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    • English
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            • soil solarization
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            • The process of covering soil with plastic to trap heat underneath and kill off weeds.
          • Example sentence(s)
            • The first step in soil solarization is to till the area to be treated. It is necessary to break up soil clods and plant debris in order to enhance heat conduction through the soil. - University of Arizona by
            • In addition, solarization stimulates the release of nutrients from organic matter present in the soil. It is especially effective for treating garden soils, where the intent is to plant vegetables, herbs, and flowers. - by
            • Solar energy can be used to kill weeds, weed seeds, and pathogens in garden and restoration sites. Solarization is often as effective as herbicides, fumigants, and other hazardous and expensive pest control methods - by
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    • Hindi
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            • मृदा सौरीकरण
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            • मृदा सौरीकरण Own research - by Lalit Sati
          • Example sentence(s)
            • देश के उन क्षेत्रो में जहां मई-जून में बहुत तेज गर्मी पड़ती है इस ऊंचे तापक्रम का लाभ उठाते हुए किसान मृदा सौरीकरण की तकनीक अपना सकते हैं। इस विधि में सूर्य के तापक्रम के प्रयोग से कीटों के अण्डारोगाणुओं और खरपतवारों के बीजों को नष्ट किया जाता है। यह विधि काफी सस्ती और प्रभावी है। - by Lalit Sati
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    • Italian
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            • solarizzazione del terreno
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            • La solarizzazione consiste nel sottoporre il terreno, opportunamente lavorato, bagnato e pacciamato con film plastico trasparente, all'azione benefica della radiazione solare per un cospicuo numero di giorni nella stagione calda. L'innalzamento termico nel terreno dovuto all''effetto serra' è responsabile di una serie di fenomeni positivi per le coltivazioni successive. Agronotizie - by Simona Corsellini
          • Example sentence(s)
            • La solarizzazione sfrutta il calore dell'irraggiamento solare su terreno coperto da film plastico per la sua disinfezione. - Consiglio per la ricerca by Simona Corsellini
            • La scelta del film plastico per la solarizzazione del terreno si basa su: - massima penetrabilità alle radiazioni (UV – VIS e IR corto) - opacità all'IR lontano (λ > 4 micron) - Università di Milano by Simona Corsellini
            • Tra i numerosi mezzi di disinfestazione dei terreni solo pochissimi hanno trovato spazio per un largo impiego. Tra questi quelli applicati da oltre un secolo sono il vapor d’acqua ed i fumiganti; più recente è stata l’introduzione della solarizzazione del terreno ed a seguire della biofumigazione. - Agricoltura 24 by Simona Corsellini
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    • Hebrew
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            • חיטוי סולרי
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            • שיטה חלופית לחיטוי הכימי היא החיטוי הסולרי- (שימשי, תרמי). השיטה מבוססת על ניצול קרינת השמש לחימום הקרקע המעובדת ומוכנה לזריעה וכך לקטול אורגניזמים גורמי מחלות הפוגעים בשורשי הצמחים. שיטה זו פותחה לראשונה בישראל ב- 1976 . השיטה נמצאת בשימוש מעשי בישראל, בארה'ב, ביפן, בעירק ובארצות נוספות. המרכז להוראת מדעים - ה� - by Tzviya Levin Rifkind
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    • Turkish
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            • toprak solarizasyonu
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            • Güneş enerjisi, toprakta istenmeyen bitki ve diğer canlıların ortadan kaldırılmasında kulanılabilir. Bunu yapmak için, toprak bir saydam plastik örtü ile örtülür. Örtünün altında güneş ışınları sayesinde oluşan yüksek ısı, topraktaki istenmeyen canlıları öldürür. Böylelikle kimyasal bir madde kullanmadan istenen etki elde edilmiş olur. Own research - by Engin Gunduz
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Toprak solarizasyonu ile kontrol altına alınabilen hastalıklardan bazıları: domates, patates, patlıcan, pamuk ve çilekte Verticillium solgunluğu; domates, kavun, soğan ve pamukta Fusarium solgunluğudur. - Bitki hastanesi by Engin Gunduz
            • Solarizasyon toprağın güneş enerjisi ile ısıtılmasıdır. Uygulama yaz mevsimi sıcak geçen bölgelerde, sıcaklığın yüksek ve güneş ışığının şiddetli olduğu aylarda ve uygulama yapılacak alanın ekili olmadığı durumlarda, nemli toprağın mümkün olduğu kadar ince şeffaf polietilen örtü ile kapatılması işlemidir. - Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı talim by Engin Gunduz
            • Bu durumda, toprak solarizasyonunun etkinliğini arttırmak için uygulamanın bir aydan daha uzun süre ile güneş ışınım şiddeti ve sıcaklık değerlerinin yüksek olduğu yaz aylarında yapılmasının daha uygun olacağı önerilebilecektir. - Ege Ü. Ziraat Fak. Dergisi by Engin Gunduz
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    • Thai
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            • การอบดินด้วยแสงอาทิตย์โดยการคลุมหน้าดินด้วยพลาสติก
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          • Definition(s)
            • Soil solarization เป็นการคุลุมหน้าดินด้วยพลาสติกเพื่อกำจัดเซื้อโรค วัชพืชในดิน Own research - by Jamrat Tongluang
          • Example sentence(s)
            • การใช้เทคนิค soil solarization ฆ่าวัชพืชก่อนเริ่มการเพาะปลูก รวมถึงการใช้แผ่นพลาสติกยาวสีดำคลุมแปลงเพาะปลูกพืชไว้ท่ามกลางแดดจัด พลาสติกจะดูดความร้อนและทำให้อุณหภูมิของดินสูงถึง 120 องศา ความร้อนสูงจะฆ่าวัชพืชที่กำลังเติบโตรวมทั้งเมล็ดพืชที่จะเปลี่ยนสภาพเป็นวัช - nutrilite by Jamrat Tongluang
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    • Japanese
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            • 太陽熱消毒法
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            • 太陽熱消毒法(soil solarization)は太陽を利用することで環境に負荷をかけることなく土壌中の害虫等を駆除する方法である。普通、透明なポリエチレンで覆われた農地で行われることをいう。 臭化メチル(2005年撤廃)の代替消毒技術として注目されている。 Wikipedia - by Yasutomo Kanazawa
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 太陽熱利用による土壌消毒法は、農薬を使わないため、安全で環境への負荷が小さく、果菜類等の施設栽培において普及している。水田転換畑や雨よけ施設におけるハクサイ、キャベツ、ホウレンソウ等でも、処理時期・期間・方法を的確に行えば有効であるので、その概要を紹介する。 - フィルムマルチ被覆による葉� by Yasutomo Kanazawa
            • (58)施設栽培における黒マルチと透明トンネルを利用した太陽熱消毒法(関西部会講演要旨,平成19年度地域部会講演要旨) [in Japanese] (58)Soil Solarization with Black Mulch and Clear Plastic Tunnel in Greenhouse(Abstracts Presented at the Meeting of the Kansai Division,Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Division Meetings of the Phytopathological Society of Japan, 2007) [in Japanese] - (58)施設栽培における黒マルチ by Yasutomo Kanazawa
            • (4)太陽熱消毒法による土壌病害虫の防除 太陽熱消毒法とは 夏季に土壌表面を問う汚名なポリエチレンフィルムで被覆し、太陽熱で深さ10-20cm程度の作土層を40℃以上に上げたうえで、30日間処理することで、土壌病原菌を死滅させる方法である。 - 太陽熱消毒法による土壌病害� by Yasutomo Kanazawa
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