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    • Dutch
      • Paper / Paper Manufacturing
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            • zwart residuloog
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            • Zwart residuloog ontstaat wanneer papier wordt geproduceerd uit pulp. Als grondstof voor de pulp worden onder meer houtvezels gebruikt. Die kunnen op twee manieren worden verkregen: door het hout te malen (mechanisch proces) of door het te koken van ontschorst houthaksel (chemisch proces). Houtvezels bevatten evenwel lignine, de stof die papiervergeling veroorzaakt. Om de lignine uit de vezels te verwijderen, worden ze gekookt. Het resultaat daarvan, een bruinachtig deeg, wordt gewassen. Uit de kookvloeistof worden de chemicaliën gerecupereerd. Wat dan overblijft is zwarte residuloog. Die wordt gecondenseerd tot ca. 60% vaste stof, om als brandstof te worden gebruikt. IATE - by Max Nuijens
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            • "DME is bijzonder interessant omdat het zeer weinig gevolgen voor het klimaat heeft, wanneer je naar de volledige levensloop kijkt, van bron tot wiel," aldus Lars Mårtensson. "Het heeft de hoogste energiezuinigheid in vergelijking met andere alternatieven uit dezelfde grondstoffen. Bovendien is DME vanuit het kostenoogpunt al concurrerend als het wordt gemaakt van biomassa door middel van vergassing of van zwarte residuloog, afkomstig uit de pulpbranche." - Volvo by Max Nuijens
            • black liquor EN: black liquor NL: zwart residuloog, zwarte afvallaag Definition EN: the waste liquor from a completed sulphate pulp cook or soda pulp cook Definition NL: ontstaat bij de vervaardiging van cellulose langs alkalische weg - Mijnwoordenboek by Max Nuijens
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    • English
      • Paper / Paper Manufacturing
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            • black liquor
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            • Black liquor is a byproduct of the kraft process, (also known as kraft pulping or sulfate process) during the production of paper pulp. Wood is decomposed into cellulose fibers (from which paper is made), hemicellulose and lignin fragments. Black liquor is an aqueous solution of lignin residues, hemicellulose, and the inorganic chemicals used in the process. Wikipedia - by Enrique Cavalitto
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            • Black liquor (BL), a by-product of the chemical pulping process, is an important liquid fuel in the pulp and paper industry. It contains almost all of the inorganic cooking chemicals along with the lignin and other organic matter separated from the wood during pulping in the digester. - LULEÅ UNIVERSITETSBIBLIOTEK by Enrique Cavalitto
            • Sometimes, people just need to make the best with what they have got to work with. This is what paper mills are trying to do by burning the "black liquor" waste which is a leftover remnant of chemicals and the lignin. As part of the Kraft process, the leftovers are burned to create steam which turns large generators, which in turn provide electricity for the plant. - AutoblogGreen by Enrique Cavalitto
            • The black liquor waste stream is converted from the paper pulping process into synthesis gas. The synthesis gas can then be processed into a variety of fuels—likely dimethyl ether (DME) and methanol (MeOH), although fuels such as Fischer-Tropsch diesel (FTD), Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG), or hydrogen are also possible. - Conventus Communication AB by Enrique Cavalitto
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    • Spanish
      • Paper / Paper Manufacturing
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            • licor negro
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            • el Licor Negro es un residuo generado en el proceso de cocción química de las astillas para la obtención de pulpa química, kraft o pasta woodfree. Básicamente está compuesto por Licor Blanco (solución acuosa con sulfuro de sodio -Na2S- e hidróxido de sodio -NaOH-)y la lignina y hemicelulosas que se separan de la celulosa por la cocción y reacción química. Own research - by Gabi Ancarol (X)
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Licor Negro: residuo generado en el proceso de cocción química de las astillas para la obtención de pulpa química, kraft o pasta woodfree. - celulosa y papel by Gabi Ancarol (X)
            • El licor verde proviene, básicamente, de la ceniza originada por la combustión del licor negro; sus principales compuestos químicos son sulfito de sodio (Na2 S) y carbonato de sodio (Na2 CO3) mezclado con agua, el cual, luego de caustificarse y agregársele componentes químicos (principalmente cal viva –CaO) se regenera como licor blanco. Éste se filtra, se almacena en estanques especiales y posteriormente será utilizado en la fase de Cocción. Del proceso de filtrado del licor blanco se retiran los compuestos no disueltos, formándose los lodos (CaCO3), a los cuales se les extrae la humedad para luego ser quemados en hornos de cal junto con la caliza, transformándolos, así, en cal viva, la que servirá posteriormente para la conversión del licor verde a licor blanco. - papelnet by Gabi Ancarol (X)
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    • Bulgarian
      • Paper / Paper Manufacturing
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            • черна луга
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            • Регенериране на химикалите от сулфатцелулозното производство: 1. Основни задачи на регенерирането, етапи. Изпаряване и доизпаряване на черната луга. Състав и свойства на черната луга. Подготовка на черната луга за изпаряване. Системи за изпаряване на черната луга. Устройство и работа на вакуумизпарителна батерия. Съоръжения за доизпаряване на черната луга. Технологични параметри в изпаряването. Блок – схема на изпаряването на черната луга. 2. Изгаряне на черната луга – цел, химични процеси. Съоръжения за изгаряне на черната луга – содорегенерационен апарат (СРА) пръскващ тип. - Изпитна програма, МОН by Ivanka Dimitrova
            • Черната луга е разтвор на съдържащите се в дървесината органични вещества - лигнин и хемицелулози. Получава се в процеса на изваряване на дървесината в Завода за целулоза - Търговия с емисии, гор by Ivanka Dimitrova
            • Национална стратегическа референтна рамка: Липса на изградена инфраструктура за производство на енергия от ВЕИ – основно ВЕЦ, под 1% от вятърни генератори /4,6 GWh/, около 22% /116 GWh/ електро-енергия от биомаса – основно от черна луга в заводи за целулоза и хартия, до 2010 – 11% от ел. енергия трябва да бъде от ВЕИ в брутното вътрешно потребление, което значи до 4,61 ТWh - Даниела Накова, общин� by Ivanka Dimitrova
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