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    • English
      • Accounting
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            • accrual accounting
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            • A system of accounting in which revenues are recorded when earned and outlays are recorded when goods are received or services performed, even though the actual receipt of revenues and payment for goods or services may occur, in whole or in part, at a different time. InfoUSA - U.S. Department of State
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Accrual accounting is considered to be the standard accounting practice for most companies, with the exception of very small operations. - Investopedia ULC by
            • Accrual accounting matches revenues with expenses for a particular period and this is the basis of the matching principle. Accrual accounting demands that expenses be matched with the revenue that was generated from those expenses. - Money Instructor by
            • Like cash-basis accounting, accrual accounting has its drawbacks. It does a good job of matching revenues and expenses, but it does a poor job of tracking cash. - Wiley Publishing, Inc. by
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    • Hungarian
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            • eredményszemléletű számvitel
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            • Accrual Accounting - az Accrual-based Accounting tömörebb formája. Accrual-based: eredményszemléletű, eredményeken alapuló Accounting: számvitel (esetleg még könyvvitel) Az eredményelszámolás elve azt jelenti, hogy az egyes ügyleteket és eseményeket bekövetkezésük időpontjában kell könyvelni, és nem akkor, amikor az összegek tényleges kifizetésére, illetve beszedésére sor kerül. (The accrual-based accounting principle means that transactions and events shall be entered in the accounts when they occur and not when amounts are actually paid or recovered.) Own research - by Ildiko Santana
          • Example sentence(s)
            • "ABAC – eredményszemléletű számvitel (betűszó az angol „accrual-based accounting” kifejezésből): az Európai Bizottság átfogó reformja, amelynek értelmében az EU számviteli rendszerébe bevezetik az eredményszemléletű számvitelt (lásd alább), és alaposan átalakítják az ennek alapjául szolgáló informatikai rendszert." - "Europa" Glossary by Ildiko Santana
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    • Greek
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            • λογιστική δεδουλευμένων
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            • Ο τρόπος υπολογισμού αποτελέσματος εσόδων-εξόδων σύμφωνα με τον οποίο τα έσοδα μια χρήσης θεωρούνται αυτά που αναγνωρίζονται σύμφωνα με την αρχή της πραγματοίησής τους και τα έξοδα της χρήσης αυτά που αναγνωρίζονται σύμφωνα με βάση την αρχή της συσχέτισης εσόδων εξόδων. Επίσης γνωστή ως Λογιστική Δεδουλευμένων Εσόδων Εξόδων (ΛΔΕΕ) ή Λογιστική Δεδουλευμένης Βάσης (accrual basis accounting). Χρ. Ναούμ, 1988 - by vangelisc (X)
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Εναλλακτικά, ενδέχεται να προσφέρονται συγκεκριμένες τεχνικές όπως η λογιστική δεδουλευμένων εσόδων-εξόδων (accruals accounting), η κάρτα εξισορροπημένης στοχοθεσίας, η ανάλυση κανονιστικών επιπτώσεων (ΑΚΕ) ή το Ευρωπαϊκό Βραβείο Ποιότητας (EFQM). - by vangelisc (X)
            • Σε γενικές γραμμές, η νέα μορφή λογιστικής που εφαρμόζεται από τα μέσα Ιανουαρίου του 2005 αποσκοπεί στην ενίσχυση της διαφάνειας και στην εγγραφή των συναλλαγών σε πραγματικό χρόνο, δηλαδή τη στιγμή ακριβώς που πραγματοποιείται η οικονομική πράξη («λογιστική δεδουλευμένων»), και όχι όπως στο παρελθόν όπου διαπιστώναμε εν συνεχεία τα ποσά που λαμβάναμε· θα επιτρέψει να διαπιστώνουμε αν υπάρχουν επιπλέον ποσά προς ανάκτηση και με ποιον τρόπο χρησιμοποιούνται οι πόροι, από τη στιγμή της ανάληψης νομικής δέσμευσης έως τη στιγμή της πληρωμής. - by vangelisc (X)
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    • Albanian
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            • Parimi Akrual i Kontabilitetit
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            • Parimi akrual është njëri nga parimet më fundamentale në kontabilitet. Pasurit dhe fitimet që arrihet duhet të jenë të krahasuara me të hyrat dhe shpenzimet e periudhës, në çdo rast duke mos u ndërlidhur me pagesat apo inkasimet. Parimi akrual ndërlidhet me ndërtesat ( riparimet e bëra për to), shpenzimet tjera që ndërlidhen me fitimin e periudhës në pasyrën e të ardhurave të gjitha këto duhet të njifen si shpenzime në periudhën e ndodhjes e jo në kohën e pagesës. Parimi akrual përfshin edhe parimin e përputhjes ku të hyrat dhe fitimi në pasqyrën e të ardhurave duhet të përputhet me shpenzimet e shkaktuara për njohjen e tyre SHOQATA E KONTABILISTËVE TË CERTIFIKUA - by Lendi
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    • Portuguese
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            • regime de competência
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            • O regime de competência é um princípio contábil que deve ser, na prática, estendido a qualquer alteração patrimonial, independentemente de sua natureza e origem. Sob o método de competência, os efeitos financeiros das transações e eventos são reconhecidos nos períodos nos quais ocorrem, independentemente de terem sido recebidos ou pagos. Isso permite que as transações sejam registradas nos livros contábeis e sejam apresentadas nas demonstrações financeiras do período no qual os bens (ou serviços) foram entregues ou executados (ou recebidos). É apresentada assim uma associação entre as receitas e os gastos necessários para gerá-las. Own research - by Moisés Perez
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Baseado no Princípio da Competência constante dos Princípios Fundamentais de Contabilidade baixados pelo CFC - Conselho Federal de Contabilidade, o Regime Competência de tem a finalidade reconhecer na contabilidade das entidades jurídicas as receitas, os custos e as despesas no período a que competem, independente do seu recebimento (receitas) ou pagamento (custos e despesas) em moeda corrente. - COSIF - Portal de Contabilidade by Moisés Perez
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