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    • English
      • Economics
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            • Behavioural economics
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            • A branch of ECONOMICS that concentrates on explaining the economic decisions people make in practice, especially when these conflict with what conventional economic theory predicts they will do. Behaviourists try to augment or replace traditional ideas of economic rationality (homo economicus) with decision-making models borrowed from psychology. According to psychologists, people are disproportionately influenced by a fear of feeling regret and will often forgo benefits even to avoid only a small risk of feeling they have failed. They are also prone to cognitive dissonance, often holding on to a belief plainly at odds with new evidence, usually because the belief has been held and cherished for a long time. Then there is anchoring: people are often overly influenced by outside suggestion. People apparently also suffer from status quo bias: they are willing to take bigger gambles to maintain the status quo than they would be to acquire it in the first place. Traditional UTILITY theory assumes that people make individual decisions in the context of the big picture. But psychologists have found that they generally compartmentalise, often on superficial grounds. They then make choices about things in one particular mental compartment without taking account of the implications for things in other compartments. There is lots of evidence that people are persistently and irrationally overconfident. They are also vulnerable to hindsight bias: once something happens they overestimate the extent to which they could have predicted it. Many of these traits are captured in PROSPECT THEORY, which is at the heart of much of behavioural economics. The Economist
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Behavioral economics blossomed from the realization that neither point of view was correct. - Library Economics Liberty by
            • Behavioral economics explains why we procrastinate, buy, borrow, and grab chocolate on - Harvard Magazine by
            • Economics orthodoxy may look down on behavioral economics, but it's the most important development in economics in a long time. - The Christian Science Monitor. by
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    • Romanian
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            • economia comportamentală
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            • Economia comportamentală studiază felul concret în care oamenii fac alegeri în fiecare zi, punând în discuție postulatele economice tradiționale și bazându-se pe experimente de teren și de laborator pentru investigarea motivațiilor concrete ale deciziilor oamenilor. Această disciplină ar putea explica de ce oamenii nu se comportă întotdeauna în mod egoist (de ex. donează bani), de ce nu acționează întotdeauna în modul cel mai logic din punct de vedere economic (de ex. păstrează un furnizor de energie mai scump în loc să îl schimbe cu un concurent mai ieftin) sau de ce atribuie unor obiecte o valoare mai mare decât altora care au aceeași valoare reală. - by George C.
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Economia comportamentala ia în calcul toate fluctuatiile rationalitatii umane, fie ca este perturbata de emotii, efectul de turma, tehnici de marketing sau pur si simplu incapacitatea lor de a face calcule economice. În ultimii ani, economia comportamentala ofera solutii pentru o varietate de probleme de zi cu zi, de la obezitate si diferite forme de dependenta, incapacitatea de a urma cu rigoare un tratament medical sau chiar încalzirea globala. - by George C.
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    • Hungarian
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            • viselkedési közgazdaságtan
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            • A viselkedési közgazdaságtan az egyének gazdasági viselkedésével foglalkozik, az egyéni döntések és cselekvések mozgatórugóit kutatja. Mivel a döntések mögötti szabályok zöme pszichológiai jellegű, így ez a tudományterület „közgazdaságtan és pszichológia” néven is ismert. Journal of Economic Literature - by Ildiko Santana
          • Example sentence(s)
            • A viselkedési közgazdaságtan által feltárt szabályok sokszor különböznek a neoklasszikus közgazdaságtan által feltételezett viselkedési szabályoktól, ezért gyakran a két szabályrendszert szöges ellentétbe állítva mutatják be. Egyelőre nem tisztázott, hogy ezek az eltérő szabályrendszerek mennyire egyeztethetők össze, minthogy az sem világos teljesen, hogy a viselkedési közgazdaságtan által kimutatott viselkedési minták hogyan befolyásolják a társadalmi eredményeket, azaz milyen hatásuk van aggregált szinten. A viselkedési közgazdaságtan lassú kialakulása során különböző réseket ütött a hagyományos elméleten, és ma általában úgy tekintenek rá, mint annak természetes továbbfejlesztésére, nem pedig mint valamilyen radikális alternatívájára. Ennek megfelelően nem húzható éles határvonal a hagyományos és a viselkedési elmélet közé. A lényeges újítás a kísérletek előtérbe helyezése, a kognitív pszichológia eredményeinek felhasználása. Egy tipikus viselkedési közgazdaságtani cikk sok mindent megtart a hagyományos elméletből, ám ezek mellett bizonyos specifikus változtatásokat javasol. - Journal of Economic Literature by Ildiko Santana
            • A versenyszabályozás szempontjából is egyre fontosabb területté válik a fogyasztói döntések vizsgálata a viselkedési közgazdaságtan szemszögéből. Az ezen a területen folytatott kutatás során áttekintették a viselkedési közgazdaságtan legfontosabb területeit, a fogyasztói döntések elemzésére használható eszközöket. Egyes piactípusok esetében bemutatták a viselkedési közgazdaságtan vizsgálatainak eredményeit, valamint megvilágították, hogy a jog közgazdaságtani megközelítésében milyen újdonságokat hozott a viselkedési közgazdaságtan. - MTA Közgazdaságtudományi Intézet by Ildiko Santana
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    • Vietnamese
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            • Kinh tế học hành vi
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            • Tài chính hành vi học & kinh tế học hành vi là những có lĩnh vực liên quan gần gũi. wikipedia - by Nguyen Dieu
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Nhà kinh tế học hành vi của trường MIT đã chỉ ra điều đó trong cuốn sách mới của ông: Phi lý trí. Trong đó, Dan Ariely đã tiến hành nhiều khảo sát hành vi kỳ lạ để chứng minh cho các quan điểm của mình. Ông cho rằng sở dĩ chúng ta luôn phi lý trí bởi một số các tác động nhất định như: quy luật tương đối, quy tắc xã hội, sự hưng phấn... - ftu by Nguyen Dieu
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    • Italian
      • Economics
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            • Economia comportamentale
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          • Definition(s)
            • Che cos'è l'economia comportamentale e in che cosa differisce dall'economia classica? La cosiddetta "economia comportamentale", a cui molto spesso si fa riferimento con termine inglese "Behavioral Economics", si interessa degli stessi argomenti dell'economia classica ma, a differenza di quest'ultima, non presume la razionalità degli individui. Dan Ariely - "Predictably Irrational" - by Oscar Romagnone
          • Example sentence(s)
            • L'ECONOMIA COMPORTAMENTALE IN RISPOSTA ALLE ANGOSCE DELLA CRISI 31/05/2009 Questo pomeriggio Tore Ellingsen ha spiegato come i sentimenti possano influenzare i comportanti economici. Per molti anni gli economisti hanno tralasciato il settore dell’economia comportamentale dando praticamente carta bianca al modello predominante che è quello dell’egoista razionale. Siamo tutti egoisti razionali. - Ellingsen/Stockholm School of Economics by Oscar Romagnone
            • Economia comportamentale (2010/2011) Obiettivi formativi Il corso mira a presentare agli studenti i principali risultati ottenuti negli ultimi anni all’interno della cosiddetta ‘economia comportamentale’ (behavioural economics), un ambito di ricerca interdisciplinare finalizzato ad incrementare il potere esplicativo e previsionale della teoria economica avvalendosi di ipotesi comportamentali caratterizzate da un alto grado di realismo, sulla base di un dialogo sempre più stretto e fecondo con altre discipline (dalla psicologia sociale all’antropologia culturale e alle neuroscienze). - Università di Verona by Oscar Romagnone
            • L’economomia comportamentale, meglio definibile come economia cognitiva, si occupa proprio di studiare e definire la “prevedibilità” della componente irrazionale dei comportamenti e delle scelte umane. - Neorema by Oscar Romagnone
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