with this movement include Donald Judd, Agnes Martin, Robert Morris, and Frank Stella. It is rooted in the reductive aspects of Modernism, and is often interpreted as a reaction against Abstract Expressionism and a bridge to Postmodern art practices. Wikipedia - by Andrei Vrabtchev
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Всъщност минимализмът е движението , което след руския конструктивизъм и "Баухаус" през двадесетте години отново сериозно поставя под въпрос водещата роля на живописта в модерното изкуство. - by Andrei Vrabtchev
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    • Portuguese
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            • minimalismo
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            • A palavra minimalismo se refere a uma série de movimentos artísticos e culturais que percorreram diversos momentos do século XX e que preocuparam-se em se exprimir através de seus mais fundamentais elementos, especialmente nas artes visuais, no design, na música e na própria tecnologia. Em outros campos da arte, o termo também é usado para descrever as peças de Samuel Beckett, os filmes de Robert Bresson, os contos de Raymond Carver e até mesmo os projetos automobilísticos de Colin Chapman, entre outros. Own research - by Fernanda Doria
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            • A palavra minimalismo reporta-se a um conjunto de movimentos artísticos e culturais que percorreram vários momentos do século XX, manifestos através de seus fundamentais elementos, especialmente nas artes visuais, no design e na música. Surgiu nos anos 60 nos Estados Unidos. - by Fernanda Doria
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    • Japanese
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            • ミニマリズム
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            • 芸術において、装飾を省き最小限の要素で最大の効果を上げようとする考え方。音楽では最小限の楽器でリズムとフレーズを反復する音楽様式。(ロングマン英和辞典) Own research - by Yuko Kubo
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            • 「ミニマリズム」自体は60'sのアメリカにおいて,芸術・建築の世界に見られる傾向である.「ミニマル」という言葉には,「最小の,極小の」の意があり,主に立体に現れた表現の主観性を抑制し,それが芸術作品であることを示すような要素だけに切りつめた作品が特徴としていた・・・ - 建築+ミニマリズム by Yuko Kubo
            • 批評家で美術史家のジェイムズ・マイヤーは、ミニマリズムおよび1960年代のアメリカのアートに関する第一級の専門家である。マイヤーはその明解な研究において、20世紀後半の美術様式の中で最も現代的なこのミニマリズムの発達を、歴史的および文化的文脈から幅広く論じている。作品紹介のセクションでは、ミニマルアートに関する最も重要な作品と展覧会、さらには、ミニマリズムと短期的に関わりを持った同時代のアーティストたちを取り上げている。本書は、ミニマリズムに関して現在手にすることのできる、最も包括的で信頼性の高い資料集である。 - 書籍「ミニマリズ� by Yuko Kubo
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    • Romanian
      • Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
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            • minimalism
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            • Minimalismul se referă la acele mişcări sau stiluri în diverse forme de artă şi design, în special arte vizuale şi muzică, unde lucrarea de artă este redusă la părţile fundamentale. În alte domenii ale artelor, minimalismul caracterizează nuvelele lui Ernest Hemingway, piesele de teatru ale lui Samuel Beckett, filmele lui Jean-Pierre Melville şi Robert Bresson, poveştile lui Raymond Carver şi chiar planurile de automobile ale lui Colin Chapman. Wikipedia - by Diana Macau (X)
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            • O pictură minimalistă, de exemplu, va folosi în general un număr limitat de culori şi va folosi forme geometrice simple. Deşi mulţi cred că minimalismul implică doar reprezentări abstracte-geometrice, acestă mişcare se extinde în afara acestor limitări. - Wikipedia by Diana Macau (X)
            • Minimalismul respinge necesitatea dimensiunii sociale, exprimarea, naratiunea sau orice alta aluzie, oricat de subtila, la istorie, politica sau religie, scopul sau esential fiind de a crea obiecte interesante si frumoase, nimic mai mult. Artistii care au adoptat aceasta maniera de lucru folosesc in compozitii cat mai putine culori, forme, linii. - Artline by Diana Macau (X)
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    • French
      • Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting
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            • Minimalisme
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            • Né aux Etats-Unis au milieu des années 60, interprété comme une réaction au débordement subjectif de l’Expressionnisme abstrait et à la figuration du Pop art, le Minimalisme est caractérisé, entre autres, par un souci d’économie de moyens. Il hérite du célèbre principe de l’architecte Mies Van der Rohe « Less is more », des œuvres de Malevitch, et reconnaît le peintre abstrait Ad Reinhardt comme l’un de ses pionniers. Le Minimalisme regroupe des artistes tels que Frank Stella, Donald Judd, Carl Andre, ainsi que Robert Morris et Sol Le Witt, mais qui vont s’en détacher rapidement (1). Centre Pompidou - by trad500
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            • - Centre Pompidou by trad500
            • Le minimalisme (ou art minimal) est un courant de l'art contemporain né au début des années 1960 aux États-Unis. La notion d'Art Minimal a été donnée à la fin de l'année 1965 par le philosophe analytique anglais Richard Wollheim (décédé en 2003) dans Arts Magazine au sujet d'une exposition à la Green Gallery de New York. - Wikipedia by trad500
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