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    • English
      • Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
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          • Term
            • click-wrap licence
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          • Definition(s)
            • A licence concerning the use of a copyright work, usually a software product, that includes pre-drafted terms and conditions of sale that consumers are required to agree to before being able the work. These terms and conditions are usually non-negotiable. A consumer is required to mouse "click" on an "agree" button before being able to load or use the program. Min. of Economic Development New Zealand
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Individual genotypes were made available on the HapMap website, but anyone seeking to use the research data was first required to register via the website and enter into a click-wrap licence for the use of the data. - Dept of Chemistry - Cambridge University by
            • Under Canadian law, a licensee is bound by all the terms of a licence contract if at the moment of acceptance, the licencee had actual knowledge of the existence of the contract. Since the click-wrap procedure only allows software to be downloaded after the licencee has seen the licencing contract, the enforceability of click-wrap licences is generally not an issue. - Ridout & Maybee LLP by
            • his Click-Wrap Licence Agreement is a user licence (for either a single or a corporate licensee) for software either downloaded from a website or loaded from disk, where the licence terms are accepted on screen by following a "click to accept" procedure. - Clickdocs® by
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    • Russian
      • Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
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            • электронная лицензия
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          • Definition(s)
            • Интерактивная (электронная) лицензия (a click-wrap)- это пользовательская лицензия для программного обеспечения, загруженная с веб сайта, где условия лицензирования приняты на экране следующей процедурой «щелкните (нажмите) для принятия». Авторское право. Терм� - by Tatyana Ossennikova (X)
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Данная Ограниченная Гарантия не применяется к программному обеспечению, поставляемому Compaq с электронной («click-wrap») лицензией, и к поставляемому Compaq программному обеспечению, основным назначением которого является стандартизация тех или иных процедур и функций или же реализация вспомогательных возможностей в процессе эксплуатации того или иного Продукта («Инструментальные Программные Средства»). - Гарантийные обязател� by Tatyana Ossennikova (X)
            • Проблема: в российском законодательстве отсутствует прямое регулирование электронных лицензий на программное обеспечение (click-wrap license), заключаемых, как правило, посредством сети Интернет. - Baker&McKenzie by Tatyana Ossennikova (X)
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    • Albanian
      • Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright
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            • Pranim i kushteve duke klikuar
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          • Definition(s)
            • Pranimi i kushteve apo kërkesave rregullatore duke klikuar është një lloj marrëveshje e zakonshme që përdoret shpesh herë në lidhje me licencën për të përdorur një program kompjuterik. Forma të tilla marrëveshjes gjenden kryesisht në internet si pjesë e procesit të instalimit, ose në rrethana të tjera kur kërkohet marrëveshje për të përdorur median elektronike. Own research - by Elvana Moore
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Kërkesat dhe Kushtet printo faqen Kjo faqe drejtohet nga JT International S.A. Duke përdorur këtë faqe ju pranoni Kërkesat dhe Kushtet dhe Deklaratën për mbrojtjen e jetës private të përcaktuara në vijim. Nëse nuk jeni dakord me këto politika, ndërprisni menjëherë përdorimin e kësaj faqe. - JTI by Elvana Moore
            • Përdorimi i kësaj faqeje, duke përfshirë përdorimin e çdo informacioni ose shërbimeve të prezantuara këtu mund të kryhet pas pranimit të këtyre Kushteve të Përdorimit dhe „Politikës së Fshehtësisë” sonë. - Real-Estate Worldwide by Elvana Moore
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