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    • English
      • Finance (general)
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          • Term
            • hedge fund
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          • Definition(s)
            • A fund that may employ a variety of techniques to enhance returns, such as both buying and shorting stocks based on a valuation model. Forbes Financial Glossary
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Hedge funds look for investments that will provide returns from declining markets as well as rising ones, and they often bundle their investments in complex combinations of positions to provide high returns. - BBC Home
            • Funds of hedge funds and hedge funds may invest in highly illiquid securities that may be difficult to value. Moreover, many hedge funds give themselves significant discretion in valuing securities. - US Securities and Exchange Comission
            • Like mutual funds and other securities market participants, hedge funds are subject to prohibitions against fraud, and their managers have the same fiduciary duties as other investment advisers. - Investment Company Institute
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    • Romanian
      • Finance (general)
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          • Term
            • fond de acoperire
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          • Definition(s)
            • fond mutual protejat care acoperă eventualele pierderi cauzate de scăderea valorii unor titluri de valoare prin investiţii în alte titluri cu perspective de creştere Lexicon economic, Editura economică - by Mihai Badea (X)
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Rezultatele ultimilor ani dovedesc că investiţiile pe termen lung în acţiuni au adus cele mai înalte câştiguri. Investiţiile directe în acţiuni şi obligaţiuni unitare conţin un anumit risc. Acesta este limitat de către larga diversificare în fondurile de investiţii. Un fond de acoperire care investeşte exclusiv în alte fonduri de investiţii minimalizează riscul rămas şi optimizează şansele de beneficii. - MBI by Mihai Badea (X)
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    • Dutch
      • Finance (general)
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            • hedgefonds
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            • Een hedgefonds (vaak geschreven als hedge fund) is een soort beleggingsfonds met ruime mogelijkheden om een rendement te genereren, onafhankelijk van de richting van de beurs. Door de vaak beperkte openstelling voor particuliere beleggers hoeven veel hedgefondsen aan veel minder regelgeving te voldoen dan beursgenoteerde beleggingsfondsen. Wikipedia - by Ron Willems
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Een ex-bankier van Goldman Sachs en Fortis denkt dit jaar twintig nieuwe Nederlandse hedgefondsen te kunnen helpen starten. - Financieele Dagblad by Ron Willems
            • Het Global Opportunities Fund is een Nederlands hedgefonds dat in het jaar 2000 van start is gegaan. De eerste jaren behaalde het fonds mooie rendementen. - by Ron Willems
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    • Slovak
      • Finance (general)
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          • Term
            • hedžový fond
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          • Definition(s)
            • Prvý hedžový fond vznikol v roku 1949. Založil ho Alfred Winslow Jones. Spoločnosť nazval heždovým (zaisteným) fondom, pretože akcie nielen kupoval, ale ich aj rýchlo predával v prípade, keď usúdil, že sú precenené. Jeho fond bol menej citlivý na veľké zmeny na akciovom trhu než bežné fondy, ktoré akcie len nakupovali. Zabezpečený fond už dnes neodpovedá skutočnosti, lebo hedžové fondy sa stali špekulačnými fondmi, vsádzajú na určitý vývoj na trhu, ale na vývoj určitej meny – a buď dosiahnu obrovské zisky alebo obrovskú stratu. TASR - by Michal Zugec
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Euro vraj rozhojdal Sorosov hedžový fond - SME by Michal Zugec
            • Prominentní predstavitelia niekoľkých veľkých hedžových fondov sa vraj začiatkom februára na Manhattane stretli na súkromnej večeri, kde diskutovali o tom, ako by mohli zarobiť na dlhovej kríze, ktorá otriasa eurozónou. - Financie by Michal Zugec
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