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    • Slovak
      • Engineering (general)
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            • snímač prietoku typu annubar
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          • Definition(s)
            • Annubar sa podobá pitotovej trubici, ktorá sa používa na meranie prietoku plynov, alebo tekutín v potrubí. Pitotova trubica meria rozdiel medzi statickým tlakom a hydrodynamickým tlakom média v potrubí. Objemový prietok sa počíta z rozdielu pomocou Bernoulliho pravidla a berie do úvahy priemer potrubia. Najväčší rozdiel medzi annubarom a pitotovou trubicou je, že annubar sníma viac vzoriek v celom priereze trubice, alebo potrubia. Týmto spôsobom spriemeruje rôzne tlaky, na ktoré narazí a zohľadní zmeny prietoku v priereze. Pitotova trubica poskytne podobný údaj, ak sa hrot trubice nachádza v bode, v priereze trubice, kde sa prietoková rýchlosť blíži k priemernej rýchlosti. Annubar je zaregistrovaná značka spoločnosti Emerson Process Management / Rosemount. Wikipéda - by Peter Hladky
          • Example sentence(s)
            • KAPITOLA 6. METÓDY MERANIA PRIETOKU 21 Typ prietokomerov Percento používateľov magneticko-indukčné 50 % prierezové (clonové) 50 % turbínové 50 % hmotnostné 43 % . . . . . . annubar 21 % teplotné 21 % objemové 20 % . . . . . . Tabuľka 6.3: Používané typy prietokomerov - Meranie a systémy merania by Peter Hladky
            • Pre potrubia väčších priemerov ako 250 mm, alebo keď sa musíme vyhnúť dodatočným tlakovým stratám, sú napriek vyšším nákladom používané Pitotove trubice pre meranie prietokov; ako sú typ Annubar, ktorý je vybavený mikro-manometrom a snímačom. Výstupný diagram, týkajúci sa tejto meracej techniky je v prílohe. Násobné záznamy o tlaku umožňujú získať priemernú hodnotu tlaku a tomu odpovedajúcu hodnotu prietoku; meraný rozdiel tlakov je úmerný kvadrátu hodnoty prietoku. - EAST-GSR by Peter Hladky
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    • English
      • Engineering (general)
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            • annubar
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            • A gas measurement device that consists of a multiple-ported Pitot tube installed inside a pipe through which gas is flowing; it is installed perpendicular to the flow of gas. The length of the annubar is equal to the diameter of the pipe in which it is installed. An annubar senses the difference between total flowing pressure and static pressure; gas volume is calculated from this difference.
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Providing accurate and reliable steam flow measurement to the steam host is a very important aspect in generating revenue for the co-generation facility. The existing annubar flow measurement system could not measure the low end of the steam flow requirements without major changes to the piping and purchasing a new annubar. - McCrometer, Inc. by
            • Annubars have been used for years on flare applications. An annubar is a differential pressure device with the signal increasing proportional to the square of the flow. Annubars are good for high flow rate applications, but are not good for low flow applications due to the small pressure difference these flows represent. For mass flow applications, annubars require pressure and temperature compensation. - ABLE Instruments & Controls Limited by
            • Both the pitot tube and annubar contribute very small pressure drops, but they are not physically strong and should be used only with clean fluids. - by
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    • Romanian
      • Engineering (general)
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            • traductor de presiune diferenţială
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            • Annubar e numele comercial al unui astfel de traductor cu tub Pitot inregistrat de Emerson Electric Company. In practica se utilizează şi altfel de tipuri de traductoare (ultrasonic, piezoelectric, tensometric, capacitiv) pentru a obţine valoarea unei presiuni diferenţiale valorificată direct sau pentru calculul vitezei de curgere laminară şi implicit a debitului. Own research - by Anton Popescu
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Traductoarele de presiune diferentiala VEGADIF se utilizeaza la masurarea nivelului, a debitului si, bineinteles la masurarea presiunii diferentiale. - business site by Anton Popescu
            • INTEGRATORUL DE DEBIT tip IDA-PRES masoara si contorizeaza debitul cvasistationar de apa rece sau calda din conducte sub presiune, si lucreaza asociat cu "Traductorul de Presiune Diferentiala tip CE3D", cu un dispozitiv de strangulare (eventual tip DSD) si o sonda de temperatura (Pt 100) in situatia utilizarii pentru apa calda. - producer site by Anton Popescu
            • Deseori considerat un competitor al tehnologiei curgerii în masa, curgerea continua se bazeaza pe un traductor de presiune diferentiala si un tub laminar foarte precis pentru masurarea etanseitatilor. - producer site by Anton Popescu
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