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    • Serbian
      • Metallurgy / Casting
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            • visoka peć
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            • Visoka peć je agregat koji se koristi u metalurgiji za proizvodnju sirovog gvožđa, koje se pak daljom preradom u konvertorskoj čeličani rafiniše u čelik. Wikipedia - by Bojanstven
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Američki proizvođač čelika „Ju es stil Srbija“ narednog meseca zaustaviće proizvodnju na jednoj od dve visoke peći u Smederevu. - by Bojanstven
            • U zeničkoj železari Arcelor Mittal zagašena je visoka peć koja je trebalo da ima uspon proizvodnje i vraćanje na integralnu proizvodnju od dva miliona tona, posle 15 godina stajanja. - by Bojanstven
            • Železara U. S. Steel Serbia u Smederevu proizvodi gvožđe u dvema visokim pećima; zatim gvožđe iz visokih peći konvertuje u sirovi čelik u čeličani sa tri konvertora i kompleksom za kontinualno livenje. - U.S. Steel Serbia by Bojanstven
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    • English
      • Metallurgy / Casting
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            • blast furnace
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            • A tall cylindrical refractory lined furnace for the production of pig iron or hot metal for direct conversion into steel. Steelstrip Metallurgical Terms
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            • The coke descends to the bottom of the furnace to the level where the preheated air or hot blast enters the blast furnace. - HOW A BLAST FURNACE WORKS
            • Impurities in the iron from the Blast Furnace include carbon, sulphur, phosphorus and silicon. These have to be removed. - IRON AND STEEL
            • The production of iron in a Blast Furnace is a continuous process. The furnace is heated constantly and is re-charged with raw materials from the top while it is being tapped from the bottom. - Corus - The chemistry of steelmaking
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    • Spanish
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            • Alto Horno
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            • La metalurgia de los metales ferrosos o siderurgia se realiza en los llamados Altos Hornos, consistentes en grandes estructuras metálicas de acero revestidas interiormente con ladrillos refractarios muy resistentes al calor, los cuales son cargados con los siguientes elementos: Mineral de hierro, Combustible (carbón mineral, carbón vegetal, coque, etc.) y Fundente, que tiene la función de combinarse con la ganga del mineral de hierro para eliminar las impurezas. Own research - by mliendo
          • Example sentence(s)
            • El alto horno es la instalación industrial dónde se transforma o trabaja el mineral de hierro. Un alto horno típico está formado por una cápsula cilíndrica de acero de unos 30 m de alto forrada con un material no metálico y resistente al calor, como asbesto o ladrillos refractarios - Wikipedia en español by mliendo
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    • Portuguese
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            • Alto forno
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            • Tenho dicionário metalúrgico e trabalho em uma metalúrgica dando aula de inglês...tenho 100% de certeza. Lido com isso diariamente. Se quiser, posso passar pra vc o dicionário via internet. Associação Metalúrgica Brasileira - by Lilian Magalhães
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Alto-forno é como se chama a construção, na siderurgia, de tamanho variável, externamente revestido por metal e internamente com material refratário, onde é fundido o minério de ferro, a fim de transformá-lo em ferro-gusa.A blast furnace is a type of metallurgical furnace used for smelting to produce metals, generally iron. - Wikipedia by Lilian Magalhães
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    • Dutch
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            • hoogoven
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            • Een hoogoven is een installatie waarin ijzererts en koolstof worden gemengd en zo sterk verhit dat via een aantal chemische reacties vloeibaar ijzer ontstaat waarin een zeker percentage koolstof is opgelost, dat vervolgens kan worden afgetapt. De koolstof dient tegelijkertijd als brandstof voor de verhitting en als reductiemiddel van het ijzererts. Wikipedia - by leo van bragt
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Op 27 februari werd officieel het vuur onder hoogoven 6 van Seraing opnieuw aangestoken. De eerste gieting wordt verwacht voor maandag 3 maart, als alles goed gaat. Theoretisch zou de hoogoven minstens tien jaar in productie blijven. - by leo van bragt
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    • Bulgarian
      • Metallurgy / Casting
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            • доменна пещ
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            • Доменната пещ представлява огромна, около тридесет метра висока колона, която се раз- ширява в долния край. Тази пещ се запълва със смес от желязна руда, въглерод (във вид на кокс) и варовик. Горенето на кокса се поддържа чрез вдух- ване на горещ въздух, който постъпва в пещта през страничен отвор. Списание "Космос" - by Daniela Koleva
          • Example sentence(s)
            • "Ю Ес стийл", която купи сръбския стоманодобивен завод "Сартид" преди две години, пусна отново в експлоатация доменната пещ в Смедерево, на около 45 км южно от Белград. - Southeast European Times by Daniela Koleva
            • Първи етап на производство - в доменна пещ се подават рудата и въглеводороди, за да се получи чугун. - Екопак by Daniela Koleva
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