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    • Macedonian
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            • „бура на идеи“ или „бура од идеи“
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            • бура на идеи / бура од идеи Own research - by Nadica Gjosevska
          • Example sentence(s)
            • BRAINSTORMING (мозочна бура или бура од идеи) Оваа техника се состои во организирање креативен состанок на одредени стручни лица чиј број најчесто се движи помеѓу 5 и 15, на кој се врши собирање на мислења и ставови како и идеи за конктретно прашање, поради што се организира состанок. Се бара целосно слободно изјаснување. Критика е исклучена. - PRETPRIEMAC.COM by Nadica Gjosevska
            •  Brainstorming (Бура на идеи) – побарајте од учениците да кажат се што знаат околу главната содржина/тема што се презентираат во лекцијата. страна: 34 од - Priracnik by Nadica Gjosevska
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    • English
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            • brainstorming
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            • Brainstorming is a technique used by groups of people to overcome the widespread tendency to overlook various obvious options while solving problems or generating new ideas. The key principle is to defer judgment, achieved by insistence on first recording all suggested ideas. quantumiii
          • Example sentence(s)
            • That the best solution is seldom the first to come to mind is one reason behind the effectiveness of brainstorming as a problem-solving technique. - innovation tools
            • An interactive whiteboard is ideal for brainstorming since ideas are displayed on the whiteboard surface (which can stimulate additional ideas), easily edited and saved to a computer file -
            • Leading a class through a brainstorming session is an excellent way to demonstrate a variety of issues concerning group dynamics, cognitive processes, and creativity. Any topic in the course also can be explored through brainstorming, especially controversial topics -
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    • Chinese
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            • 头脑风暴
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            • “头脑风暴”,亦称“点子会”是指一个团体试图通过聚集成员自发提出观点,以为一个特定问题找到解决方法的创造性的会议技巧。这种方法最初在三十年代由Alex Faickney Osborn在其所著的Applied Imagination一书中推广。 The Chinese definition is based on the following description at Wikipedia: Brainstorming is a group creativity technique designed to generate a large number of ideas for the solution to a problem. The method was first popularized in the late 1930s by Alex Faickney Osborn, an advertising executive and one of the founders of BBDO, in a book called Applied Imagination. Osborn proposed that groups could double their creative output by using the method of brainstorming. Wikipedia - by Jason Ma
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 第二步,进行Brain Storming (头脑风暴)的工作,思考日常生活中经常讨论到的癖好有哪些,各有什么特点,他们代表了什么生活方式,为什么会形成这样的癖好等问题。而这样的思考必须在5分钟内完成,并且在白纸上写下思考的要点。这样做有助于帮助考生打开思路,学会思辨性考虑问题。中国考生在新托福口语和写作考试中遇到的最大问题就是面对提问,自己用中文都不知道怎么表达,其关键原因就在于平时缺乏这样的Brain Storming的训练 - 新东方网站 by Jason Ma
            • 现行的许多新教材的主要特点就在于其实用性,注重学生的思维训练和知识的灵活运用,体现了英语学科的工具性。 “头脑风暴”在英语教学中的应用突破了定势思维的限制,它虽然不是发散性思维训练的唯一途径,但它在英语教学中的运用的确起到了拓展学生思维的新奇思路的作用。 - 中国英语教师网 by Jason Ma
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    • Romanian
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            • brainstorming
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            • tehnică de lucru în colectiv, în procesul predării, având ca scop stimularea prin participarea liberă şi spontană la discuţii a tuturor membrilor unui grup. (< amer., fr. brainstorming) Dex - by Claudia Anda-Maria Halas
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Eu nu cred in brainstorming; atat cartile citite cat si experienta personala imi spun ca aceasta tehnica nu functioneaza. Am sa incerc sa explic mai jos de ce nu o folosesc si o vad mai degraba ca o tehnica de teambuilding, activitate de grup, decat una de crestere a creativitatii. - by Claudia Anda-Maria Halas
            • Scopul unei şedinţe de brainstorming este de a coopera în grup pentru definirea unei probleme şi pentru a găsi, prin intervenţie participativă, cea mai bună decizie de grup pentru un plan de acţiune în vederea rezolvării ei. - by Claudia Anda-Maria Halas
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    • Spanish
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            • lluvia de ideas
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            • Técnica que consiste en dar oportunidad, a todos los miembros de un grupo reunido, de opinar o sugerir sobre un determinado asunto que se estudia, ya sea un problema, un plan de mejoramiento u otra cosa, y así se aprovecha la capacidad creativa de los participantes. GestioPolis - by Elena Otero
          • Example sentence(s)
            • En la lluvia de ideas, los miembros del grupo aportan, durante un tiempo previamente establecido, por ejemplo, diez minutos, el mayor número de ideas posibles sobre un tema o problema determinado. Interesa, en primer lugar, la cantidad de ideas; conviene que las aportaciones sean breves, que nadie juzgue ninguna, que se elimine cualquier crítica o autocrítica y que no se produzcan discusiones ni explicaciones. - Gobierno de Canarias by Elena Otero
            • La lluvia de ideas o brainstorming es una estrategia de aprendizaje grupal que se usa para generar ideas sobre un tema sobre el que posteriormente se va a profundizar. Usando esta estrategia, el tutor puede conocer las ideas que tienen sus alumnos sobre un tema determinado. Además fomenta la creatividad y crea un clima agradable entre los miembros del grupo. - Universidad de Sevilla by Elena Otero
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    • German
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            • Brainstorming
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            • Methode zur Ideenfindung, soll neue, ungewöhnliche Ideen in einer Gruppe fördern. Der Begriff "Brainstorming" hat sich im Deutschen schon lange durchgesetzt. Own research - by Aniello Scognamiglio (X)
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Das Brainstorming ist der Klassiker unter den Kreativitätsmethoden. Durch spontane Ideenäußerung ohne ablehnende Kritik wird mit dieser Methode eine große Anzahl an Ideen zu einer gegebenen Problemstellung entwickelt und gesammelt. Beim Brainstorming in der Gruppe (ca. 5-9 Teilnehmer) können sich die Teilnehmer durch ihre Beiträge gegenseitig zu neuen Ideenkombinationen anregen, wodurch insgesamt mehr Ergebnisse produziert werden, als wenn jeder für sich alleine arbeit. - by Aniello Scognamiglio (X)
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