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    • English
      • Computers (general)
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          • Term
            • data streaming
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          • Definition(s)
            • Data streaming, commonly seen in the forms of audio and video streaming, is when a multimedia file can be played back without being completely downloaded first. Most files, like shareware and software updates that you download off the Internet, are not streaming data. However, certain audio and video files like Real Audio and QuickTime can be streaming files. With a fast Internet connection, you can usually stream live audio or video to your computer as fast or faster than you can listen or watch the content. Southern Rural Development Center
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Data streaming requires some combination of bandwidth sufficiency and, for real-time human perception of the data, the ability to make sure that enough data is being continuously received without any noticeable time lag. -
            • Efficient and robust data streaming services are a critical requirement of emerging Grid applications, which are based on seamless interactions and coupling between geographically distributed application components. - Portal
            • A practical data streaming service must, therefore, be largely selfmanaging, i.e., it must dynamically detect and respond, quickly and correctly, to changes in application behaviour and state of the Grid. - A Self-Managing Wide-Area Data Streaming using Model-based Online Control
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    • Romanian
      • Computers (general)
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          • Term
            • redarea datelor în timp real
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          • Definition(s)
            • Streaming Media - Tehnologie folosita in serviciile de transmisie audio/video astfel incat informatia sa fie procesata si vizualizata pe masura ce este receptiei (sa fie transmis si procesat un stream continuu). La streaming, vizualizarea continutului poate fi facuta inainte ca fisierul sa se fi transmis complet Glosar GTS Telecom - by Andrei Albu
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Care este deosebirea intre streaming si download? Streaming-ul este tehnologia cu ajutorul careia fisierele video sau audio se deschid si ruleazã în timp real, în timp ce se încarcã. Poti accesa prin streaming un post TV/radio sau imagini filmate de o camera fixa sau alte fisiere cu duratã prestabilitã stocate într-o baza de date, la cerere. Fisierele nu sunt descarcate în telefon. Download-ul presupune descarea completã a unui fiser pe telefon si apoi vizualizarea acestuia. - Orange Romania by Andrei Albu
            • Servicii digitale Servicii de redare video în timp real (video streaming) - Stiri by Andrei Albu
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    • Bulgarian
      • Computers (general)
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            • поточно предаване на данни
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          • Definition(s)
            • Метод за предаване на данни, използван обикновено за мултимедийни файлове. При него възпроизвеждането на файла на машината на потребителя започва още с началото на свалянето му, без да се налага той да бъде изцяло свален. Предаването на данните продължава и по време на възпроизвеждането. За да бъде оправдана употребата на този метод, е необходима достатъчно добра връзка към Интернет. Own research - by Elena Boevska
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Цитат: "Поточно предаване на данни. Apple, Microsoft и RealNetworks имат пакети, гарантиращи достатъчно високо качество за доставяне на видеоинформация през Интернет, подобно на сигнала на битовите видеоплейъри (VHS)." - NetworkWorld by Elena Boevska
            • Цитат: "Новите продукти също така са с ниско ниво на шум и имат достатъчна производителност за поточно предаване на данни с висока резолюция." - Computerworld by Elena Boevska
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    • Latvian
      • Computers (general)
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          • Term
            • datu straumēšana
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          • Definition(s)
            • Datu straumējums (streaming data) - Dati, kas tiek strukturēti un apstrādāti nepārtrauktā plūsmā. Tā dati strukturēti, piemēram, audiostraumējumā un videostraumējumā. (Šī ir tuvākā jēdziena definīcija no Terminoloģijas komisijas - attiecīgi ir atvasināms "data streaming".) Terminoloģijas komisija - by Kaspars Gasuns
          • Example sentence(s)
            • .. būtisks jauninājums, kas nodrošina datu straumēšanu terabaitos, ņemot vērā pieļaujamo apkopošanas robežu, vienlaicīgi piedāvājot tādas iespējas, kā satura kešdarbe, reklāmu ievietošana, ātra kanālu maiņa un kļūdu labošana. - Lattelecom by Kaspars Gasuns
            • Ja datu apjoms ir ap 6-10 GB mēnesī (vai vismaz 20 GB datu straumēšanas pakalpojumu gadījumā) par puslīdz pieņemamu samaksu, tad tālrunis var kļūt neatņemama dzīves sastāvdaļa. - MacPasaule by Kaspars Gasuns
            • Varat atskaņot Ogg, MP3, MP4, AVI, DVDs, VCDs un citus formātus kā arī atbalsta interneta datu straumēšanu. - Linux centrs by Kaspars Gasuns
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  • Compare this term in: Serbian, Croatian, Arabic, Czech, Chinese, Danish, German, Dutch, Greek, Spanish, Finnish, French, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Swedish, Turkish, Vietnamese

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