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    • English
      • Human Resources
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          • Term
            • leave without pay
          • Additional fields of expertise
          • Definition(s)
            • Leave Without Pay is a temporary non-pay status and absence from duty that, in most cases, is granted upon an employee’s request. U.S. Department of the Interior
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Even though the leave is unpaid, there may still be additional costs that managers need to consider in terms of recruiting staff to back-fill employees who are accessing leave without pay for long periods. - The State of Queensland by
            • Leave without pay granted for medical reasons, leave granted for child bearing, and work-incurred disability may require written certification from the employee's health-care provider. - University of California by
            • Employees may also request to take leave without pay, depending on their personal situation. In jobs that don’t include vacation time or sick leave, an employee may take leave without pay as a way to travel or if they are unable to go to work. - WiseGEEK by
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    • Romanian
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          • Term
            • concediu fără plată
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          • Definition(s)
            • Zile libere acordate unui angajat, fără a fi remunerate. Concediul fără plată se acordă la solicitarea salariatului, în baza unei cereri, pentru rezolvarea unor situaţii personale sau pentru formare profesională. Own research - by Cristina Butas
          • Example sentence(s)
            • "ART. 148 – Concediile fara plata (1) Pentru rezolvarea unor situatii personale salariatii au dreptul la concedii fara plata. (2) Durata concediului fara plata se stabileste prin contractul colectiv de munca aplicabil sau prin regulamentul intern." - Codul Muncii by Cristina Butas
            • "Efectuarea concediului fara plata pentru formare profesionala se poate realiza si fractionat in cursul unui an calendaristic, pentru sustinerea examenelor de absolvire a unor forme de invatamant sau pentru sustinerea examenelor de promovare in anul urmator in cadrul institutiilor de invatamant superior." - Legislaţia muncii by Cristina Butas
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    • Hebrew
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            • חופשה ללא תשלום (חל"ת)
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          • Definition(s)
            • חופשה ללא תשלום (חל"ת) (unpaid leave, leave without pay)חופשה שבה ממשיכים להתקיים יחסי עובד-מעביד, אך העובד אינו עובד בתקופה זו, והמעביד אינו משלם שכר בגינה. לא רק לשכר אין העובד זכאי בתקופת החופשה ללא תשלום, אלא גם לזכויות אחרות הנלוות לשכרו כגון הזכות לדמי-מחלה, ובדרך-כלל אין תקופה זו נכללת בחישוב הוותק של העובד, לכל הזכויות התלויות בוותק, כגון פיצויי פיטורים, תוספת ותק וכו'. עם תום החופשה זכאי העובד לחזור לתפקידו הקודם או לתפקיד דומה. עובדת שילדה זכאית לצאת לחופשה ללא תשלום בתום חופשת הלידה, בהתאם לתנאים המפורטים בחוק עבודת נשים. משך החופשה הוא עד 12 חודשים והוא תלוי בוותק של העובדת. לאב נתונה הזכות לצאת לחופשה ללא תשלום במקום האם. במקרים אחרים היציאה לחופשה ללא תשלום מצריכה את הסכמת המעביד. מילון חילן טק לשכר ותנ - by Sergeiy Sandler
          • Example sentence(s)
            • ניתן להוציא עובד לחופשה ללא תשלום, רק בתנאי שהעובד נתן את הסכמתו לכך. אם העובד אינו מסכים לחל"ת או שהחל"ת הוא ללא הגבלת זמן: העובד יכול להתפטר, תוך ציון העובדה שזוהי סיבת ההתפטרות. העובד יכול גם לתבוע פיצויי פיטורים (אם עבד למעלה משנה), בגין הרעת תנאי העבודה, ובלבד שקודם להתפטרות נתן למעסיק הזדמנות לחזור בו, ומסר לו הודעה בכתב כי אם יוצא לחל"ת בניגוד לרצונו יראה בכך הרעת תנאים המזכה אותו בפיצויי פיטורים. - קו לעובד (באתר האגודה � by Sergeiy Sandler
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    • Croatian
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            • neplaćeni dopust
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          • Definition(s)
            • "(1) Poslodavac može radniku na njegov zahtjev odobriti neplaćeni dopust. (2) Za vrijeme neplaćenoga dopusta prava i obveze iz radnog odnosa ili u svezi s radnim odnosom miruju, ako zakonom nije drukčije određeno." Članak 58. Zakona o radu Narodne novine - by Kristina Kolic
          • Example sentence(s)
            • "Prema čl. 31. st. 1. Kolektivnog ugovora službeniku i namješteniku može se odobriti dopust bez naknade plaće (neplaćeni dopust) do 30 dana u tijeku kalendarske godine pod uvjetom da je takav dopust opravdan i da neće izazvati teškoće u obavljanju poslova državnog tijela, a osobito: radi gradnje, popravka i adaptacije kuće ili stana, njege člana uže obitelji, liječenja na vlastiti trošak, sudjelovanja u kulturno-umjetničkim i sportskim priredbama, vlastitog školovanja, doškolovanja, osposobljavanja, usavršavanja ili specijalizacije." - Sindikat policije by Kristina Kolic
            • "Propisi radnog prava određuju slučajeve kada radnik ima pravo na neplaćeni dopust i slučajeve kad mu poslodavac može odobriti korištenje neplaćenog dopusta, ako to omogućava potreba posla. Za vrijeme neplaćenog dopusta radniku miruju prava i obveze iz radnog odnosa." - RIF - Računovodstvo i financije by Kristina Kolic
            • "odobrava se neplaćeni dopust u trajanju od ______( mjeseci/godina ) , zbog osobnih/ obiteljskih... razloga." - Hrvatska zajednica osnovnih škola by Kristina Kolic
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    • Latvian
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            • bezalgas atvaļinājums
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          • Definition(s)
            • bezalgas ģen., nelok. 1. Tāds, par ko nesaņem algu; neatalgots, neapmaksāts. [LLVV] Own research - by Eurotext SIA
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Ja bezalgas atvaļinājums ir garāks par četrām nedēļām gada laikā, to vairs neskaitīs tajā laikā, kas dod tiesības uz apmaksātu atvaļinājumu. Šāds grozījums piedāvāts, ņemot vērā darba devēju sūdzības, ka darbinieki pieprasa bezalgas atvaļinājumu un dodas peļņas nolūkos ārpus Latvijas, bet atgriežoties lūdz piešķirt apmaksātu atvaļinājumu. - by Eurotext SIA
            • Darba likumā rakstīts, ka darbinieks var saņemt bezalgas atvaļinājumu, bet nekas nav atrunāts par tā minimālo vai maksimālo laiku. - CV market by Eurotext SIA
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    • Korean
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            • 무급휴가
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          • Definition(s)
            • 무급휴가는 근로자의 요청에 의하여 허가된 휴가로 일시적인 무급상태에 있는 것이다. 출근표 작성자는 영문자W와 함께 해당되는 시간을 기재한다. 또한 무급휴가는 근로자 개인이 축적한 시간 이상으로 연가 또는 병가 사용시 무급휴가로 처리 된다. 출근표 작성자는 개 개인의 축적된 연가나 병가의 시간에 구애 받지 말고 출근표상에 기재하면, 급여 시스템에서 자동으로 처리 한다 (LWOP is temporary nonpay status and is charged for absence from duty granted at the employee’s request. The timekeeper will post the granted hours as “Wx” (x represents the number of hours) on the T&A report. Also, LWOP will be charged when an employee takes annual or sick leave exceeding the hours the employee has accrued leave. The timekeeper will post annual or sick leave, as appropriate, regardless of whether an employee has accrued leave to his/her credit. The KN Pay System will automatically change the reported leave to LWOP when the employee has no leave balance.) KTAM - by Joon Oh
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 본조 제1항의 규정에 의해 재계약을 체결하는 경우 피고용자는 고용기간 만료일 2주일 전부터 재계약 고용개시일 직전일 까지 2주간 본국을 방문할 수 있다. 교육활동에 지장을 주는 경우 소속기관장과의 협의 하에 일정을 조정할 수 있다. 이 본국 방문기간은 고용기간에 포함되며, 따라서 보수가 지급된다. 단, 재계약 후 6개월 미만에 중도 사직할 경우, 기시행한 14일의 본국 방문휴가는 무급휴가로 처리된다. - CONTRACT FOR 2007 INCHEON ENGLISH PROGRA by Joon Oh
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