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    • English
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            • restless legs syndrome
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            • Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a disorder of the part of the nervous system that affects movements of the legs. Because it usually interferes with sleep, it also is considered a sleep disorder. * People with RLS have strange sensations in their legs (and sometimes arms) and an irresistible urge to move their legs to relieve the sensations. * The sensations are difficult to describe: they are not painful, but an uncomfortable, "itchy," "pins and needles," or "creepy crawly" feeling deep in the legs. * The sensations are usually worse at rest, especially when lying in bed. * The sensations lead to walking discomfort, sleep deprivation, and stress. WebMD, Inc.
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Symptomatic restless legs syndrome may occur secondary to iron deficiency, anemia, folate deficiency, uremia, thyroid problems, diabetes, or peripheral neuropathy. - WE MOVE by
            • Restless legs syndrome may be triggered by peripheral neuropathy or radiculopathy, but a distinction should be made between these disorders. In pure peripheral neuropathy and radiculopathy, patients do not have the compelling need to move to relieve leg discomfort and the symptoms are not consistently worse at rest or at night. - EMIS & PiP by
            • Restless legs syndrome can begin at any age and generally worsens as you get older. Women are more likely than men to develop this condition. Restless legs syndrome can disrupt sleep — leading to daytime drowsiness — and make travelling difficult. - Mayo Foundation for Medical Education by
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    • Romanian
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            • sindromul piciorelor neliniştite
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            • Sindromul picioarelor nelinistite se caracterizeaza prin dureri la nivelul membrelor inferioare, dureri care devin mai severe in repaus si isi pierd din intensitate atunci cand persoana isi misca picioarele. Simptomele se accentueaza seara sau in timpul noptii, astfel incat persoanele care sufera de sindromul picioarelor nelinistite sufera in general si de insomnie. Own research - by Mihaela Petrican
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Sindromul picioarelor nelinistite reprezinta o afectiune neurologica motorie, caracterizata de anomalii senzitive si motorii distincte, insa in mod frecvent subdiagnosticate. Specialistii afirma ca impunerea unui diagnostic corect poate dura pana la doi ani din clipa in care pacientul a cautat pentru prima oara sfatul medicului. - medical journal by Mihaela Petrican
            • Sindromul picioarelor nelinistite (SPN) este o afectiune destul de frecventa, dar de obicei trecuta cu vederea, afectand atat miscarea cat si somnul. Persoanele cu SPN prezinta o senzatie neplacuta la nivelul picioarelor si o tendinta nestapanita de a le misca. Desi afectiunea a fost recunoscuta inca de la inceputul secolului al saptesprezecelea, ea a fost descrisa prima data in 1945, de neurologul suedez, Karl-Axel Ekbom. Uneori mai este denumit sindromul Ekbom. - medical journal by Mihaela Petrican
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    • Italian
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            • sindrome delle gambe senza riposo
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            • La sindrome delle gambe senza riposo è caratterizzata dalla necessità di effettuare movimenti periodici degli arti inferiori. Il fastidio percepito è costituito da formicolio, crampi, irrequietezza, prurito, a volte anche solo difficolta' a tenerle ferme, ed un bisogno irresistibile di muoverle. Colpisce prevalentemente le donne di età compresa fra i 35 e i 50 anni. Colpisce solitamente gli arti inferiori, ma può interessare anche le braccia, il tronco e persino un arto fantasma.[ Wikipedia - by ailicec
          • Example sentence(s)
            • La sindrome da gambe senza riposo provoca difficolta' ad addormentarsi, ed i possibili frequenti movimenti delle gambe durante il sonno possono provocare risvegli. - Psicocittà by ailicec
            • La sindrome delle gambe senza riposo (chiamata anche RLS dall'inglese Restless Legs Syndrome) è caratterizzata dalla necessità di effettuare movimenti periodici degli arti inferiori. - Wikipedia by ailicec
            • La sindrome delle gambe senza riposo (RLS) è una patologia caratterizzata dalla presenza di necessità di muovere le gambe, associata in genere a sensazioni di “ fastidio alle gambe” descritto spesso dai pazienti come formicolio o bruciore. - Medicitalia by ailicec
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    • Slovak
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            • Syndróm nepokojných nôh
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            • porucha centrálneho nervového systému, vôľou neovládateľné a nepotlačiteľné nutkanie pohybovať končatinami, najmä nohami. Nohy postihnutého mravenčia, svrbia, tŕpnu, pália dokonca až bolia. Príznaky sa pravidelne objavujú alebo stupňujú večer a v noci, najmä počas odpočinku, nezáleží či sedíte alebo ležíte. ZZZ - by Martina Stryckova
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Syndróm nepokojných nôh (SNN) je senzitívnemotorická porucha nervového systému charakterizovaná intenzívnym nutkaním k pohybu dolnými končatinami resp. i inými časťami tela, ktorá je často sprevádzaná senzitívnym dyskomfortom alebo bolesťami v postihnutých častiach. - I. neurologicka klinika LFUK a FN by Martina Stryckova
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    • Swedish
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            • Rastlösa ben, Restles legs syndrome, RLS
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            • Restless legs är ett vanligt tillstånd som yttrar sig som en obehagskänsla och oro i underbenen. Besvären beskrivs ofta som "myrkrypningar" eller som att det suger eller spänner inne i benen. Detta ger en ytterst obehaglig oro i benen så att det inte går att hålla dessa still. Restles Legs Förbundet - by Anna Klotz
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            • Restless legs, eller rastlösa ben, är en ganska okänd åkomma trots att den är vanlig. Det är oftast en kronisk sjukdom med besvär som återkommer hela livet. Besvären kommer vanligen i 40-årsåldern men kan uppträda redan i barndomen. Risken för att man ska drabbas av rastlösa ben ökar med åldern. ... Du bör vara försiktig med nikotin, alkohol och koffein, som kan förvärra besvären vid RLS. - Vårdguiden, Stockholms läns landsting by Anna Klotz
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    • Japanese
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            • むずむず脚症候群
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            • むずむず脚症候群は17世紀から相当する病気の報告があります。日本では、まだ一般的な病名ではありません。英語名はRestless leg syndromeです。むずむず脚症候群の原因にはいろいろな説があります。むずむず症状自体は、人にとっては脚以外、例えば腕にも出ることがありますので、現在では病気の本体は脚ではなく、中枢神経系にあると考えられています。 Allabout: 家庭の医学 - by keiko miyazaki
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            • むずむず脚症候群とは身体末端の不快感や痛みによって特徴づけられた慢性的な病態である。 - Wikipedia by keiko miyazaki
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