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    • English
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          • Term
            • appurtenance
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          • Definition(s)
            • Something which passes with the transfer of property but is not necessarily an actual part of it like an easements, rights-of-way, water rights and property improvements which includes all of the rights, privileges unless a contrary intention was stated.
          • Example sentence(s)
            • No new addresses shall be assigned to any types of appurtenances and utility assets. Instead, any address assignment to above listed appurtenances/assets shall use the existing valid situs or, if available, secondary situs address of the parcel the appurtenance will be located on. - City of Roseville California by
            • If at any time the condition of a levee, a dike, a floodwall, or an appurtenance becomes so dangerous to the safety of life and property that, in the opinion of the department there is not sufficient time for the issuance and enforcement of a notice of violation for the maintenance, alteration, repair, reconstruction, change in construction or location, or removal of the dike, floodwall, levee, or appurtenance in the manner provided in this chapter, the department may immediately take the measures that are essential to provide emergency protection to life and property. - Indiana Legislative Services Agency by
            • This notice is to emphasize that when the sale of a mobile home and appurtenances as personal property occurs by or through an auctioneer, agent, broker, factor, or other person considered a dealer for sales tax purposes including real estate brokers, the appurtenances may not be excluded from the application of sales tax. - Florida Department of Revenue by
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    • Romanian
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            • bun accesoriu
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          • Definition(s)
            • Lucru mobil care serveste la folosirea altui lucru si care urmeaza situatia juridica a acestuia din urma, daca in lege, in conventia partilor ori in cuprinsul unui alt act juridic nu se prevede altfel. Din categoria bunurilor accesorii fac parte instalatiile sanitare al unui imobil, conductele dintr-un teren, ornamentele unei constructii etc Cf. Codul Civil Bunuri principale si bunuri accesorii Art.563 – (1) Bunul care a fost destinat, în mod stabil si exclusiv, întrebuintarii economice a altui bun este bun accesoriu atât timp cât satisface aceasta utilizare. (2) Destinatia comuna poate sa fie stabilita numai de proprietarul ambelor bunuri. (3) Daca nu se prevede altfel, bunul accesoriu urmeaza situatia juridica a bunului principal, inclusiv în caz de înstrainare sau de grevare a bunului principal. (4) Încetarea calitatii de bun accesoriu nu poate fi, însa, opusa unui tert care a dobândit anterior drepturi privitoare la bunul principal. Own research - by George C.
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Urmarirea silita imobiliara se intinde de plin drept si asupra bunurilor accesorii imobilului, prevazute de Codul civil. Bunurile accesorii nu pot fi urmarite decat o data cu imobilul. -   by George C.
            • bunurile accesorii urmeaza soarta juridica a bunurilor principale. Astfel, instrainarea bunurilor principale ar implica si instrainarea bunurilor accesorii, afara de cazul in care, prin conventia lor, partile ar stabili altfel. Problema acestei clasificari se ridica doar atunci cand atat bunurile principale cat si bunurile accesorii se afla in proprietatea aceleiasi persoane si cand, in mod efectiv, proprietarul a afectat bunurile accesorii pentru utilizarea bunurilor principale, deoarece doar atunci se pune problema ca bunul accesoriu sa urmeze soarta bunului principal. - by George C.
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    • Serbian
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            • akcesorno pravo
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          • Definition(s)
            • Pravo koje zavisi od drugog (glavnog) prava, zove se sporedno (akcesorno) pravo. Scribd - by V&M Stanković
          • Example sentence(s)
            • - на национализованој(25) парцели налази се објект бившег власника земљишта, или његовог наследника, који је постојао у моменту национализације, тако да на земљишту власник објекта има трајно право коришћења, као акцесорно право. То право је стечено приликом национализације, као нужно за коришћење објекта; - Centar za liberalno-demokratske studije by V&M Stanković
            • Prema Zakonu o osnovama svojinsko-pravnih odnosa, pravo svojine na posebnom delu zgrade može postojati na stanu, poslovnoj prostoriji ili garaži, odnosno garažnom mestu. Na zajedničkim delovima zgrade i uređajima u zgradi vlasnici posebnih delova zgrade imaju pravo zajedničke nedeljive svojine. Ovo pravo se prenosi, uz pravo svojine na posebnom delu zgrade, kao akcesorno pravo. - Nekretnine - Srbija by V&M Stanković
            • Po postojećim zakonskim propisima, u nedostatku sporazuma pravo na građenje realizuje se na način na koji se ostvaruje pravo na deobu zajedničke ili suvlasničke stvari u slučajevima kada zajednička svojina nije akcesorno pravo sa zajedničkom svojinom. - Srpski citatni indeks by V&M Stanković
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    • Japanese
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            • 従物(じゅうぶつ)
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          • Definition(s)
            • 従物とは、独立した物の関係において、主物に従属してその効用を助ける物のことです。土地と庭石、母屋と物置、建物と畳のように、同一人が所有する2つの物の間に主・従の関係がある場合に、土地や建物などの主たる物を主物といい、庭石や物置、畳のように主物に従属してその効用を助ける物を従物といいます。 従物~インフォバンク マネ� - by Yasutomo Kanazawa
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 主物と従物 物の所有者が、その物の常用に供するため、自己の所有する他の物をこれに附属させたときは、その附属させた物を従物とする(87条1項)。従物を附属させられた側の物は主物と呼ぶ。従物の処分は主物の処分に従うとされる(同条2項)。 - Wikipedia by Yasutomo Kanazawa
            • 1)主物の売買 従物は「主物の処分にしたがう」(民法第87条第2項)とされているので、通常は、主物を売買すれば、当然に従物も売買されることになる。ただし、売買の当事者がこれと異なる合意をすれば、従物と主物を切り離して売買することが可能である。 2)主物の登記 主物が登記されれば、その登記により主物と従物の両方の物権変動が公示されたことになる。従って、建物が登記されれば、附属建物である物置が未登記であっても、登記の対抗力は附属建物である物置に及ぶ。 - 従物|不動産用語集 by Yasutomo Kanazawa
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