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    • Indonesian
      • Government / Politics
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          • Term
            • pemilih mengambang
          • Definition(s)
            • Pemilih mengambang ialah orang atau calon pemilih yang tidak terikat oleh suatu partai politik dalam waktu lama. PKS-BB - by Wiyanto Suroso
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Dalam teori politik, kelompok seperti inilah yang masuk dalam kategori swing voter-pemilih mengambang yang tidak memiliki keterikatan apa pun dengan parpol. - by Wiyanto Suroso
            • Suara pemilih mengambang (swing voter) hanya akan disalurkan kepada pasangan calon presiden (capres) dan calon wakil presiden (cawapres) yang dianggap mampu memperbaiki kondisi ekonomi bangsa dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. - JPR by Wiyanto Suroso
            • Terselenggaranya debat capres putaran pertama bisa mempengaruhi suara pemilih mengambang atau swing voter. - by Wiyanto Suroso
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    • Arabic
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          • Term
            • الصوت المتأرجح
          • Definition(s)
            • هو الناخب الذي لا ينتمي لحزب معين ويكون متردد عند إعطاء صوته لأي حزب ويمكن إستمالته للتصويت لحزب معين عن طريق الدعايه الأنتخابية الموجهة Own research - by Dr. Mohamed Elkhateeb
          • Example sentence(s)
            • يخصص تقرير العربية.نت السينمائي مادته الرئيسية هذا الأسبوع للفيلم الأمريكي "الصوت المتأرجح Swing Vote" الذي يقدم فيه كيفين كوستنر شخصية ناخب أمريكي ليس مهتماً بالتصويت في انتخابات الرئاسة الأمريكية ولا بالانتخابات نفسها، لكن تدخلاً من ابنته الصغيرة يجعله الناخب الأغلى والذي يتوقف عليه وحده تقرير من سيصبح الرئيس الأمريكي القادم. - العربية by Dr. Mohamed Elkhateeb
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    • English
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          • Term
            • swing voter
          • Definition(s)
            • A voter who is not extremely loyal to a particular party and may cross party lines to select a candidate. The Washington Post
          • Example sentence(s)
            • While the swing voter is ostensibly the target of most political activity during elections, in countries without compulsory voting the political parties know that the shift from one party to another is dependent only to a limited extent on swing voters. - Wikipedia
            • In a country where many voters identify with a particular political party, "swing voters" -- those who do not have a strong party affiliation -- often take center stage in an election year - Online News Hour
            • The only time our vote really matters is when it breaks a tie or creates a tie – when our vote becomes the swing vote -
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    • German
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          • Term
            • Wechselwähler
          • Definition(s)
            • Wechselwähler: Vor allem in der Wahlforschung übliche Bezeichnung für Wähler und Wählerinnen, die nicht bei jeder Wahl dieselbe Partei wählen. Gegenteil: Stammwähler. Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung - by Marion Schweizer
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Als Wechselwähler wird der Wähler bezeichnet, der z.B. bei zwei aufeinanderfolgenden gleichen Wahlen (also z.B. bei zwei Bundestagswahlen) für verschiedene Parteien gestimmt hat. Der Anteil der Wechselwähler hat deutlich zugenommen und wird auf fast 40 Prozent geschätzt. - Universität Münster by Marion Schweizer
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    • Italian
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          • Term
            • Elettore indeciso
          • Definition(s)
            • Ma chi sono veramente gli indecisi? In cosa si distinguono dagli elettori decisi? Elettori indecisi, elettori fluttuanti: che volto hanno i "bilancieri" del voto? In particolare, ciò che appare caratterizzare maggiormente gli elettori indecisi è il loro sentimento di lontananza da tutti i partiti e le coalizioni presenti nella competizione politica. L’altra proprietà più frequente degli elettori che si dicono indecisi è quella di non sapere/volere collocarsi sull’asse sinistra-destra. Italian National Election Studies - by Oscar Romagnone
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Nella teoria di Downs l’elettore di centro tende ad essere identificato con l’elettore razionale, quello che in un altro tipo di letteratura si usa chiamare l’elettore di opinione. Un tipo di elettore meno orientato ideologicamente, più pragmatico, moderato, disponibile a valutare le posizioni di entrambi i contendenti in un sistema bipolare e quindi a votare quello le cui posizioni sono più vicine alle sue. **Un elettore indeciso**, non schierato a priori a favore dell’uno o dell’altro schieramento, e quindi contendibile. - Centro Italiano Studi Elettorali by Oscar Romagnone
            • **Gli elettori indecisi** sono sensibili specialmente alla popolarità dei leader (per questo il centrodestra ha adottato le «tre punte») e, ancor più, ai contenuti programmatici. In altre parole, scelgono prevalentemente sulla base della vicinanza delle diverse proposte ai loro interessi (e ai loro valori) e, naturalmente, della fiducia ispirata da chi le avanza. - Corriere della Sera - Reanto Mannheimer by Oscar Romagnone
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  • Compare this term in: Albanian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Dutch, Greek, Spanish, Persian (Farsi), Finnish, French, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Latvian, Macedonian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian

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