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    • Croatian
      • Zoology
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            • ekoton
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            • Upravo taj ekoton na graničnom području između močvare i krških oblika daje poseban pečat ovom kraju. Ovaj ekoton na granici kopna i vode je biotop velike bioproduktivnosti te omogućuje veliku raznolikost kao posljedicu trofičkog bogatstva staništa. - by Veronica Prpic Uhing
            • NAZIV KOLEGIJA: Ekologija beskralješnjaka vodenih ekotona Osnovni cilj kolegija je stjecanje bazičnih znanja o vodenim ekotonima kao značajnim prijelaznim sustavima. Cilj kolegija bazira se na usvajanju znanja o obilježjima zajednica i interakcijama podzemnih i nadzemnih vodenih staništa na području kontakta dva ekosustava, te raznolikosti vrsta. Tome će pridonijeti stjecanje teorijskih znanja i općih principa i koncepcija ekologije životinja u različitim vodenim ekotonskim sustavima. - by Veronica Prpic Uhing
            • Izvorišta imaju obilježja ekotona; uz nadzemne vodene potočne vrste npr. pužića Ancylus fluviatilis i ribe peša (Cottus gobio) i pijora Phoxinus phoxinus) u njima se susreću razne podzemne vrste, npr. predstavnici rakušaca roda Niphargus. Mnogim su takvim staništima svojstveni često usko rasprostranjeni endemični izvorski pužići iz skupine Hydrobiidae, izvorski rakušci rodova Fontogammarus i izvorski tulari roda Drusus. - by Veronica Prpic Uhing
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    • Hindi
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            • इकोटोन
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            • इकोटोन वह संक्रमण क्षेत्र है, जिसमें दो समीपवर्ती किंतु अलग पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र के पौधे होते हैं | wikipedia - by Amar Nath
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            • यहां साल के वन अधिकांश जशपुर तहसील में पाये जाते हैं । सामरी तहसील में अधिकतर मिश्रित वन पाये जाते हैं । सामरी तहसील में शुष्क साल वन भी मिलते हैं । यहाँ साल के अतिरिक्त बीजा, जामुन, महुआ तथा सेंजा भी पाये जाते हैं । - Chhattisgarh Govt. by Amar Nath
            • भ्रमण दल में आई महिला मंगल दल की अध्यक्ष महेश्वरी देवी ने जंगली के मिश्रित वन की तरह उर्गम घाटी में मिश्रित वन बनाए जाने की बात कही। भ्रमण दल में वन पंचायत संगठन चमोली के सचिव बहादुर सिंह, विलोचना देवी, विमला देवी आदि ने जंगली से कई प्रश्न पूछे। - Dainik Jagran.Hindi by Amar Nath
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    • English
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            • ecotone
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            • a narrow and fairly sharply defined transition zone between two or more communities (Allaby 1998); eg the different plankton communities that occur on opposite sides of fronts. A Glossary of Marine Nature Conservation and Fisheries
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Macroinvertebrate biomass was highest at an intermediate riparian ecotone complexity with an adequate supply of organic matter and incident light. Fish biomass followed the same trend, being lowest in heavily shaded areas and in open channels without riparian vegetation (range: 1-4.5 g m-2), but highest in ecotones of intermediate complexity (range: 1.6-92.8 g m-2). The cascading effect of invertebrate density depletion, which was inversely related to fish biomass, was observed seasonally. - Wiley InterScience
            • The complexity and biological importance of riparian ecotones depend on the extent to which the system is self-regulating, which depends in turn on geology, physiography, climate, vegetation, human activity and the age of the system. - Fish and riparian ecotones – a hypothesis
            • A common example of ecotones is estuaries—the transitional area between rivers and the oceans. The variety of species found in an estuary is much higher than in the river or in the shallow sea-water. - BASICS OF ECOLOGY & LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEMS
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    • Romanian
      • Zoology
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            • ecoton
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            • Suprafaţă de teren, care desparte două arealuri cu vegetaţie diferită (cum ar fi teritoriul situat între pădure şi mlaştină) şi pe care creşste vegetaţie mixtă, specifică arealurilor respective. "Dicţionar de ecologie şi mediu înconjurător englez-român", P.H.Collins - Editura Universal Dalsi - 2001 Own research - by Elena-Simona Craciun
          • Example sentence(s)
            • "Epicarstul reprezintă zona de ecoton între ecosistemele de suprafaţă profunde ale masivelor carstice, acestea din urmă cunoscute prin peşteri." - Institutul Speleologic din Cluj by Elena-Simona Craciun
            • "Putem observa că aceste zone de ecoton sunt populate de o mare diversitate de organisme, unele provenind din careva dintre mediile care intră în contact, altele fiind chiar caracteristice zonelor de ecoton. Zonele de la marginea pădurilor sunt populate de un număr mai mare de indivizi şi de specii decât o suprafata similara situată în interiorul pădurii." - Educaţie ecologică by Elena-Simona Craciun
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