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    • English
      • Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc.
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            • interest group
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            • A collection of people who have organized to influence government action and legislation. Glossary for Sociology 100
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Representing virtually every major area of computing, ACM's Special Interest Groups offer a wealth of conferences, publications, and activities on the local-to-global scale, providing unlimited opportunities for sharing technical expertise and first-hand knowledge of the latest development trends. - Association for Computing Machinery
            • PPIG, the Psychology of Programming Interest Group, was established in 1987 in order to bring together people from diverse communities to explore common interests in the psychological aspects of programming and in the computational aspects of psychology. - Psychology of Programming Interest Group
            • Welcome to the website of the Mental Health Nursing Interest Group (MHNIG) of Ontario. As an interest group of The Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO) our purpose is to actively promote partnerships that work towards improving the mental health and well being of individuals, their families, and our communities. - Mental Health Nursing Interest Group
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    • Chinese
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            • 利益集团
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            • 或: 利益群体 Organizations seeking to advance a particular sectional interest or cause, while not seeking to form a government or part of a government. 致力于维护某个集团或群体利益的组织,该组织并不谋求组成政府或成为政府的一部分。 Political Dictionary - by Jason Ma
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 当前中国社会存在着很多不同的利益群体,这已经是一个不争的事实。但对于利益集团及其博弈的公开化,也一直存在争论。 - 南风窗 by Jason Ma
            • 中国人民银行副行长吴晓灵日前提出,现在必须承认不同利益阶层和利益集团的存在,政府的责任是要创造和疏通多种合法的表达渠道,了解不同利益群体的利益诉求,协调利益关系。 - 中国青年报 by Jason Ma
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    • Portuguese
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            • grupo de interesse
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            • Na sociedade aberta e pluralista, há variados grupos que existem para a defesa de um interesse: "a existência de um conjunto articulado de objectivos mais ou menos parcelares que motiva grupos mais ou menos vastos a uma acção que pretende actrualizar ou reforçar a concretização desses objectivos", conforme a definição de José Miguel Júdice, na enciclopédia "Polis". Porque um interesse não tem que ser necessariamente material, podendo também ser de índole moral. Daí que haja grupos de interesse que apenas lutam por ideias, ao lado dos grupos de interesse que têm como objectivo a conquista de vantagens materiais, a defesa de situações adquiridas, ou o aumento do bem estar ou dos privilégios da categoria representada. Isto é, pode haver interesses utilitários e interesses desinteressados. Own research - by Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
          • Example sentence(s)
            • diálogo e a cooperação entre os grupos de interesse económicos e sociais da Comunidade Europeia e da República Eslovaca podem dar uma contribuição valiosa para o desenvolvimento das suas relações. - Eur-lex by Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
            • A Comissão Europeia está consciente da necessidade de estabelecer um quadro que promova a transparência entre as instituições europeias e os grupos de interesse e contribua para melhorar a informação do público sobre os beneficiários dos fundos que a UE distribui ao abrigo das suas diferentes políticas. - Eur-lex by Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
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    • Bulgarian
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            • Група на/по интереси
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            • Група на интереси: група от обекти(индивиди, обществени групи или институции), които притежават способността за координирано въздействие върху окръжаващата среда(социалната)с цел реализация на своите интереси ( пример – съюза на работодателите) . OMDA Ltd - by stefanov_a
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Мария Пиргова, "Лидер": Политическият ни елит е група по интереси - by stefanov_a
            • Разпадът на дребни групи по интереси не е само в политиката. Той се пренася и в бизнеса, особено в тази му сенчеста част, която граничи с политиката - by stefanov_a
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    • Hebrew
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            • קבוצת בעלי עניין
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            • קבוצת אינטרס, או קבוצת בעלי עניין, היא ארגון של מספר אנשים, שיש בניהם מכנה משותף ועמדות משותפות, ומטרתם להשפיע על החלטות המתקבלות על ידי הרשויות. Wikipedia - by Smantha
          • Example sentence(s)
            • קליינטליזם קיים 'כאשר קבוצת בעלי-עניין מצליחה, מסיבות כלשהן, להפוך לביטוי הטבעי ולנציגה הטבעית של מגזר חברתי מסוים, בעיניה של רשות מנהלית מסוימת אשר בתורה, מרכיבה את המטרה הלאומית או את נקודת ההתייחסות לפעילותה של הרשות המינהלית. - Tapuz by Smantha
            • השליטה במערכת מוניציפלית מקנה לאוכלוסייה החרדית מעמד פוליטי חדש: בעבר התקיימה הפעילות הפוליטית של החרדים במסגרת קבוצת בעלי עניין. - מחקרי פלורסהיימר by Smantha
            • סיכום עמדתה של כל קבוצת בעלי עניין כולל את ההיסטוריה של הקונפליקט והערכה של תהליך קבלת ההחלטות מנקודת ראותה, יחד עם תמצית האינטרסים שלה בנושאים השנויים במחלוקת. - המשרד להגנת הסביבה by Smantha
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