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    • English
      • Forestry / Wood / Timber
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            • shelterbelt
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            • A windbreak or shelterbelt is a plantation usually made up of one or more rows of trees or shrubs planted in such a manner as to provide shelter from the wind and to protect soil from erosion. Wikipedia
          • Example sentence(s)
            • The establishment of a field shelterbelt requires a considerable amount of field preparation; valuable farmland has to be withdrawn from production of crops and the immediate strip of land alongside the shelterbelt loses its productivity. - Government of Alberta by
            • The innermost rows of a shelterbelt should consist of tall, deciduous trees. Use the smaller trees and shrubs on the leeward side. Shrubs planted in the outermost rows will catch drifting snow. The resulting vertical structure of the shelterbelt directs wind over the area to be protected. - Ohio State University by
            • Connecting shelterbelts with existing or planned perennial vegetation, such as woodlots and woody draws (tree/shrub establishment) or riparian areas (riparian forest buffer), provides additional benefits for wildlife and aesthetics. - Natural Resources Conservation Service by
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    • Romanian
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            • Perdea forestiera de protectie
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            • "Perdelele forestiere de protecţie sunt formaţiuni cu vegetaţie forestieră, înfiinţate prin plantare, cu lungimi diferite şi lăţimi relativ înguste, amplasate la o anumită distanţă unele faţă de altele sau faţă de un obiectiv, cu scopul de a-l proteja împotriva efectelor unor factori dăunători." Parlamentul Romaniei Legea nr. 289/2002 - by Simina Claudia Irimie
          • Example sentence(s)
            • "Potrivit specialistilor, singura solutie este realizarea unui complex de masuri, la scara larga si dupa un program bine stabilit, care sa includa si instalarea retelelor de perdele forestiere de protectie a campului impotriva vantului. Avantajele acestora pentru dezvoltarea culturilor agricole sunt multiple. Imbunatatirea conditiilor microclimatice de crestere si dezvoltare a culturilor pana la o distanta egala cu de 20-30 de ori inaltimea perdelei, in partea adapostita si de 5-12 ori, in partea expusa, ar fi unul dintre ele. Asta, datorita in special, modificarii radiatiilor solare, micsorarii amplitudinii diurne a temperaturii aerului cu 1- 4 grade Celsius si cu 1-2 grade, a temperaturilor anuale, reducerii vitezei vantului cu 31-55% in partea adapostita si cu 10-15%, in cea expusa etc. De asemenea, mai putem adauga: reducerea scurgerilor pe versanti si a eroziunii, de 4-5 ori; reducerea pana la oprire a deflatiei pe nisipuri si soluri usoare; micsorarea adancimii si duratei inghetului; micsorarea evapotranspiratiei etc." - Ecomagazin by Simina Claudia Irimie
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    • Chinese
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            • 防护林(带)(Traditional: 防風林)
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            • 以发挥生态防护功能为主要目的的森林、林木和灌木林。 防风林-简介 防风林是利用森林的防护、绿化、净化、防风固沙、水土保持、涵养水源等功能,以防御自然灾害、维护基础设施、保护生产、改善环境和维持生态平衡等为主要目的的森林群落。根据其防护目的和效能,分为水源涵养林、水土保持林、防风固沙林、农田牧场防护林、护路林、护岸林、海防林、环境保护林等。防护林一般有人工营造的(包括连片林地、林带和林网)和由天然林中划定的(如水源涵养林、水土保持林等)两类,严禁砍伐和破坏。营造防护林时必须根据“因地制宜,因需设防”的原则。在中国由于“三北地区”(包括西北、华北地区北部、东北地区西部)风沙危害和水土流失都很严重而建设的大型防护林体系,简称三北防护林,是一项规模大、范围广的国家重点建设工程。包括12个省、市、区的396个县、旗,东西绵延7000多公里,有“绿色万里长城”之称。它对于恢复“三北”地区的自然生态平衡、减缓风沙和水土流失的严重威胁,缓解能源短缺,保障工农业生产和经济建设等都具有十分重要的作用。 - by Adsion Liu
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 2005年10月6日 ... 又称修造绿色万里长城活动。1979年,国家决定在西北、华北、东北风沙危害、水土流失严重的地区,建设大型防护林工程,即带、片、网相结合的“绿色万里长城”。 ... - by Adsion Liu
            • 三北”是指我国的西北、华北和东北,“三北”防护林是指在我国的西北、华北北部和东北西部建设的一项绿化工程。这项绿化工程,从改善“三北”地区的生态环境出发, ... - by Adsion Liu
            • 防風林. 桃園縣生態保育. 資源中心. [沙灘][沙丘][防風林][礫 ... 防風林:為防止風沙侵入內陸,沿海沙丘後方均種植面積寬闊的防風林,是本縣沿海的綠色長城。 ... - by Adsion Liu
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    • Greek
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            • ανεμοφράκτης
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            • Οι ανεμοφράκτες αποτελούνται από σειρές δέντρων ή χαμόδεντρων. Βοηθούν κυρίως στη μείωση της ταχύτητας του ανέμου και της αιολικής διάβρωσης, και συνεπώς προστατεύουν τις νέες καλλιέργειες και ελέγχουν τη μετατόπιση χιονιού και εδάφους. - by Argyro Verganelaki
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Οι καλύτεροι ανεμοφράκτες από την άποψη του περιορισμού της ταχύτητας του ανέμου είναι στοιχεία, των οποίων το πορώδες κυμαίνεται μεταξύ 25% και 60%. - evonymos by Argyro Verganelaki
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