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    • English
      • Environment & Ecology
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          • Term
            • locavore
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            • A locavore is someone who eats food grown or produced locally or within a certain radius such as 50, 100, or 150 miles (240 km). The locavore movement encourages consumers to buy from farmers’ markets or even to produce their own food, with the argument that fresh, local products are more nutritious and taste better. Locally grown food is an environmentally friendly means of obtaining food, since supermarkets that import their food use more fossil fuels and non-renewable resources. Wikipedia
          • Example sentence(s)
            • The first step to being a locavore is to determine what local means for you. This is an individual decision that should feel comfortable for you and your family. Many locavores start by trying to eat within a 100-mile radius from their homes and then adjust where necessary, sometimes encompassing an area as large as an entire state or region. - JumpStart Productions by
            • More and more people are declaring themselves locavores—meaning they’ll only eat and cook with ingredients grown locally (typically within a hundred-mile radius). The movement was born of a desire to support local producers and to reject foods shipped in from thousands of miles away on trucks and planes that deplete fossil fuels. - American Express Publishing Corporation by
            • One of my hopes in becoming a locavore was that it would help me lose weight. After all, nutrition experts say that, instead of eating french fries, hamburgers, shakes, cookies, candy, chips, etc, we should be eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. That's pretty much exactly what happens when you become a locavore. - Springfield Locavore by
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    • Persian (Farsi)
      • Environment & Ecology
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            • محلی خوار
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            • کسی که مواد غذایی را مصرف می کند که به صورت محلی و در شعاع مشخصی از محل زندگی وی تولید می گردد. Own research - by Ali Beikian
          • Example sentence(s)
            • We already have such terms as "گیاه خوار", "گوشت خوار", "همه چیز خوار", "حشره خوار", etc. whose English equivalents, "herbivor", "carnivore", "omnivore", "insectivore", are analogous with "locavore". Therefore, we can coin the Persian equivalent "محلی خوار" for "locavore", though I didn't find it anywhere. - دایناسورهای گیاه خوار by Ali Beikian
            • درباره گياهان گوشتخوار نقل قول ها ، افسانه ها و شايعات بسياري وجود دارد كه در آن از گل مرگ (كه قادر به گرفتن يك مرد و فشردن آن در داخل گلبرگ هايش مي باشد)، از درخت انگور گوشتخوار ، از درخت افعي و از درخت ميمون گير (كه برگهاي آن بعد از شكار ميمون باز شده و استخوانهاي عاري از گوشت شكار را به خارج مي ريزد) نام برده شده است. عليرغم اين نوشته هاي نا معقول و مسخره كه در اصل داراي حقيقتي هستند درباره اين گياهان بسيار گزافه گوئي شده و آنها را به طريق ناهنجاري بزرگ كرده اند. شكار گياهان گوشتخوار در حقيقت حيوانات بسيار كوچك و اغلب اوقات حشرات هستند. حتي براي اين گياهان نام گياهان حشره خوار به جاي گياهان گوشتخوار پيشنهاد شده است ولي هنوز استعمال گياهان گوشتخوار عموميت بيشتري دارد. ‏اما چرا یک گياه حشره میخورد؟ مگر نه اینکه گیاهان مواد غدایی را از خاک دریافت می کنند؟ پاسخ این است که گیاهان حشره‌خوار در زمینهایی مانند مردابها یا لجن‌زارها رشد میکنند که خاک آن از نظر مواد مغذی بسیار فقیر است. این گیاهان برای دریافت نیتروژن و مواد مغذی دیگر، به شکار حشرات و استفاده از مواد موجود در آنها پرداخته و برای این منظور تکامل یافته‌اند. - همه چيز در مورد گیاها� by Ali Beikian
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    • Italian
      • Environment & Ecology
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            • Locavoro
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            • ...secondo uno studio recentemente pubblicato sulla rivista Environmental Science and Technology, in cui si prendeva in considerazione il risparmio energetico di stili di vita diversi, paragonando quello dei “locavori” (coloro che per risparmiare energia, cercano di consumare solo cibo locale) rispetto a vegetariani e vegani: passare da una dieta occidentale convenzionale ad una vegana un giorno alla settimana significa risparmiare in un anno tanta energia quanta ne occorre per guidare un’auto per quasi 2000 chilometri. LAV (Lega Anti Vivisezione) - by Giovanni Giglio
          • Example sentence(s)
            • La ricerca però non ha convinto Sage van Wing, la scrittrice che tre anni fa ha coniato il termine 'locavori': "Lo studio è interessante - ha dichiarato la leader ambientalista alla stessa rivista - ma io continuerò a comprare locale, prima di tutto perché posso controllare come lavorano i produttori. - La Nuova Ecologia by Giovanni Giglio
            • In una famiglia media, scegliendo di comprare solo prodotti locali per un anno intero, si "risparmiano" 1600 km... Scegliendo di mangiare cibi esclusivamente vegetali per tutto l'anno, si risparmia molto di più, quasi un ordine di grandezza: 13.000 km. Il che significa che l'alimentazione 100% vegatale è otto volte più potente di quella "locavora" (cioè che prevede solo consumi di prodotti locali), in termini di risparmio di emissioni di gas serra. - Vegan Italia by Giovanni Giglio
            • Essere Loca-vori significa alimentarsi con i prodotti controllati del proprio territorio seguendo una dieta variata a seconda delle stagioni, seguendo le tradizioni culinarie e favorendo l'assunzione di elementi utili alla salute del proprio organismo evitando le sostanze dannose. - VLF Via dei Locavori Fondazione Onlus by Giovanni Giglio
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    • Portuguese
      • Environment & Ecology
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            • locávoro
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            • Os Locávoros são uma tribo de idealistas que começa a ganhar força internet – e por consequência na imprensa - com sua « lei das 100 milhas », que diz que todos os alimentos consumidos por eles tenham sido produzidos a no maximo 100 milhas (160 quilometros) de onde moram. Proposta mais do que ousada nestes tempos de extrema globalização, pois na pratica o adepto tera que produzir ele mesmo seus alimentos ou dar a sorte de conseguir comprar alguma coisa dos produtores/fazendeiros das redondezas. Own research - by roberto bormann
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Os Locávoros são uma tribo de idealistas que começa a ganhar força internet – e por consequência na imprensa - com sua « lei das 100 milhas », que diz que todos os alimentos consumidos por eles tenham sido produzidos a no maximo 100 milhas (160 quilometros) de onde moram. Proposta mais do que ousada nestes tempos de extrema globalização, pois na pratica o adepto tera que produzir ele mesmo seus alimentos ou dar a sorte de conseguir comprar alguma coisa dos produtores/fazendeiros das redondezas. - by roberto bormann
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