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    • Bulgarian
      • Law: Taxation & Customs
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          • Term
            • регресивен данък
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          • Definition(s)
            • Регресивен данък е данък, при който с нарастване на дохода, намалява данъчната ставка. Wikipedia - by Atanas Dakov
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Патентният данък има характер на регресивен данък, размерът му е предварително известен и не се изменя независимо от оборота. Тоест колкото по-висок е оборотът, толкова по-ниска става ефективната данъчна ставка. По този начин се стимулират търговците - физически лица да разширяват дейността си. Освен това възможността за укриване на данъци е по-малка. - Wikipedia by Atanas Dakov
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    • Macedonian
      • Law: Taxation & Customs
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            • регресивен данок
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          • Definition(s)
            • Регресивен данок е данок каде луѓето со пониски примања плаќаат процентуално повеќе од побогатите луѓе (т.е. посиромашните плаќаат повисок процент од своите примања за данокот одошто побогатите). Спротивно на ова е прогресивниот данок, каде лицата со пониски примања плаќаат помал дел од нивниот приход за данокот одошто богатите. Own research - by Gabriela Nikolova
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Регресивен данок е данок каде луѓето со пониски примања плаќаат процентуално повеќе од побогатите луѓе (т.е. посиромашните плаќаат повисок процент од своите примања за данокот одошто побогатите). - Wikipedia by Gabriela Nikolova
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    • Spanish
      • Law: Taxation & Customs
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            • impuesto regresivo
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          • Definition(s)
            • Impuesto regresivo, cuando a mayor ganancia o mayor renta, menor el porcentaje de impuestos que debe pagarse sobre el total de la base imponible. Wikipedia - by Yaotl Altan
          • Example sentence(s)
            • El director del Departamento de Economía y Negocios de la Universidad Iberoamericana, Miguel Ángel Corona Jiménez, consideró al Impuesto al Valor Agregado (IVA) como r*** egresivo *** porque no tiene carácter justo ni equitativo, y si bien es aplicado igualmente para ricos y pobres, siempre termina por afectar la economía de quienes menos tienen. - E-consulta by Yaotl Altan
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    • Greek
      • Law: Taxation & Customs
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          • Term
            • αντιστρόφως προοδευτική φορολόγηση
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          • Definition(s)
            • Φόρος που επιβάλλεται με τέτοιο τρόπο που το ποσοστό φορολόγησης μειώνεται καθώς αυξάνεται το ποσό που υπόκειται σε φορολόγηση Wikipedia - by krisklv
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Ο φόρος προστιθέμενης αξίας είναι αντιστρόφως προοδευτικός φόρος που επιβαρύνει πολύ περισσότερο τις φτωχότερες οικογένειες - European Parliament by krisklv
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    • English
      • Law: Taxation & Customs
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          • Term
            • regressive tax
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          • Definition(s)
            • Tax collected at increasingly lower rates or percentages as income level increases.
          • Example sentence(s)
            • In order to prevent regressive tax on items purchased, many states make certain types of things non-taxable, especially food. - wiseGEEK
            • A regressive tax system does not mean and likely would not result in low income earners paying more taxes than the wealthy, only that the effective tax rate relative to income or consumption would be a larger tax burden to low income earners. - Wikipedia
            • This update explains that ballot initiatives to enact regressive tax policies died in Michigan and Montana, but survived to secure spots on the ballot in Arizona, Florida, Massachusetts and Oregon. - The Tax Justice Digest
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