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    • English
      • Law: Contract(s)
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            • comfort letter
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            • Document issued to back up an agreement but which does not have any contractual standing. They are often issued by a parent or associate company stating that the group will back up the position of a small company to improve its trading position. They always state that they are not intended to be legally binding. Also known as letters of comfort.
          • Example sentence(s)
            • You should never give that comfort letter to a seller until after you sign the contract. Why not? If, for example, you are negotiating the sales price, and the seller learns from the comfort letter that you can qualify for a higher purchase price than you are offering, the seller may not be so inclined to negotiate the sales price down. - Realty Times by
            • The appellants duly provided the comfort letter from their bank in the time specified and on 25 March the respondents confirmed that, subject to contract, they agreed to the sale of the property and the shares in the company to the appellants for £2m. - Academic Answers by
            • The presentation of a Full Corporate Offer (FCO) is always contingent to the presentation of the Buyer’s Letter of Intent (LOI) containing full banking coordinates and explicit authorization for soft probe. In addition the Buyer must present the Bank Comfort Letter (BCL). - Four Seasons Asia Pacific Ltd. by
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    • German
      • Law: Contract(s)
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            • Patronatserklärung
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            • Die Patronatserklärung ist der Sammelbegriff für in Inhalt und Umfang nicht normierte schuldrechtliche Erklärungen im Gesellschaftsrecht, wonach ein Unternehmen oder eine kommunale Gebietskörperschaft ("Patron") dafür sorgen will, dass eine kreditnehmende Tochtergesellschaft ihre Kreditverpflichtungen erfüllt. Wikipedia - by Katja Schoone
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Mit Patronatserklärung wird im Gesellschaftsrecht die Erklärung einer Muttergesellschaft gegenüber einem Dritten bezeichnet, mit der sie erklärt, dafür sorgen zu wollen, dass die Tochter ihre Verbindlichkeiten erfüllt. Patronatserklärungen sind auch zwischen öffentlich-rechtlichen Gebietskörperschaften und ihren Tochtergesellschaften üblich. Da Patronatserklärungen nicht gesetzlich geregelt und selten Gegenstand von Gerichtsentscheidungen sind, werden Voraussetzungen, Inhalt und Reichweite von der Literatur festgelegt (siehe dazu Ebenroth/Boujong/Joost-Allstadt-Schmitz, Handelsgesetzbuch, Rn. IV 628628-IV 632632). - lexeakt by Katja Schoone
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    • Romanian
      • Law: Contract(s)
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            • scrisoare de confort
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            • * reprezinta o confirmare a capacitatii de plata a acestuia, respectiv certificarea existentei si disponibilitatii fondurilor necesare perfectarii tranzactiei comerciale sau financiare * beneficiarul scrisorii de confort este partenerul comercial sau finantatorul intern/extern al clientului bancii * scrisoarea poate fi emisa in baza resurselor proprii ale clientului, a unor credite aflate in curs de derulare sau a unor finantari viitoare * angajeaza raspunderea ferma a bancii privind respectarea conditiilor prevazute in scrisoarea de confort * Moneda: lei si/sau valuta * Perioada de valabilitate:pana la incheierea unui contract sau cel mult 1 an de la data emiterii * Destinatie: orice destinatie legala * Conditie: la baza solicitarii trebuie sa existe intentia incheierii unui contract comercial pentru cumpararea unui/unor bunuri/servicii de la un/unii furnizori din tara si/sau strainatate si/sau incheierea altor tipuri de tranzactii. * Scrisoarea de confort isi inceteaza valabilitatea odata cu incheierea contractului comercial/tranzactie pentru care a fost solicitata. - by Georgiana Vasilescu (X)
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 4.2 Agenţia Naţională de Consultanţă Agricolă: - elaborează “Manualul solicitantului pentru microproiecte de până la 10 000 EURO” împreuna cu părţile semnatare ale Protocolului; - instruieşte consultanţii din reţeaua teritorială pentru a aplica unitar prevederile prezentului protocol şi ale “Manualului solicitantului pentru microproiecte de până la 10 000 EURO”, împreună cu specialiştii desemnaţi de părţile semnatare; - identifică potenţialii beneficiari ai prezentului Protocol; - asigură gratuit solicitanţilor din mediul rural, prin specialiştii în consultanţă agricolă ai reţelei teritoriale, potenţiali beneficiari ai acestui Protocol următoarele servicii: a) evaluează situaţia potenţialilor solicitanţi şi definesc împreună cu aceştia obiectivul de investiţii propus a se finanţa în condiţiile prezentului protocol; b) acordă consultanţă solicitanţilor în vederea completării cererii de finanţare a Programului SAPARD, conform procedurilor acreditate; c) acordă consultanţă solicitanţilor în vederea obţinerii scrisorii de confort de şi a microcreditului CEC, conform prezentului Protocol. - by Georgiana Vasilescu (X)
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    • Arabic
      • Law: Contract(s)
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            • خطاب تأييد، خطاب طمأنة
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            • 1) خطاب تأييد يكتبه مدقق الحسابات auditor بناء على طلب متعهد الأوراق المالية securities underwriter لطمأنة المتعهد بأن البيانات المالية للمنشأة المصدرة للأوراق المالية لا تحتوي على أي معلومات مغلوطة أو مضللة، وأنه قد تم إعداد بيان التسجيل ودعوة الاكتتاب prospectus بشكل صحيح وأنه لم تطرأ عليها أية تغييرات جوهرية منذ تاريخ إعدادها. 2) خطاب طمأنة يكتبه أحد طرفي عقد إلى الطرف الآخر يطمئنه فيه بأنه سوف يقوم أو لن يقوم باتخاذ إجراء أو إجراءات معينة أو ممارسة حق أو حقوق معينة منصوص عليها في العقد. قاموس شيبان لعلوم الإ� - by Yasser Abdelbasseer
          • Example sentence(s)
            • وأكد الزيد أن ما يحتاجه المقاول السعودي كي يواجه المصاعب والمتطلبات التي تعوقه هو أن تتبنى الجهات المعنية في قطاع المقاولين خطابات التأييد في منح العمالة من الجهات صاحبة المشاريع كما وردت مع تحملها مسؤولية ذلك - الرياض الاقتصادي by Yasser Abdelbasseer
            • وعندما شعر البوشى بتراجع استثمارات الشركة أرسل خطابات «طمأنة» باللغة الإنجليزية للمودعين يوضح فيها أسلوب العمل فى شركة «أوبتيما» ونسبة الفائدة التى يحصل عليها المودع بالأرقام والحسابات. - اليوم السابع by Yasser Abdelbasseer
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