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    • English
      • Genetics
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          • Term
            • deme
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          • Definition(s)
            • A locally interbreeding population. Hypermedia Glossary Of Genetic Terms
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Basically, the virtual world where migrations take place is constituted by a matrix of demes. Each deme has its own environmental characteristics according to the input files. - Splatche
            • Key components of this simulation model include: (i) a three layer intra-deme population structure: hunter-gatherers, non-dairying farmers and dairying farmers. (ii) Population genetic simulation of a LP allele under selection, and an undrifted allele signifying general genetic background. (iii) Intra and inter-deme gene flow and sporadic longer distance migration (following a Gaussian random walk process). - UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON
            • The application of the island model is limited because it does not in fact contain explicit geography: migrants are equally likely to have come from any deme in the population. - Oxford Journals
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    • Japanese
      • Genetics
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            • デーム 
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          • Definition(s)
            • 一般的には相互に交配する集団(地域繁殖集団)が群れと見なされる。これをデームと呼ぶ事もある。しかし実際には交配可能な集団の内部に、より小さな集団が存在することもある。このばあい、古典的な群選択はデーム間群選択と呼ばれる。これは上述したように限られた状態でしか起こらないと考えられている。デーム内の小集団の間で起きるデーム内群選択は血縁選択と同じものだと考えられている[7]。 Wikipedia 郡選択 - by stock
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 同所的種分化 (Sympatric speciation)は、地理的な隔離がなく、一つのデーム(交配している集団)において個体の分散・移動の範囲のなかで生殖隔離をしたあらたな集団が生じることである。 - 日本進化学会ニュース (c) 日� by stock
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    • Albanian
      • Genetics
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            • nënpopullatë (popullatë vendase)
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            • Nënpopullata është popullata (bashkësia) vendase e të gjithë organizmave të të njëjtit lloj (specieje) e cila fiton (me kalimin e kohës) dhe bëhet mbartëse e disa veçorive (që e dallojnë atë nga nënpopullata të tjera), si pasojë e kryerjes së vazhdueshme të shumimit/riprodhimit nëpërmjet marrëdhënieve të individëve përbërës të saj vetëm mes tyre. Own research - by Albana Dhimitri
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Duke u bazuar nga raporti i publikuar nga një grup specialistësh të IUCN (World Conservation Union) për arinjtë polar dy nga *nënpopullatat* më të mira në botë si ajo në Kanada dhe në pjesën jugore të detit Beaufort kanë pasur një rënie prej 22 % dhe 17% respektivisht gjatë dy dekad... - by Albana Dhimitri
            • 250 individe te maturuar, Te gjithe individet riprodhues takohen ne nje *nenpopullate* - by Albana Dhimitri
            • Biologji *Nënpopullata*, popullsia lokale - / by Albana Dhimitri
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  • Compare this term in: Serbian, Croatian, Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, German, Dutch, Greek, Spanish, Persian (Farsi), Finnish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Macedonian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Turkish, Ukrainian

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