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    • French
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            • premier entré, premier sorti
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            • Cette expression est également très utilisée en comptabilité analytique, et d'une manière générale dans les techniques de gestion des stocks. Elle est dans ce cas souvent traduite par PEPS pour « Premier entré, premier sorti ». En pratique le produit qui est arrivé le premier dans le stock sera le premier à sortir du stock (pour être vendu, utilisé ou comptabilisé). Wikipedia - by Marie-Cécile Béal
          • Example sentence(s)
            • La méthode premier entré, premier sorti (PEPS) permet d'évaluer les sorties et les stocks de biens fongibles (interchangeables). Elle repose sur le principe d'épuisement des lots. - reseaucerta by Marie-Cécile Béal
            • Premier entré, premier sorti – FIFO (First In First Out – FIFO) : Règle de gestion des stocks dans laquelle on fait sortir en premier ce qui est rentré le plus tôt. - faq-logistique by Marie-Cécile Béal
            • Il en existe plusieurs, les plus courantes étant la méthode du premier entré, premier sorti (PEPS) et celle du dernier entré, premier sorti (DEPS) - by Marie-Cécile Béal
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    • Portuguese
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            • primeira entrada-primeira saída
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            • Segundo o método FIFO, cuja designação deriva das iniciais da expressão anglo-saxónica "first in first out" (o primeiro a entrar é o primeiro a sair), as primeiras existências a entrar em armazém são também as primeiras a sair, pelo que as existências remanescentes ficam sempre valoradas aos preços mais recentes. Infopedia - by Fátima Seguro
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            • "Estados-membros podem permitir que o preço de aquisição ou o custo de produção das existências de objectos da mesma categoria, assim como de todos os elementos fungíveis, incluindo os valores mobiliários, seja calculado na base dos preços médios ponderados ou segundo os métodos « primeira entrada-primeira saída » ( FIFO ) ou « última entrada-primeira saída » ( LIFO ) , ou um método análogo." - Eur-lex by Fátima Seguro
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    • Bulgarian
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            • първа входяща, първа изходяща (стока)
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            • Това е метод, използван в управление на складовите запаси, счетоводството - изписване на стоки по определена себестойност и в информатиката. В описаните примери се отнася за складовите запаси - първи се продават стоките, постъпили първи в склада - така по-старите стоки се продават първи и се обновяват запасите. Най-разпространено третиране 21. Разходите за материалните запаси, които не се уредени с параграф 19, следва да се определят чрез използването на формулите първа входяща, първа изходяща (FIFO) или средната претеглена стойност . 22. Според формулата FIFO позициите от материалните запаси, които са закупени първи, се продават първи и следователно оставащите в запасите позиции в края на отчетния период са тези, които са закупени или произведени последни. (РЕГЛАМЕНТ (ЕО) № 1725/2003 НА КОМИСИЯТА от 29 септември 2003 година относно приемането на някои международни счетоводни стандарти в съответствие с Регламент (ЕО) № 1606/2002 на Европейския парламент и на Съвета) РЕГЛАМЕНТ (ЕО) № 1725/2003 - by Станислав (Stanislav) Чалъков (Chalakov)
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            • Най-разпространено третиране 21. Разходите за материалните запаси, които не се уредени с параграф 19, следва да се определят чрез използването на формулите първа входяща, първа изходяща (FIFO) или средната претеглена стойност . 22. Според формулата FIFO позициите от материалните запаси, които са закупени първи, се продават първи и следователно оставащите в запасите позиции в края на отчетния период са тези, които са закупени или произведени последни. - COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 1725/2003 by Станислав (Stanislav) Чалъков (Chalakov)
            • LIFO and FIFO are terms commonly used in inventory control, in cost accounting and in computer science. They all stand for literally the same phrases, but it means something different in each application. In inventory control, they simply mean how you handle your merchandise. Do you restock the shelves by pushing the old items back to make room for new items of the same kind? Then the last items stocked will be the first items sold, or LIFO. This would be a typical stocking method for items that have no 'sell-by' date associated with them, or at least one that is in the distant future, such as canned good. Perishable items such as milk and eggs are restocked from the back, so that the old items are pushed to the front and are the first selected by shoppers; this is a FIFO restocking method. This is why most convenience stores have walk-in coolers behind their cold displays, so that they can stock from the rear. Obviously, you can handle some merchandise LIFO and some FIFO, depending on what it is and how fast you have to move it. In accounting, LIFO and FIFO mean two different ways of setting a value on your existing inventory and calculating your profit. Some retailers stock an individual type of item only once and then when it has sold out, they no longer carry it; ephemeral fads and fashions are examples of stock-once items. So they pay the same price for each unit of that particular item, and have no decision to make when valuing their inventory. Most retailers, however, stock a particular item for some time, replenishing their supply as they run low. The price on the item fluctuates with time, usually going up, alas. So the newest items you purchase may cost more (or less) than the ones you have had for awhile. Of course you may adjust your selling price on the item, but what does the increase in unit cost do to the value of your existing inventory? If you had to replace it all, you would now have to pay the higher price (or rarely, get to pay the lower price). Is your inventory system sophisticated enough to be able to determine which purchase lot each unit in stock was a part of? If not, you have to select an inventory evaluation method, either FIFO or LIFO. - Wise Geek by Станислав (Stanislav) Чалъков (Chalakov)
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    • Italian
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            • Metodo FIFO (primo entrato, primo uscito)
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            • 4) METODO FIFO (Primo entrato primo uscito) Si basa sull’ipotesi che le quantità acquistate o prodotte per prime siano le prime a essere vendute o utilizzate nella produzione. Il metodo FIFO valorizza a costi storici gli scarichi per i consumi perchè considera che i primi beni a uscire dal magazzino sono quelli che vi erano entrati per primi e a conti correnti la scorta di magazzino, perchè considera in rimanenza i pezzi entrati più recentemente. Istituto tecnico commerciale - by Paolo Troiani
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    • Greek
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            • πρώτο εισερχόμενο - πρώτο εξερχόμενο
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            • σύστημα/μέθοδος αποθήκευσης προϊόντων, όπου το πρώτο που εισέρχεται στην αποθήκη εξέρχεται αντίστοιχα πρώτο, δηλαδή τα προϊόντα με τη μεγαλύτερη και όχι συντομότερη διάρκεια παραμονής στην αποθήκη πωλούνται πρώτα. Αντώνυμο: Τελευταίο εισερχόμενο - πρώτο εξερχόμενο. Own research - by Marina Koutraki
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            • Ακόμα, οι δρομολογητές της προηγούμενης γενιάς (πολλοί από τους οποίους ακόμα βρίσκονται σε λειτουργία) χρησιμοποιούσαν τη στρατηγική “πρώτο εισερχόμενο πρώτο εξερχόμενο” (FIFO – First In First Out) στις ουρές τους, με αποτέλεσμα όταν περισσότερα πακέτα από όσα ο δρομολογητής μπορούσε να διαχειριστεί έφταναν σε αυτόν, η ουρά γέμιζε και τα αμέσως επόμενα πακέτα που έφταναν απορρίπτονταν. - ΔΙΠΛ. ΕΡΓ., ΑΓΓ. Γ. ΑΝΑΓ� by Marina Koutraki
            • Υπάρχει γραπτή διαδικασία για την κυκλοφορία του αποθέματος σύμφωνα με την αρχή FIFO (τα πρώτα εισερχόμενα, πρώτα εξερχόμενα) και για το χειρισμό των ληγμένων “προϊόντων”; - ΥΠΟΥΡ. ΑΓΡΟΤ. ΑΝΑΠΤΥΞΗ by Marina Koutraki
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