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    • English
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            • bleeder resistor
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          • Definition(s)
            • A bleeder resistor is a resistor placed in parallel with a high-voltage supply for the purposes of discharging the energy stored in the power source's filter capacitors or other components that store electrical energy when the equipment is turned off. Wikipedia
          • Example sentence(s)
            • It is a more specific object of the invention to provide a method of economically fabricating a very small bleeder resistor whose value does not change substantially as a function of applied voltage, and which can withstand relatively high test voltages and operating voltages. - Free Patents Online by
            • In order to measure the bleeder resistor in the flyback you must have a meter that can measure up to several hundred megaohms. - Electronic Repair and Technology News by
            • In this instructable, we will discuss how to remove the bleeder resistor from the medium sized metal can capacitors such as those found in microwaves. This will not work for all capacitors. Some have an internal resistance which cannot be removed. The Samsung units, like those pictured below, are known to contain a removable resistor. - by
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    • Chinese
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            • 泄放电阻 (泄流电阻等)
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            • 什么叫泄放电阻/浪涌保护/浮地。他们有什么作用2007年05月22日 星期二 15:17泄放电阻 其作用为﹕当正弦波在最大峰值时刻被切断时﹐电容C1上的残存电荷无法释放﹐会长久存在﹐在维修时如果人体接触到C1的金属部分﹐有强烈的触电可能﹐而电阻 R1的存在﹐能将残存的电荷泄放掉﹐从而保证人﹑机安全。泄放电阻的阻值与电容的大小有关﹐一般电容的容量越大﹐残存的电荷就越多﹐泄放电阻就阻值就要选小些。 ...... 百度 - by Adsion Liu
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 2009年10月3日 ... 什么是浮地技术,电子发烧友网站提供各种电子电路,电路图, ... 一个折衷方案是在浮地与公共地之间跨接一个阻值很大的泄放电阻,用以释放所积累的电荷 ... - by Adsion Liu
            • ... 一个折衷方案是在浮地与公共地之间跨接一个阻值很大的泄放电阻,用以释放所积累的电荷。注意控制释放电阻的阻抗,太低的电阻会影响设备泄漏电流的合格 ... - by Adsion Liu
            • 阿里巴巴-供应波纹电阻,负载电阻,泄放电阻,瓷管电阻,波纹电阻,这里云集了众多的供应商,采购商,制造商。这是供应波纹电阻,负载电阻,泄放电阻,瓷管电阻的详细 ... - by Adsion Liu
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    • Portuguese
      • Electronics / Elect Eng
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            • resistor de sangria
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            • Resistor conectado em paralelo com a função de descarregar a energia armazenada em dispositivos elétricos com uma função de armazenamento (exemplo: capacitores) ligados a um circuito de alta tensão de entrada. "Esta pode ser uma condição de instabilidade na operação do sistema, principalmente no caso da operação da chave que liga o resistor sofrer uma falha, o que levaria à geração de sobretensões no link c.c. em inversores a corrente imposta (inversores por fonte de corrente). Eventualmente, pode ser desejável manter permanentemente conectado neste local, um “resistor de sangria” (“bleeder resistor”), de valor suficientemente alto para não provocar perdas no circuito, mas que contribua para a descarga de tensões residuais no capacitor do link c.c. quando o inversor não está operante, além de permitir um caminho inicial da corrente do chopper no caso deste estágio se fazer presente no sistema." Own research - by mirian terra
          • Example sentence(s)
            • "Se você apenas remover o pino do flyback capacitor interno e se esse flyback tem um resistor de sangria nele, o monitor entrará no modo de alta tensão de desligamento." - Computer-RS by mirian terra
            • "Eventualmente, pode ser desejável manter permanentemente conectado neste local, um “resistor de sangria” (“bleeder resistor”), de valor suficientemente alto para não provocar perdas no circuito, mas que contribua para a descarga de tensões residuais no capacitor do link c.c. quando o inversor não está operante, além de permitir um caminho inicial da corrente do chopper no caso deste estágio se fazer presente no sistema.\" - Cefet-MG by mirian terra
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    • Greek
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            • αντίσταση διαρροής
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            • Αντίσταση ή ομάδα αντιστάσεων που χρησιμοποιείται για τον περιορισμό του μόνιμου ρεύματος κατανάλωσης από τη φόρτιση των πυκνωτών. Σταθεροποιεί το μόνιμο ρεύμα από το τροφοδοτικό ή την πηγή σήματος και παρέχει προστασία στη συσκευή στις υψηλές τάσεις τροφοδοσίας. Ηλεκτρονικής-Ηλεκτρο� - by GeoS
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Η ρύθμιση καλυτερεύει με τη χρήση μιας αντίστασης διαρροής RB (bleeder) όπως φαίνεται στο Σχ. by GeoS
            • Έγινε αλλαγή του ηλεκτρολυτικού πυκνωτή C21 1μF στην Βάση του Q6, σε 220μF και παράλληλα τοποθετήθηκε αντίσταση 15Κ δημιουργώντας ένα κύκλωμα διαρροής-χρονισμού (bleeding-timing RC) - Marconi-Basic 7 by GeoS
            • Σ’ έναν πραγματικό πυκνωτή έχουμε απώλειες ενέργειας λόγω ενός πολύ μικρού ρεύματος που διαρρέει το διηλεκτρικό και ονομάζεται ρεύμα διαρροής. - Στοιχεία Ηλεκτρικών Κ by GeoS
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