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    • Catalan
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            • permeabilitat
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            • ca: Qualitat de permeable, referida especialment a les propietats de l'endoteli capil·lar, de les meninges, dels ronyons, de la placenta, etc., per a deixar passar certs elements. TERMCAT - by Gemma Sanza Porcar
          • Example sentence(s)
            • L’artèria radial té un diàmetre de 2’5 mm mentre que la femoral és de 6-8 mm i per tant permet utilitzar catèters més gruixuts. Per a seleccionar els pacients es fa mitjançant la prova d’Allen que suposa el control de la permeabilitat de l’arc palmar de manera que si després de la descompressió apareix hiperèmia es considera un indicador de bona vascularització, sent el temps mig d’hiperèmia entre 4’1 i 4’7 segons. Una altre opció és el test pulsioximètric, una prova que va ser comparada amb la d’Allen en 1010 pacients l’any 2004 i es va demostrar que tenia una millor sensibilitat, tot i que donava falsos negatius i es van desestimar un 1’5% dels candidats - Vall d´Hebron by Gemma Sanza Porcar
            • L’objectiu primàri de la reperfusió miocàrdica és aconseguir la permeabilitat ràpida, completa i mantinguda de l’artèria responsable de l’infart (ARI), que es tradueix en una reducció de la mortalitat tant aguda com a llarg termini, com s’ha demostrat en els resultats a 10 anys dels primers estudis aleatoritzats on s’avaluava el tractament trombolític (1,2). - Societat Catalana de Cardiologia by Gemma Sanza Porcar
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    • English
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            • patency
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            • The openness (lack of obstruction) of a bodily passage or duct The Free Dictionary
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            • Graft patency was assessed noninvasively 7 to 12 days (median 9 days) postoperatively in 90 patients. - National Center for Biotechnology Information
            • The authors examined the relationship between patency after thrombectomy of clotted dialysis grafts and intraoperative measurements of flow (Q), pressure gradient (PGR), and longitudinal resistance (RL). - SAGE Journals
            • Non-invasive detection of early infarct vessel patency by resolution of ST-segment elevation in patients with thrombolysis for acute myocardial infarction. - European Heart Journal
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    • Greek
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            • βατότητα
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            • Η βατότητα είναι η κατάσταση στην οποία κάτι είναι προσβάσιμο. Own research - by Sofia Poulou
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            • Σε αρκετές μελέτες επίσης έχει βρεθεί ότι με σωστή προοπτική παρακολούθηση (surveillance, prospective monitoring) των Α-Φ επικοινωνιών (κυρίως μοσχευμάτων) και έγκαιρη διάγνωση πιθανής στένωσης του κυκλώματος της επικοινωνίας, ο ρυθμός θρόμβωσης (thrombosis rate) αλλά και η βατότητα (patency) βελτιώνονται σημαντικά. - Archives of Hellenic Medicine, 2007 by Sofia Poulou
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    • Albanian
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            • 1. kalueshmëri (psh. enë gjaku), 2. të qenët evident, të qenët i qartë, 3. antonim i Obstruktiv
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            • TRANSLATED EXAMPLE: Non-invasive detection of early infarct vessel patency by resolution of ST-segment elevation in patients with thrombolysis for acute myocardial infarction. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Detektimi i hershëm joinvaziv i kalueshmërisë së enës për infarkt akut të miokardit, përmes rezolucionit të ngritjes së segmentit ST në pacientët me trombolizë. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Netter images - by timi1982pr (X)
          • Example sentence(s)
            • PATENCY usage examples preposition: of airway: Patency of the upper airway may be difficult to maintain after onset of unconsciousness for the above reasons but intubation is usually not difficult. converse of object (TRANSLATION: Kalueshmëria e rrugëve të sipërme të frymëmarrjes është e vështirë të mbahet pas humbjes së vetëdijes për arsyet e lartpërmendura, por intubimi zakonisht nuk është i vështirë) maintain: Used as part of a planned care regime, OptiFlo helps maintain catheter patency, so the wearer feels refreshed, relaxed and reassured. adjective modifier (TRANSLATION: E përdorur si pjesë e regjimit të kujdesit të planifikuar, OptiFlo ndihmon në mbajtjen e kalueshmrisë së kateterit, kështu që personi i kateterizuar ndjehet i freskuar, i relaksuar dhe i sigurtë.) tubal: New techniques for the evaluation of tubal patency support the hypothesis that tubal ' plugs ' may be involved in proximal tubal blockage. modifies a noun (TRANSLATION: Teknikat e reja për vlerësimin e kalueshmërisë tubare (gypore) e mbështesin hipotezën se "tapat" tubare mund të jenë përfshirë në bllokimin e tubave proksimale) rate: Previous treatments have centered on the use of surgical techniques, for which patency rates are well documented. noun used with modifier (TRANSLATION: Trajtimet e mëhershme e kanë përforcuar përdorimin e teknikave kirurgjike, për të cilat shkalla e kalueshmërisë është e dokumentuar.) graft: He showed that length of survival and graft patency were related to the extent of tissue necrosis at presentation. (TRANSLATION: Ai tregoi në se gjatësia e mbijetesës dhe kalueshmëria në organin e transplantuar ka të bëjë me shtrirjen e nekrozës indore që nga dhurimi) - Your Dictionary by timi1982pr (X)
            • Definitions of patency on the Web: the openness (lack of obstruction) of a bodily passage or duct obviousness: the property of being easy to see and understand ------------------------------------------ TRANSLATION: Kalueshmëria (mungesa e obstruksionit, mbylljes) e nje kanali trupor ose tubi ________________________ The degree of openness of a tube, such as a blood vessel or catheter; the relative absence of blockage. Measured in percent; Obviousness; clarity ------------------------------------------ TRANSLATION: Shkalla e hapjes (kalueshmerisë) së një tubi, siç është ena e gjakut ose kateteri; mungesa relative e bllokimit. Matur ne perqindje; Dukshmëria; qartësia ______________________________ Degree of openness; once inserted, catheters can become clogged unless they are flushed with heparin and/or saline to keep them clear. ------------------------------------------ TRANSLATION: Shkalla e hapjes; pas insertimit (futjes) kateterat mund të mbyllen nëse nuk shpëlahet me heparin dhe/ose tretje fiziologjike ______________________________ Not being obstructed. In the case of a blood vessel, by blood clots or adherent cells. ------------------------------------------ TRANSLATION: E pa obstruktuar (jo e mbyllur). Në rastet e enëve të gjakut, nga trombi ose qeliza ngjitëse. ______________________________ Openness, freedom from blockage (particularly referring to the fallopian tubes). ------------------------------------------ Kalueshmëria, lirimi nga bllokimi (i referohet veçanërisht tubave fallopiane) ______________________________ - Google by timi1982pr (X)
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