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    • Russian
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            • Осредняющая напорная трубка
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            • ОСРЕДНЯЮЩАЯ НАПОРНАЯ ТРУБКА - напорная трубка, располагаемая по одному из диаметров трубопровода, имеющая ряд отверстий или профилированную щель по ее длине, расположенные навстречу потоку. «ГОСТ 15528-86» - by Edgar Hermann
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Расходомер на базе осредняющей напорной трубки Annubar | Измерение расхода... Принцип работы данного расходомера основан на измерении расхода сребы (жидкости, газа, пара) методом переменного перепада давления с использованием осредняющей напорной трубки Annubar. Осредняющая напорная трубка Annubar 485 представляет собой... - by Edgar Hermann
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    • English
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            • annubar
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            • A gas measurement device that consists of a multiple-ported Pitot tube installed inside a pipe through which gas is flowing; it is installed perpendicular to the flow of gas. The length of the annubar is equal to the diameter of the pipe in which it is installed. An annubar senses the difference between total flowing pressure and static pressure; gas volume is calculated from this difference.
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Providing accurate and reliable steam flow measurement to the steam host is a very important aspect in generating revenue for the co-generation facility. The existing annubar flow measurement system could not measure the low end of the steam flow requirements without major changes to the piping and purchasing a new annubar. - McCrometer, Inc. by
            • Annubars have been used for years on flare applications. An annubar is a differential pressure device with the signal increasing proportional to the square of the flow. Annubars are good for high flow rate applications, but are not good for low flow applications due to the small pressure difference these flows represent. For mass flow applications, annubars require pressure and temperature compensation. - ABLE Instruments & Controls Limited by
            • Both the pitot tube and annubar contribute very small pressure drops, but they are not physically strong and should be used only with clean fluids. - by
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    • Chinese
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            • 阿牛巴流量计
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            • An annubar is similar to a pitot tube used to measure the flow of gas or liquid in a pipe. 差压式均速管流量计是在上世纪60年代末问世的,它是基于伯努利能量守恒原则和皮托管测速原理发展起来的,所谓皮托管测速实际是测量管道中圆管直径上或矩形(菱形)管长与宽上几点的流速通过能量守恒原则推算出流量的一种插入式流量仪表,此圆管或菱形管通常也称检测杆,我们常提到的“阿牛巴流量计”(Annubar)实际就是差压式均速管流量计,是一个名称也是一个注册商标。 Wikipedia and 机电仪器仪表网 - by Dana Yanger
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 我们常提到的“阿牛巴流量计”(Annubar)实际就是差压式均速管流量计,是一个名称也是一个注册商标。 - 机电仪器仪表网 by Dana Yanger
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