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    • English
      • Computers (general)
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          • Term
            • multithreading
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          • Definition(s)
            • Multithreading typically refers to sharing a single CPU between multiple tasks (or "threads") in a way designed to minimise the time required to switch threads. This is accomplished by sharing as much as possible of the program execution environment between the different threads so that very little state needs to be saved and restored when changing thread. Multiple threads can be executed in parallel on many computer systems. This multithreading generally occurs by time slicing, wherein a single processor switches between different threads--in which case the processing is not literally "simultaneous", for the single processor is only really doing one thing at a time. On a multiprocessor system, threading can be achieved via multiprocessing, wherein different threads can run simultaneously on different processors.
          • Example sentence(s)
            • The design of the Java language makes multithreading essential for all but the simplest applets. In particular, IO and GUI programming both require multithreading to provide a seamless experience for the user. - IBM by
            • On a multi-processor computer, multithreading is implemented with a mixture of time-slicing and genuine concurrency – where different threads run code simultaneously on different CPUs. - O'Reilly Media by
            • Multithreading requires careful programming. For most tasks, you can reduce complexity by queuing requests for execution by thread pool threads. - Microsoft Corporation by
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    • Romanian
      • Computers (general)
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          • Term
            • execuţie multifir
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          • Definition(s)
            • Execuţia multifir se referă la rularea simultană a mai multor procese în cadrul aceluiaşi program (adică rularea unui program software de către un sistem de operare pe mai multe fire de execuţie sau threads). Own research - by Cristian Mocanu
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Servere multifir (MTS) Scris de Bobeo Pantelimon - iunie 2003 "Serverul multifir (MTS)* reprezinta o tehnologie prin care Oracle isi utilizeaza mai eficient resursele proprii, in vederea imbunatatirii performantelor bazei de date. Prin folosirea serverului multifir sunt permise utilizarea in comun a unui numar mai mic de procese server, minimizand astfel numarul de procese server si maximizand gradul de utilizare a resurselor disponibile ale sistemului. " *MTS=Multi-Threaded-Server - e-mail REPORT, ISSN: 1453-9918 by Cristian Mocanu
            • Free software and open source databases Lect. Napoleon-Alexandru SIRETEANU "MySQL furnizează un server de baze de date SQL (Structured Query Language) robust, foarte rapid, multifir şi multiutilizator. Serverul MySQL este proiectat pentru sisteme de producţie şi software de dimensiuni mari. Principalele trăsături ale MySQL sunt: • este scris în C şi C++; • foloseşte utilitarele GNU Automake, Autoconf şi Libtool (utilitarele standard open source) care îmbunătăţesc portabilitatea codului; • rulează în mod multifir;" - Revista Informatica Economică nr.3(39)/ by Cristian Mocanu
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