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    • Slovenian
      • Medical (general)
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          • Term
            • patentnost
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          • Definition(s)
            • Petentnost: [med] odprtost cevastega organa v telesu (npr. zila) ali odprtine ( npr. foramen ovale), ki omogoča prosti pretok ali prehod; neblokiranost; npr. patentni foramen ovale, patentni ductus arteriosus Own research - by Lirka
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Povezave med desnim in levim srcem omogočajo arterijske zračne embolizme (patentni foramen ovale, prisoten je v 25 – 30 % vseh zdravih ljudi – čeprav pri bolnikih z dekompresijsko boleznijo in arterijsko zračno embolijo poročajo o večji incidenci bolnikov z patentnim foramnom ovale kot v normalni populaciji, nobeno potapljaško združenje ne zahteva aktivnega iskanja te anatomske variante. - Potapljaška Zveza Slovenije by Lirka
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    • Japanese
      • Medical (general)
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            • 開通性
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            • 経皮的冠動脈形成術(PTCA)は...冠動脈形成手術後の再閉塞や再狭窄のリスクを低減させるための治療法です。 ステントという拡張可能な小さいメッシュ状の金属の筒を血管に留置して、血管の開通性を保持し再閉塞を予防します。留置術後、ステントは冠動脈内に留まり血管をささえ続けます。 Boston Scientific - by keyaki
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Stent is known in the art as a prosthesis or graft used for reinforcing the blood vessel, such as an artery, or for maintaining patency of the blood vessel after opening a stenosis in the artery, and has been effectively used in the vascular treatment in place of surgical exposing, incising, removing, replacing or bypassing a defected blood vessel required in the conventional vascular surgery. 「ステント」は、動脈等の血管を補強するため、又は動脈の狭窄部を開放した後に血管の開通性を維持するために使用する補綴具又は移植片として従来から知られており、従来の血管手術において必要であった、欠陥のある血管を露出、切開、除去、置換、又はバイパスを形成するといった手術の代わりに、血管内治療において効果的に使用されている。 - 翻訳支援ツールTraTool Webサイ by keyaki
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    • Romanian
      • Medical (general)
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            • permeabilitate
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            • In definitie este folosita ca solutie de continuitate (lipsa de obstrucţie -in functie de cazul studiat) , cu referire la , sa luam exemplu, esofag, artere, si altele. Poate fi folosit si pe plan farmaco/kinetic, permeabilitatea unuia dintre organele de digestie la un anumit medicament. Own research - by angelopf
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Permeabilitatea caii aeriene si cauze de obstrucţie Airways patency andobstructive causes - UMF Cluj Napoca by angelopf
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    • Serbian
      • Medical (general)
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          • Term
            • prohodnost
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          • Definition(s)
            • Prohodnost: otvorenost ili prolaznost nekog organa ili kanala u organizmu. Own research - by Sladjana Daniels
          • Example sentence(s)
            • U poslednje vreme prikazani su radovi koji potvrđuju izuzetnu kratkoročnu i dugoročnu prohodnost grafta radijalne arterije i govore u prilog intenzivnije primene toga grafta u hirurškoj revaskularizaciji miokarda. - SCIndeks by Sladjana Daniels
            • Duplex ultrazvučni pregledi, koji su rađeni svaka tri meseca nakon operacije, pokazali su zadovoljavajuću prohodnost ilijakofemoralnog segmenta kod 17 bolesnika. - Medicinska istraživanja by Sladjana Daniels
            • U slučaju težih suženja srčanog krvnog suda vaš kardioiog može da se odluči za stavljanje (implantaciju) stenta (metalna cev sposobna da se širi koja pridržava zid krvnog suda i održava protok krvi kroz otvoreni krvni sud), sa ciljem da se održi prohodnost obolelog suženog dela arterije. - Stetoskop by Sladjana Daniels
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    • Dutch
      • Medical (general)
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          • Term
            • doorgankelijheid
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            • 1)mate waarin de luchtwegen ademlucht laten passeren;2)de inverse van de luchtwegweerstand Encyclo - by Michiel Leeuwenburgh
          • Example sentence(s)
            • met hartkatheterisatie kunnen drukken in de verschillende hartkamers, stroming en doorgankelijkheid van de kransslagaderen zichtbaar worden gemaakt. - Wikipedia by Michiel Leeuwenburgh
            • De primaire, de geassisteerde primaire en de secundaire doorgankelijkheid (‘patency’) werden berekend. De primaire doorgankelijkheid werd gedefinieerd als de overlevingstijd van de vaatprothese zonder enige interventie. De geassisteerde primaire doorgankelijkheid hield in de overlevingstijd van de vaatprothese met een interventie van een nog functionerende vaatprothese, en als de secundaire doorgankelijkheid werd beschouwd de overleving van de vaatprothese na interventie wegens trombose. - Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde by Michiel Leeuwenburgh
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  • Compare this term in: Croatian, Albanian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Czech, German, Greek, English, Spanish, Persian (Farsi), Finnish, French, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu

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