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    • English
      • Human Resources
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            • leave without pay
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          • Definition(s)
            • Leave Without Pay is a temporary non-pay status and absence from duty that, in most cases, is granted upon an employee’s request. U.S. Department of the Interior
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Even though the leave is unpaid, there may still be additional costs that managers need to consider in terms of recruiting staff to back-fill employees who are accessing leave without pay for long periods. - The State of Queensland by
            • Leave without pay granted for medical reasons, leave granted for child bearing, and work-incurred disability may require written certification from the employee's health-care provider. - University of California by
            • Employees may also request to take leave without pay, depending on their personal situation. In jobs that don’t include vacation time or sick leave, an employee may take leave without pay as a way to travel or if they are unable to go to work. - WiseGEEK by
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    • Hindi
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            • अवैतनिक अवकाश/छुट्टी
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            • सामान्यतया, जब कर्मचारी के छुट्टी खाता में कोई भी छुट्टी देय नहीं होती है तब कर्मचारी के अनुरोध पर उसे बिना वेतन की छुट्टी मंजूर की जा सकती है, जिसे अवैतनिक अवकाश/छुट्टी कहते हैं। Own research - by Amar Nath
          • Example sentence(s)
            • नवनियुक्त शिक्षकों को तीस दिनों का अवैतनिक अवकाश पटना नवनियुक्त शिक्षकों को आकस्मिक एवं चिकित्सा अवकाश के अलावा 30 दिनों का अवैतनिक अवकाश भी मिलेगा। इस संबंध में मानव संसाधन विकास विभाग ने नियमावली में आवश्यक संशोधन किए हैं। दूसरे चरण... - World News by Amar Nath
            • धनबाद। क्या कोई पारा शिक्षक / शिक्षिका अवैतनिक अवकाश में बीएड या उच्चतम शिक्षा प्राप्त कर सकता है? क्या ग्राम शिक्षा समिति के अध्यक्ष व सचिव पारा शिक्षक को अवैतनिक अवकाश स्वीकृत करने का अधिकार है? क्या कोई पारा शिक्षक अवैतनिक अवकाश में बीएड कर पुन: उसी विद्यालय में योगदान कर सकता है? क्या पारा शिक्षिका को मातृत्व अवकाश का लाभ प्राप्त है या नहीं? क्या कोई पारा शिक्षक जेल जाने के बाद जमानत पर छूटकर पुन: उसी विद्यालय में योगदान दे सकता है? - Dainik Jagran by Amar Nath
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    • Albanian
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            • Leja pa të drejtë page (ose rroge)...
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            • E drejta për t'u shkëputur nga puna për një kohë të caktuar dhe për të pushuar, për t'u mjekuar, për t'u marrë me një punë tjetër etj.; koha gjatë së cilës e gëzojmë këtë të drejtë. Leja pa të drejtë page është leja që mund të merret jashtë lejes zyrtare vjetore, e cila është e parashikuar me të drejtë page. Në rastin e lejes jashtë kuadrit të lejes vjetore, punonjësi nuk ka të drejtë të paguhet për kohën e lejes. Own research - by Daniela Zhusti
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Leja pa të drejtë page nuk miratohet në rast se ju nuk keni konsumuar lejen vjetore. Në rastin kur ju nuk e keni konsumuar lejen vjetore atëherë nuk ju miratohet leja pa të drejtë rroge pavarësisht nga arsyeja. - Manuali i punonjësit by Daniela Zhusti
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    • Latvian
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            • bezalgas atvaļinājums
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            • bezalgas ģen., nelok. 1. Tāds, par ko nesaņem algu; neatalgots, neapmaksāts. [LLVV] Own research - by Eurotext SIA
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Ja bezalgas atvaļinājums ir garāks par četrām nedēļām gada laikā, to vairs neskaitīs tajā laikā, kas dod tiesības uz apmaksātu atvaļinājumu. Šāds grozījums piedāvāts, ņemot vērā darba devēju sūdzības, ka darbinieki pieprasa bezalgas atvaļinājumu un dodas peļņas nolūkos ārpus Latvijas, bet atgriežoties lūdz piešķirt apmaksātu atvaļinājumu. - by Eurotext SIA
            • Darba likumā rakstīts, ka darbinieks var saņemt bezalgas atvaļinājumu, bet nekas nav atrunāts par tā minimālo vai maksimālo laiku. - CV market by Eurotext SIA
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