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    • English
      • Poetry & Literature
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          • Term
            • stanza
          • Definition(s)
            • Two or more lines of poetry that together form one of the divisions of a poem. The stanzas of a poem are usually of the same length and follow the same pattern of meter and rhyme. Infoplease
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Stanzas provide structure and format within a poem. In many ways they are the equivalent of a paragraph in a prose work. The use of stanzas can make a poem more visually appealing, and give the poem a means of division. Even poems without rhyme or meter will gain structure from the use of stanzas. - PoeWar
            • A sestina is usually an unrhymed poem consisting of six stanzas made up of six lines each. The sestina employs word repetition rather than rhyme. The last word of each line in the first stanza is repeated in a different order in the following five stanzas. - Poets’ Graves
            • The type of stanza in a poem may be determined by counting the number of lines in the stanza. In English, for example, the most common type of stanza is the quatrain, or four line stanza. - everything2
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    • Romanian
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            • strofă
          • Definition(s)
            • "STRÓFĂ, strofe, s.f. Ansamblu unitar dintr-o poezie format din mai multe versuri legate înre ele prin elemente prozodice (măsură, ritm, rimă)." DEX'98 "Fiecare dintre diviziunile unei poezii, din mai multe versuri." MDN Dexonline - by Cristina Butas
          • Example sentence(s)
            • "Strofă- apare in versificaţia modernă şi numeşte o grupare de versuri delimitate grafic printr-un spaţiu alb. Numărul versurilor dintr-o strofă diferă, începând cu strofe formate dintr-un singur vers şi ajungând pâna la o strofă cu 12 versuri. Dupa numărul de versuri din care sunt alcătuite strofele, pot fi : monovers (un vers), distih (două versuri), teţtet (trei versuri), catren (patru versuri), cvinarie (cinci versuri), sextina (şase versuri), septet (şapte versuri), octava (opt versuri), nona (noua versuri), decima (zece versuri). Stanta este tot o strofă în care versurile sunt legate prin înţeles şi printr-o anumită rimă. Specifică Renaşterii italiene, o stanţă poate avea un numar de versuri variind între trei şi douăzeci." - by Cristina Butas
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    • Hungarian
      • Poetry & Literature
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            • stanza, versszak
          • Definition(s)
            • A stanza: Olasz eredetű nyolc soros strófa. Hatodfeles (és ötös) jambusi sorokból áll, rímes. Hagyományos rímképletében három azonos keresztrím és egy önálló párrím található, betűvel: abababcc. Változhat azonban a szótagszám és a rímképlet is. Szuromi Lajos: Verstan az iskolában - by Katalin Horváth McClure
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Stanzának tekintünk minden nyolcsoros, időmértékes metrumot alkalmazó strófát (s az ezekből álló verset), rímes-rímtelen alakzatban egyaránt (rímtelen mindössze kettő lelhető: Az Arcas, Emléksorok Klobusiczky Matildhoz - 8., 138.). - Szuromi Lajos: KÖLCSEY VERSELÉSE by Katalin Horváth McClure
            • A két szótag mélységben való tájékozódás bebizonyítja, hogy csupán a laza asszonánc alapján szabályos a stanza-rímelés, a tiszta rím-asszonánc vizsgálata alapján felismerjük a változatos rímelést, amely minden strófának sajátos rímrendet kölcsönöz. - VERSTANI ALAPISMERETEK 4.: A rím by Katalin Horváth McClure
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    • Albanian
      • Poetry & Literature
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          • Term
            • strofë
          • Definition(s)
            • Tufë prej disa vargjesh të lidhura nga ana kuptimore dhe shpesh me rrimë ndërmjet tyre nga të cilat përbehet një vjershë ose një poemë. Own research - by Klementina Shahini
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Me dhjetra e qindra vjersha kam lexuar, e me mijera rima te lidhura bukur. Dot, ama, s'shijova poemen e pashkruar nder skuta memorjesh e ndergjegjjesh strukur. Strofat kesaj vepre ia thurin miliona, shume syresh s'jane me, shume te tjere s'kane lindur. Kush me peshperima e kush me jehona, skalisin e gdhendin vargjet e pabindur. - albaniasite by Klementina Shahini
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