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    • Serbian
      • Meteorology
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          • Term
            • parhelij
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          • Definition(s)
            • Parhelij je oštro ograničena svetla pega na nebu od koje nam se čini da predstavlja jos jedno Sunce. Zbog toga se ova optička pojava naziva i lažno Sunce (na engleskom se koristi izraz sundog). meteomagazin - by M. Vučković
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Kada su refraktujuce ivice kristala leda normalne na nas horizont onda na nebu mozemo uociti onu zadivljujucu pojavu kojom smo i poceli ovu pricu o halou. To je parhelij, ostro ogranicena svetla pega na nebu od koje nam se cini da predstavlja jos jedno sunce. U nekim leksikonima i enciklopedijama umesto parhelij koristi se odrednica lazno sunce. - časopis astronomija by M. Vučković
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    • English
      • Meteorology
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          • Term
            • parhelion
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            • The scientific name for sun dogs. Either of two colored luminous spots that appear at roughly 22 degrees on both sides of the sun at the same elevation. They are caused by the refraction of sunlight passing through ice crystals. They are most commonly seen during winter in the middle latitudes and are exclusively associated with cirriform clouds. They are also known as mock suns. Weatherdudes' weather glossary - by Enrique Cavalitto
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Actually, this engine's helpful occultation of the Sun allowed for a crisp, clean view of not only the parhelion but a portion of a 22 degree solar halo and the a parhelic circle (extended tail of the sundog). - by Enrique Cavalitto
            • Sometimes, the Sunset is along with two colored luminous apparitions more or less contrasted. Located on the border of the halo located at 22 degrees of the Sun, on the right and on the left of it, they are called "parhelions" or more frequently "sundogs". - by Enrique Cavalitto
            • The parhelia had been displaying arcs all day, sometimes quite lengthy ones. In this picture, the parhelic arc is rather short, but it's clear that the parhelion hasn't yet quite connected with the 22 degree halo. The sun was still too high. - flickr by Enrique Cavalitto
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