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    • English
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          • Term
            • locavore
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            • A locavore is someone who eats food grown or produced locally or within a certain radius such as 50, 100, or 150 miles (240 km). The locavore movement encourages consumers to buy from farmers’ markets or even to produce their own food, with the argument that fresh, local products are more nutritious and taste better. Locally grown food is an environmentally friendly means of obtaining food, since supermarkets that import their food use more fossil fuels and non-renewable resources. Wikipedia
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            • The first step to being a locavore is to determine what local means for you. This is an individual decision that should feel comfortable for you and your family. Many locavores start by trying to eat within a 100-mile radius from their homes and then adjust where necessary, sometimes encompassing an area as large as an entire state or region. - JumpStart Productions by
            • More and more people are declaring themselves locavores—meaning they’ll only eat and cook with ingredients grown locally (typically within a hundred-mile radius). The movement was born of a desire to support local producers and to reject foods shipped in from thousands of miles away on trucks and planes that deplete fossil fuels. - American Express Publishing Corporation by
            • One of my hopes in becoming a locavore was that it would help me lose weight. After all, nutrition experts say that, instead of eating french fries, hamburgers, shakes, cookies, candy, chips, etc, we should be eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. That's pretty much exactly what happens when you become a locavore. - Springfield Locavore by
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    • Portuguese
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            • locávoro
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            • Os Locávoros são uma tribo de idealistas que começa a ganhar força internet – e por consequência na imprensa - com sua « lei das 100 milhas », que diz que todos os alimentos consumidos por eles tenham sido produzidos a no maximo 100 milhas (160 quilometros) de onde moram. Proposta mais do que ousada nestes tempos de extrema globalização, pois na pratica o adepto tera que produzir ele mesmo seus alimentos ou dar a sorte de conseguir comprar alguma coisa dos produtores/fazendeiros das redondezas. Own research - by roberto bormann
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Os Locávoros são uma tribo de idealistas que começa a ganhar força internet – e por consequência na imprensa - com sua « lei das 100 milhas », que diz que todos os alimentos consumidos por eles tenham sido produzidos a no maximo 100 milhas (160 quilometros) de onde moram. Proposta mais do que ousada nestes tempos de extrema globalização, pois na pratica o adepto tera que produzir ele mesmo seus alimentos ou dar a sorte de conseguir comprar alguma coisa dos produtores/fazendeiros das redondezas. - by roberto bormann
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    • Chinese
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            • (本)土(地)(缮)食(主义)者
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            • “土食者”(locavore)一词来自英语,由“本地”(local)和“吃”(vore)两部分组合而成。“土食者”是指那些热衷于食用住所附近所产食物的人。在一些情况下,面包可以除外,因为麦田一般比较偏远。“土食主义”旨在节约运输过季蔬菜的矿物燃料,同时鼓励民众自己生产一些食物,并与当地农场工作人员保持联系。 天津日报 - by Adsion Liu
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 据知名网络字典Wordspy解释,“土食者”是指那些热衷于食用住所附近出产的食物的人。 .... 拉德的儿子如今不再是什么“肥胖领潮儿”了。他已经进入当地幼年童子军的候选人 ... - by Adsion Liu
            • 素食主義和肉食主義,早已不是什麼陌生事物,但“土食主義”恐怕還未廣為人知。 “土食者”(locavore)一詞來自英語,由“本地”(local)和“吃”(vore)兩部分組合而成。 ... - by Adsion Liu
            • 2008年11月27日 ... 可以说,她是个土食者(locavore)(见注1),但却不是个本地恋者(locasexual)。 让我们来算算这对恋人一月见一次所耗费的“成本"。 ... - by Adsion Liu
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    • Bulgarian
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            • локавор— човек, който се храни/(или се стреми да се храни) само с местно отгледана храна
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            • В един обикновен пролетен ден, обядът на писателката Сейдж Ван Уинг включва спагети и свински наденички от близката ферма. Пиперът, сиренето и лукът, които са използвани за приготвянето на спагетите са от близкия пазар. Ван Уинг е локавор (locavor) — човек, който се храни само с местно отгледана храна. - by Andrei Vrabtchev
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            • Ван Уинг, която заедно с неин приятел преди 3 години са измислили думата локавор смята, че един от многото начини да се намали глобалното затопляне е да се храним с местно отгледани храни. За много хора “Хранителната миля”, разстоянието, което храната пропътува от фермата до чинията, е много лесен начин да се оцени мащабът на въздействие на храните върху глобалното затопляне. - by Andrei Vrabtchev
            • Популярният The New Oxford American Dictionary определи locavore за дума на 2007г. Думата е съчинена и произнесена за пръв път през 2005 от Джесика Прентис, готвач и автор на кулинарни книги, за да опише практиката на консумиране изключително на местни храни. Движението "локавор" окуражава хората да купуват храна от земеделците от региона, или дори да отглеждат сами храната си, изтъквайки очевидното, че пресните местни продукти са по-вкусни и хранителни. - by Andrei Vrabtchev
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    • Thai
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            • ผู้บริโภคอาหารในท้องถิ่น
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            • กลุ่มคนที่บริโภคเฉพาะสินค้าที่ผลิตได้ในท้องถิ่น Own research - by somsip
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            • นางดิลแมนไม่ได้เป็นแค่ผู้บริโภคแปลกๆ ที่ทำตัวนอกกระแส แต่เธอคือหนึ่งในคนหลายๆ กลุ่มที่รวมตัวกันด้วยเป้าหลักเดียวกัน คือ บริโภคเฉพาะสินค้าที่ผลิตได้ในท้องถิ่น หรือเรียกว่า "lacavore" - arip by somsip
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