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    • English
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            • coming-of-age story
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            • A type of novel where the protagonist is initiated into adulthood through knowledge, experience, or both, often by a process of disillusionment. Understanding comes after the dropping of preconceptions, a destruction of a false sense of security, or in some way the loss of innocence. Some of the shifts that take place are these: * ignorance to knowledge * innocence to experience * false view of world to correct view * idealism to realism * immature responses to mature responses Examples: * Jane Austen Northanger Abbey * Charles Dickens, Great Expectations * Stephen Crane, The Red Badge of Courage VirtualSalt - Robert Harris
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            • Everything about Scherfig’s coming-of-age story about a girl in the London suburb of Twickenham in 1961 is spot-on. - Austin Chronicle Corp. by
            • But this comedy about a Texas high schooler (Ellen Page) who reinvents herself as “Babe Ruthless” and becomes the star of an Austin league is a surprisingly credible coming-of-age story. - Creative Loafing Media by
            • Ostensibly a coming-of-age story, this languorous, beautifully shot feature debut from Minh Nguyen-Vo, a writer and director, centers on a teenager whose journey from innocence to knowledge is also a twinned meditation on both the natural and very unnatural state of things. - The New York Times Company by
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    • Romanian
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            • bildungsroman
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            • BILDUNGSROMÁN s.n. (Lit.) Roman care prezintă procesul de formare a unei personalități sub acțiunea educației și a experienței dobândite prin participarea la frământările vieții sociale. DEX - by Renata Ana Ursu
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            • Dupa ce anul trecut a publicat cartea "Preludiu", iata ca medicul Radu Lupean revine cu romanul "Ipocrita" (semnat Radu Nerva), in care personajul principal este tot el insusi. Daca in primul volum relata copilaria si adolescenta, la Aiud, Campulung si Cluj, acum ne povesteste viata sa de medic la Medias si Tg. Mures. Pastrand proportiile, "Ipocrita" face parte din categoria "Bildungsromanului", cultivat, intre altii, de Goethe... - ziare by Renata Ana Ursu
            • Felix Sima evolueaza de la adolescenta la maturitate, traind experienta iubirii entuziaste si ambitia realizarii in plan profesional. Din acest punct de vedere, opera "Enigma Otiliei" poate fi considerata un bildungsroman. - literaturaromana by Renata Ana Ursu
            • Anii de formare spirituala ai Aristinei Pop-Saileanu sunt marcati de cele doua falii ale secolului trecut: nazism, totalitarism. Este un bildungsroman, in care prima treapta este experienta vanat–vanator, sentiment incercat de protagonista din clipa in care este trimisa de tatal ei, padurar instarit din Tara Lapusului, sa duca hrana unei familii de evrei ascunsi de el in munti spre a scapa de deportare intr-unul dintre lagarele mortii. - memorialsighet by Renata Ana Ursu
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    • Serbian
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            • razvojni roman
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            • Često su kritičari pokušavali da razgraniče obrazovni roman od srodnih žanrova razvojnog i vaspitnog romana. Začetak toga nalazi se već u knjizi Melite Gerhard Nemački obrazovni roman do Geteovog Vilhelma Majstera, objavljenoj 1926. "Razvojni roman" ovde je shvaćen kao opštija kategorija, u koju spadaju sva ona dela "koja za predmet imaju sukob pojedinca sa njegovim svetom, njegovo postepeno sazrevanje i urastanje u svet, kakvi god bili preduslov i cilj tog puta" (str. 1). "Obrazovni roman" nasuprot tome Melita Gerhard označava kao istorijsku specifikaciju, podvrstu "razvojnog romana", koju treba pripisati Geteovoj i post-geteovskoj epohi. JIRGEN JAKOBS I MARKUS KRAUZE - by M. Vučković
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    • Chinese
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            • 成长小说
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            • 成长小说的概念源自德国。这类小说的主题是主人公思想和性格的发展。通常叙述主人公从幼年开始所经历的各种遭遇。主人公一般要经历一场精神上的危机,然后长大成人并认识到自己在人世间的位置和作用。歌德的《威廉•迈斯特的学习时代》被公认为成长小说的经典之作。狄更斯的《大卫•科波菲尔》、罗曼•罗兰的《约翰•克利斯朵夫》、塞林格的《麦田里的守望者》、托马斯•曼的《魔山》、卢梭的《爱弥尔》等等也是众所周知的典型成长小说。 Own research - by Daisy Zhu
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            • 描写艰难时代的成长小说《布鲁克林有棵树》在出版五十多年后,于2008年被美国公共广播电台推荐。作为一部成长小说(coming-of-age novel),它还曾当选为亚马逊网站评出的最佳青少年图书之一。 - 新浪文化读书 by Daisy Zhu
            • 成长是青少年文学作品的永恒主题.最受美国青少年喜爱的作家盖瑞·伯森的两本获得纽伯瑞文学奖银奖的成长小说<手斧男孩>和<狗儿之歌>,展现了布莱恩和罗素尔两个男孩在荒野里孤单旅行后逐渐走向身心成熟,长大成人的历程. - 万方数据 by Daisy Zhu
            • 叶兆言是一个积极的作家,除“人情小说”外,还探索“成长小说”的写作(《没有玻璃的花房》作家出版社2003年1月初版)。 - 维基百科 by Daisy Zhu
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    • Bulgarian
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            • роман за съзряването
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            • Прен. За човек – ставам зрял. Децата съзряват по-рано, отколкото очакваме. зрелост: 1. За човек и животно – период, когато е напълно физически и духовно развит. 2. Прен. Период на пълно развитие на творчески заложби, на майсторство. Творческа зрелост. 3. Качество на духовно или творчески зрял човек; Български тълковен ре - by Miglena Parashkevova
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            • Този теоретичен пътеводител започва с определение на съзряването, като период разположен условно между юношеството и зрялата възраст, в процесът на който индивидите се изправят пред множество промени. - elearning papers by Miglena Parashkevova
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    • Turkish
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            • olgunlaşma hikayesi
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            • 'Coming of age' olgunlaşma anlamına gelir, o nedenle bence kulağa da hoş gelen 'olgunlaşma hikayesi' çevirisi kullanılabilir. Her ne kadar bu konuda uzman olmasam da bir roman türünden bahsediyorsak başka bir edebiyat türü olan hikaye ile karıştırılmaması için 'olgunlaşma romanı' ya da 'olgunlaşma konulu roman' olarak da çevrilebilir. Own research - by Esin Ozer
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            • Emre Ayvaz, “Otobiyografik bir olgunlaşma hikâyesi”, Kitap Zamanı, Sayı 11, 4 Aralık 2006 - Metis Kitap by Esin Ozer
            • Masalsı bir olgunlaşma hikayesi Benim Adım Elisabeth’te, karanlıktan, yalnızlıktan, evinin yakınlarındaki perili şatodan ve diğer tuhaflıklardan korkan on yaşındaki bir kız çocuğunun sancılı büyüme hikayesi var. - Hürriyet by Esin Ozer
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