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    • Greek
      • Electronics / Elect Eng
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            • μέγιστη επιτρεπόμενη ένταση ρεύματος
          • Definition(s)
            • Είναι το μέγιστο ηλεκτρικό ρεύμα RMS που μπορεί να φέρει μια διάταξη παραμένοντας στα επιτρεπτά θερμοκρασιακά της όρια. Own research - by Michalis Bertsas
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Η μεγίστη επιτρεπόμενη ένταση συνεχούς ροής, διά χάλκινους αγωγούς εσωτερικών εγκαταστάσεων με μόνωσιν εξ ελαστικού ή θερμοπλαστικής ουσίας, καθορίζεται εις τον κάτωθι Πίνακα Ι, βάσει της ομάδος, εις ήν κατατάσσονται οι αγωγοί. - Εργαστηριακές Ασκήσε� by Michalis Bertsas
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    • Hindi
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            • वाहकता, वहनीयता
          • Definition(s)
            • Source: Though the melting point of copper theoretically imposes a limit on wire "ampacity" Target: सैद्धांतिक रूप से तांबे का विलयन बिंदु तार की "वहनीयता" पर मर्यादा ड़ालता है The term "ampacity" express condictivity of material in related states and conditions This is standard Government Term - by Sushan Harshe
          • Example sentence(s)
            • सैद्धांतिक रूप से तांबे का विलयन बिंदु तार की वहनीयता पर मर्यादा ड़ालता है - मृदा एवं सामग्� by Sushan Harshe
            • cable circuit can alter the circuit “ampacity” by more than 50%. सर्किट की “वहनीयता” को केबल सर्किट 50% तक घटा सकते है। - From given examples by Sushan Harshe
            • Conductors with 90 degree C insulations can be used on these terminals provided they are not used at an “ampacity” higher than the 75 degree C. इन टर्मिनल्‍स पर 90 डिग्री सें. रोधनवाले वाहक प्रयोग किए जा सकते है बशर्ते कि 75 डिग्री सें. से अधिक “वहनीयता” पर उनका प्रयोग न किया जाए। - From given examples by Sushan Harshe
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    • Serbian
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            • strujna opteretljivost
          • Definition(s)
            • Dozvoljena struja opterećenja (kabla) u amperima Own research - by Mira Stepanovic
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Predmet: ELEKTROENERGETSKA KABLOVSKA TEHNIKA Konstruktivni elementi i vrste elektroenergetskih kablova. Električno polje kabla. Električni parametri kabla. Gubici snage kod kablova. Strujna opteretljivost kablova. Uticaj sredine na strujnu opteretljivost kablova. Strujna opteretljivost pri kratkom spoju. Kablovske završnice i spojnice. - Elektronski fakultet Niš by Mira Stepanovic
            • Uticaj termičke nehomogenosti zemljišta na strujnu opteretljivost Kod određivanja intenziteta termički trajno dozvoljene struje kablova položenih u zemlji obično se polazi od činjenice da je zemljište homogeno sa termičkog aspekta. Međutim, kablovski vod veće dužine može da prolazi kroz zemljište različitih termičkih karakteristika, kao i da se na pojedinim delovima provlači kroz cevi ili kablovice. Zbog toga se u radu analiziraju dva karakteristična slučaja na koje se mogu svesti razni slučajevi u praksi. Određeni su izrazi za raspodelu temperature duž provodnika kabla koji omogućavaju analizu uticaja termičke nehomogenosti na strujnu opteretljivost kabla. Analizom strujne opteretljivosti tri jednožilna kabla XHE 48-A 1x100/95 mm2 110 kV postavljena u snopu, pokazano je da termička nehomogenost zemljišta ima veliki uticaj na vrednost termički trajno dozvoljene struje. IMPACT OF SOIL THERMAL NON-HOMOGENEITY ON CABLE AMPACITY In ampacity calculation, for the cables laid in the ground the fact is usually taken into account that the soil is homogeneous from the thermal aspect. However, long cable line can pass through the grounds of different thermal characteristics, or some parts of the cable may pass through the pipes or the ducts. Therefore, this paper analyzes two characteristic cases that represent different practical cases. The equations for temperature distribution along the cable conductor are derived, which enables analyzing the impact of thermal non-homogeneity on the cable ampacity. The cable ampacity analysis of three single-core cables XHE 48-A 1x100/95 mm2 110 kV in three-phase system bunched, shows that soil thermal non-homogeneity has a great impact on the value of rated ampacity. - Elektroprivreda by Mira Stepanovic
            • Koeficijenti uticaja vetra i sunčevog zračenja na strujnu opteretljivost nadzemnih vodova sa Al/č provodnicima - Elektroprivreda by Mira Stepanovic
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