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    • English
      • Telecom(munications)
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          • Term
            • aliasing
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          • Definition(s)
            • In any technology or process involving (a) sampling a signal, e.g., an electrical signal or (a series of images of) a moving subject; (b) processing, storing, or transmitting representations of the samples; and (c) replicating the original signal from the representations: the production of artifacts as a result of sampling at intervals too great to permit faithful replication of the original signal. ATIS Telecom Glossary 2007
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Digital alias-free signal processing (DASP) is a technique for overcoming the problems of aliasing at extended frequency ranges. Based on non-uniform or randomised sampling techniques and the development of novel algorithms, it creates the capacity to suppress potential aliasing crucial for high frequency applications and to reduce the complexity of designs. - Wiley
            • An example of aliasing can be seen in old movies, especially when watching wagon wheels on old Western films. Recall that occasionally the wheels appeared as if they going in reverse, even as the wagon would speed up. This phenomenon occurs as the rate of the wagon wheel's spokes spinning approaches the rate of the sampler (the camera operating at about 30 frames per second). - National Instruments
            • The term aliasing refers to the distortion that occurs when a continuous time signal has frequencies larger than half of the sampling rate. The process of aliasing describes the phenomenon in which components of the signal at high frequencies are mistaken for components at lower frequencies. - Sampling and Aliasing
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    • Portuguese
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            • serrilhado
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            • Serrilhado Efeito indesejável o qual surge em imagens de baixa resolução, também conhecido como pixelação. Neste efeito é possível observar os pixels ("quadradinhos"), devido a falta de definição. - by Joon Oh
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Esta amostragem uniforme não consegue captar bem regiões onde a imagem tem altas frequências. Daí surge o efeito de serrilhado que é particurlamente visível em imagens de baixa resolução. Uma maneira eficaz de combatermos o efeito de alias consiste em sub-dividir cada pixel em um conjunto de 2x2, 3x3, ou 4x4 sub-pixels e lançar 4,9 ou 16 raios por pixel variando a posição de lançamento como mostra a figura a baixo. Os deslocamentos dx e dy são variáveis aleatórias. A cor do pixel é a média das cores dos raios nos sub-pixels. - Aluna da PUC-RJ by Joon Oh
            • aliasing serrilhado [ Termo visualizado: 619 vez(es) ] Data de Inclusão: 22/03/2009 08:03:22 Na computação gráfica, o efeito indesejável que ocorre quando a resolução do vídeo é insuficiente para minimizar a aparência descontínua de "escada" em alguns elementos como linhas diagonais e curvas. - Netpédia Dicionário by Joon Oh
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    • Russian
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            • алиасинг, эффект наложения (сигнала)
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          • Definition(s)
            • Алиасинг, наложение — в статистике, обработке сигналов и смежных дисциплинах эффект, приводящий к наложению, неразличимости различных непрерывных сигналов при их дискретизации Wikipedia - by ViktoriyaP
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Любые составляющие сигнала с частотой выше частоты Найквиста (1/2 частоты дискретизации) создают эффект наложения (aliasing). Во избежание этого приходится понижать частоту среза АЧХ, чтобы увеличить подавление высокочастотных составляющих сигнала. - by ViktoriyaP
            • Радист отправлял телеграмму в береговой радиоцентр, а из динамиков трансляционной сети были слышны ее сигналы (эффект наложения сигнала). - Круизы и Судоходство - by ViktoriyaP
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