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    • French
      • Astronomy & Space
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            • effet de serre
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          • Definition(s)
            • EFFET DE SERRE Phénomène naturel conduisant au réchauffement de l'atmosphère et de la surface d'une planète exposée au rayons solaires. L'effet de serre est un phénomène naturel reposant sur le fait que l'atmosphère terrestre se conduit un peu comme la vitre d'une serre : elle laisse pénétrer la chaleur du soleil et l'emprisonne. Ce sont les gaz à effet de serre présents dans l'atmosphère qui piègent les rayons infrarouges émis par la Terre. Plus ils sont abondants, plus l'atmosphère et le sol se réchauffent. - by FX Fraipont (X)
          • Example sentence(s)
            • "" Les gaz à effet de serre sont mesurés en équivalent carbone. Par définition, 1 kg de CO2 vaut 0,2727 kg d'équivalent carbone, c'est à dire le poids du ... - by FX Fraipont (X)
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    • Portuguese
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            • efeito estufa
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            • O efeito estufa (português brasileiro) ou efeito de estufa (português europeu)é um processo que ocorre quando uma parte da radiação solar refletida pela superfície terrestre é absorvida por determinados gases presentes na atmosfera. Como consequência disso, o calor fica retido, não sendo libertado para o espaço. O efeito estufa dentro de uma determinada faixa é de vital importância pois, sem ele, a vida como a conhecemos não poderia existir. Serve para manter o planeta aquecido, e assim, garantir a manutenção da vida. Wikipedia - by Ana Falasca Bernardes
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Do total de raios solares que atingem o planeta quase 50% ficam retidos na atmosfera, o restante que alcança a superfície terrestre aquece e irradia calor, esse processo é chamado de efeito estufa. - Brasil Escola by Ana Falasca Bernardes
            • Segundo o IPCC, a aceleração do processo de aquecimento global observada durante os últimos 50 anos se deve muito provavelmente a um aumento dos gases do efeito estufa. - Mundo Quente by Ana Falasca Bernardes
            • Os clorofluorcarbonos (CFCs) produzidos pela indústria química, são poderosos gases com efeito estufa. Eles também reagem com o ozônio troposférico, destruindo, dessa forma, a camada de ozônio. - Ambiente Brasil by Ana Falasca Bernardes
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    • Polish
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            • efekt cieplarniany
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            • Efekt cieplarniany – zjawisko podwyższenia temperatury planety powodowane obecnością gazów cieplarnianych w atmosferze. Zmiany powodujące wzrost roli efektu cieplarnianego mogą być jedną z przyczyn globalnego ocieplenia. wikipedia - by Dariusz Mika
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Efekt cieplarniany - zwany szklarniany to zjawisko ocieplenia się klimatu Ziemi polegający na zatrzymywaniu się pewnej ilości ciepła emitowanego do atmosfery . Jest to spowodowane wzrostem zawartości gazów cieplarnianych gł. CO, freonów metanu i pod tlenku azotu. - by Dariusz Mika
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    • Indonesian
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            • efek rumah kaca
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            • Efek rumah kaca ialah proses pemanasan permukaan suatu benda langit (terutama planet atau satelit) yang disebabkan oleh komposisi dan keadaan atmosfernya. Wikipedia - by Wiyanto Suroso
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Akibatnya energi panas yang seharusnya lepas keangkasa (stratosfer) menjadi terpancar kembali ke permukaan bumi (troposfer) atau adanya energi panas tambahan kembali lagi ke bumi dalam kurun waktu yang cukup lama, sehingga lebih dari dari kondisi normal, inilah efek rumah kaca berlebihan karena komposisi lapisan gas rumah kaca di atmosfer terganggu, akibatnya memicu naiknya suhu rata-rata dipermukaan bumi maka terjadilah pemanasan global. - A.R. As-syakur by Wiyanto Suroso
            • Ketika udara Jakarta semakin panas, banyak orang, komentator, pengamat, atau yang disebut pakar mengatakan bahwa hal ini akibat dari pemanasan global yang mengakibatkan terjadinya efek rumah kaca. - Pertamina by Wiyanto Suroso
            • Akibatnya, suhu di dalam rumah kaca lebih tinggi daripada di luarnya. Inilah gambaran sederhana terjadinya efek rumah kaca (ERK). - The Environmentalist by Wiyanto Suroso
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    • English
      • Astronomy & Space
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            • greenhouse effect
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            • An increase in temperature caused when incoming solar radiation is passed but outgoing thermal radiation is blocked by the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide and water vapor are two of the major gases responsible for this effect.
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Without the greenhouse effect life on this planet would probably not exist as the average temperature of the Earth would be a chilly -18° Celsius, rather than the present 15° Celsius. -
            • The earth has a natural greenhouse effect due to trace amounts of H20 and CO2 that naturally occur. The enhanced greenhouse effect refers to the augmentation of these natural gases by human activities. - Greenhouse Effect
            • Atmospheric water vapour (H2O) also makes a large contribution to the natural greenhouse effect but it is thought that its presence is not directly affected by human activity. - Hong Kong Observatory
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