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    • English
      • Poetry & Literature
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            • coming-of-age story
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            • A type of novel where the protagonist is initiated into adulthood through knowledge, experience, or both, often by a process of disillusionment. Understanding comes after the dropping of preconceptions, a destruction of a false sense of security, or in some way the loss of innocence. Some of the shifts that take place are these: * ignorance to knowledge * innocence to experience * false view of world to correct view * idealism to realism * immature responses to mature responses Examples: * Jane Austen Northanger Abbey * Charles Dickens, Great Expectations * Stephen Crane, The Red Badge of Courage VirtualSalt - Robert Harris
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Everything about Scherfig’s coming-of-age story about a girl in the London suburb of Twickenham in 1961 is spot-on. - Austin Chronicle Corp. by
            • But this comedy about a Texas high schooler (Ellen Page) who reinvents herself as “Babe Ruthless” and becomes the star of an Austin league is a surprisingly credible coming-of-age story. - Creative Loafing Media by
            • Ostensibly a coming-of-age story, this languorous, beautifully shot feature debut from Minh Nguyen-Vo, a writer and director, centers on a teenager whose journey from innocence to knowledge is also a twinned meditation on both the natural and very unnatural state of things. - The New York Times Company by
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    • Greek
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            • ιστορία ενηλικίωσης
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            • Μυθιστόρημα που περιγράφει τη διαδικασία ενηλικίωσης ενός ατόμου. Αναφέρεται στις συνθήκες, την πορεία και το αντίκτυπο της διαδικασίας αυτής πάνω στο άτομο που τη βιώνει. Own research - by Giorgos Rodopoulos
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Ο «Προφήτης» είναι η καταγραφή μιας ιστορίας ενηλικίωσης σε δύσκολες συνθήκες και της εκδήλωσης ακραίας φιλοδοξίας που δεν σταματάει πουθενά. - kathimerini by Giorgos Rodopoulos
            • Ο Μπένιοφ συνδυάζει μια συναρπαστική περιπέτεια, μια γλυκόπικρη ιστορία ενηλικίωσης και μια παράδοξα συγκινητική φιλία, δημιουργώντας έτσι ένα πανέξυπνο κείμενο που θα αρέσει σε κάθε αναγνώστη. - psichogios by Giorgos Rodopoulos
            • Είναι άγρια, όπως κάθε ιστορία ενηλικίωσης, κάθε οικογενειακό ρομάντζο που γίνεται, εντέλει, μυθιστόρημα - kathimerini by Giorgos Rodopoulos
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    • Turkish
      • Poetry & Literature
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            • olgunlaşma hikayesi
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            • 'Coming of age' olgunlaşma anlamına gelir, o nedenle bence kulağa da hoş gelen 'olgunlaşma hikayesi' çevirisi kullanılabilir. Her ne kadar bu konuda uzman olmasam da bir roman türünden bahsediyorsak başka bir edebiyat türü olan hikaye ile karıştırılmaması için 'olgunlaşma romanı' ya da 'olgunlaşma konulu roman' olarak da çevrilebilir. Own research - by Esin Ozer
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Emre Ayvaz, “Otobiyografik bir olgunlaşma hikâyesi”, Kitap Zamanı, Sayı 11, 4 Aralık 2006 - Metis Kitap by Esin Ozer
            • Masalsı bir olgunlaşma hikayesi Benim Adım Elisabeth’te, karanlıktan, yalnızlıktan, evinin yakınlarındaki perili şatodan ve diğer tuhaflıklardan korkan on yaşındaki bir kız çocuğunun sancılı büyüme hikayesi var. - Hürriyet by Esin Ozer
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