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    • English
      • Law: Taxation & Customs
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            • severance tax
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          • Definition(s)
            • Severance tax is a tax levied on production of natural resources taken from land or water bottoms within the territorial boundaries of a state. VentureLine
          • Example sentence(s)
            • States often favor severance taxes over alternative sources of government revenue because much of the severance tax burden is transferred out of the state. ‘Exporting’ the tax burden is achieved, for example, if a relatively small portion of the oil pumped from an oil-abundant state is used in that state or if out-of-state companies own oil production. - The University of Utah by
            • A severance tax can provide local jurisdictions with additional revenues to finance economic development, yet the imposition of a tax may create coal industry employment losses. - ScientificCommons by
            • The change in severance tax cannot, of course, take place in isolation. It should be carried out in conjunction with the other elements of the tax system, i.e. export duties and excise taxes. - OIL OF RUSSIA by
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    • Romanian
      • Law: Taxation & Customs
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            • Redevenţă
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            • Suma de bani platita periodic de catre persoane care au concesionat anumite bunuri [mine, terenuri etc.] ori au contractat licente prin know-how. Cota, platibila la date fixe, care revine actionarilor din profit. Marimea redeventei se stabileste prin contractul incheiat intre titularul dreptului concedat si beneficiarul acestuia, proportional cu folosirea bunului ce face obiectul contractului.Cota de redeventa poate fi fixa sau variabila, ultima rezultand din aplicarea unor cote procentuale la cifra de afaceri realizata prin folosirea bunului concedat, la marimea productiei obtinute pe terenul concedat etc. - by Word_Wise
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Agentia Nationala pentru Resurse Minerale (ANRM) intentioneaza sa propuna Guvernului majorarea redeventelor pentru resurse minerale cu exceptia petrolului si a gazelor naturale, potrivit presedintelui ANRM, Gelu Maracineanu, citat de Mediafax. - ZF by Word_Wise
            • Compania Petrom ar putea plati statului roman o redeventa anuala (taxa de exploatare a zacamintelor - n.r.) de circa 500 mil. euro, de peste cinci ori mai mare decat in prezent. - DailyBusiness by Word_Wise
            • Pentru a elimina orice speculaţii, trebuie să fac o precizare: în anul 2002, prin schimbarea Legii Petrolului 134/1995 prin OUG nr. 47/2002, guvernul PSD, în care Iulian Iancu era secretar de stat la Ministerul Industriilor, a eliminat posibilitatea împărţirii producţiei si a înlocuit-o cu plata unei redevenţe cuprinse între 3,5 – 13% din valoarea producţiei pentru exploatările de gaze şi, respectiv, 3,5- 13,5% pentru exploatările de ţiţei (a se vedea în răspunsuri şi legislaţia). - Politica by Word_Wise
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    • Hindi
      • Law: Taxation & Customs
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            • निष्कर्षण कर, उच्छेदन कर
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          • Definition(s)
            • निष्कर्षण कर या उच्छेदन कर किसी राज्य द्वारा तेल, कोयला, या गैस जैसे उन प्राकृतिक संसाधनों के निष्कर्षण पर लगाया जाता है जिनका उपयोग अन्य राज्यों में किया जाएगा। निष्कर्षण कर किसी परियोजना की आर्थिक स्थिति को गंभीर रूप से प्रभावित कर सकते हैं। विच्छेदन कर भूमि, पेड़ों से प्राप्त लकड़ी, और टिंबर आदि पर लगाया जाता है। Since I could not find any example Hindi sentences on the internet, I have given my own sentences based on the Hindi terms for severance tax given in the Comprehensive Glossary of Technical Terms (Humanities & Social Sciences) published by the Govt. of India. Own research - by C.M. Rawal
          • Example sentence(s)
            • खनिज, ऊर्जा, और वानिकी उत्पादों पर लगाए जानेवाले उच्छेदन कर। (Severance taxes on the extraction of mineral, energy, and forestry products.) - wikipedia by C.M. Rawal
            • निष्कर्षण कर किसी परियोजना के आर्थिक पहलू को गंभीर रूप से प्रभावित कर सकते हैं। (Severance taxes can also seriously affect the economics of a project) - google by C.M. Rawal
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