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    • English
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          • Term
            • swing voter
          • Definition(s)
            • A voter who is not extremely loyal to a particular party and may cross party lines to select a candidate. The Washington Post
          • Example sentence(s)
            • While the swing voter is ostensibly the target of most political activity during elections, in countries without compulsory voting the political parties know that the shift from one party to another is dependent only to a limited extent on swing voters. - Wikipedia
            • In a country where many voters identify with a particular political party, "swing voters" -- those who do not have a strong party affiliation -- often take center stage in an election year - Online News Hour
            • The only time our vote really matters is when it breaks a tie or creates a tie – when our vote becomes the swing vote -
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    • Romanian
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            • alegător indecis
          • Definition(s)
            • „Alegătorul indecis: de el vor depinde în ultimă instanţă rezultatele acestui scrutin." Literatură şi Artă - by Andrei Albu
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Dacă nu vedem un nor-ciupercă pe undeva, singurul factor care ar putea schimba jocul este un act terorist pe teritoriul american. Nu este nicio regulă care spune că acest lucru ar aduce alegătorii indecişi în tabăra lui McCain, dar, deoarece suntem o ţară de amnezici şi nu am mai fost de mai mulţi ani într-o situaţie de maximă ameninţare, nu se ştie ce efect ar avea. Având în vedere nebunia acestei campanii, singurul lucru pe care îl putem prevedea este neprevăzutul. - Los Angeles Times (publicat în Adevăru by Andrei Albu
            • Mai mulţi alegători americani se declară încă indecişi… Poate că unii au probleme cu candidatul Obama sau cu candidatul McCain. Aceste alegeri vor fi foarte interesante, am putea vedea diferenţe dintre felul în care oamenii spun că vor vota şi felul în care chiar o vor face, s-a mai întâmplat. Alegerile de anul acesta vor schimba politica americană, indiferent de rezultat. - Ziarul Cotidianul by Andrei Albu
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    • Chinese
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            • 游离票
          • Definition(s)
            • 游离票 (swing voter),又称中间选民,指的是在一次选举未有在事前决定投票意向的人士。这些人比较依靠选举前夕的宣传、议题和事件决定立场,而非某候选人或政党的坚定支持者。 wikipedia - by carol so
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 一旦這種情況發生,柔佛這個全國第二大的票倉便沒有挑戰派的副總會長人選,游離票恐怕因此被當權派吸走。 - 星州互动 by carol so
            • 華盛頓郵報分析說,目前政治風向仍有利於民主黨,但是帶著團結與自信走出全國代表大會的共和黨說,爭取仍對兩黨充滿疑慮的游離選民,大家還有得拚。 - 自由時報電子報 by carol so
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    • Latvian
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            • Svārstīgs vēlētājs
          • Definition(s)
            • Svārstīgs/svārstīgais vēlētājs ir tāds, kam nav konkrēta pastāvīga politiskā viedokļa vai pozīcijas. Vienkāršā tautas valodā šos vēlētājus varētu saukt arī par "staigātājiem". Pieņemu, ka tieši uz šo vēlētāju tiek vērstas pirmsvēlēšanu kampaņas. Latvijas masu mediji - by DaceM (X)
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Partijām nav sava elektorāta, tāpēc politiskā Fortūna tām jābaro atbilstoši svārstīgo vēlētāju noskaņojumam. - NRA by DaceM (X)
            • Acīmredzami izvirzīšanā dominēja tikai iekšpartijiski apsvērumi, ignorējot svārstīgo vēlētāju iespējamo reakciju. - Latvijas Azīze by DaceM (X)
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