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    • English
      • Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
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          • Term
            • cameo role
          • Definition(s)
            • A brief but memorable role that usually appears in only a few scenes and with few speaking lines. Prominent actors are typically cast in these parts. The Documentary Site
          • Example sentence(s)
            • For whatever reason, be it a deep-seated desire to act, a lack of a casting budget, or just “if you want something done right, do it yourself”, many directors at some point in their careers have stepped out from behind the camera to act. This is typically in a smaller, cameo role, and often with varying degrees of success: sometimes they’re completely natural and sometimes they bring the film to a screeching halt. And sometimes you’d never even know they were there. - Cineleet
            • "Arnold Schwarzenegger will be invited to take a cameo role in a fourth Terminator movie. Producers want the Governor of California to make an appearance in the film. - Terminator files
            • Julie played a cameo role in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004), playing Madame Rosmerta. - BBC Home
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    • Italian
      • Cinema, Film, TV, Drama
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          • Term
            • cameo o cammeo
          • Definition(s)
            • Cameo (anche cammeo): è una breve apparizione di un attore famoso, o più in generale di una persona famosa, in un ruolo assolutamente marginale. Famosi i camei di Alfred Hitchcock nei suoi film; quelli dell'attore Bruce Campbell (la sua fama è più d'elite) nei tre film di «Spider-man» del regista Sam Raimi (Campbell è stato il protagonista della trilogia di Raimi sul mitico Necronomicon, «La Casa», «La casa 2» e «L'armata delle tenebre»). Glossario del cinema - by Monica M.
          • Example sentence(s)
            • La stragrande maggioranza dei film di Alfred Hitchcock contiene dei **cameo**, brevi apparizioni "straordinarie", quindi al di fuori del contesto generale, ... - Wikipedia by Monica M.
            • Tempo fa i rumors volevano che Samuel L. Jackson avrebbe fatto una “comparsata” o per meglio dire un **cameo** come Nick Fury nel film Iron Man, adesso invece ... - Hulkblog by Monica M.
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