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    • Arabic
      • Economics
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            • الاقتصاد السلوكي
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            • الاقتصاد السلوكي هو دراسة أثر علم النفس في عملية صنع القرار الاقتصادي وبعبارة أخرى ، كيف يمكن أن تؤثر عواطف وأفكار الناس على كيفية اتخاذ القرارات المالية. Behavioral economics and its related area of study, behavioral finance, use social, cognitive and emotional factors in understanding the economic decisions of individuals and institutions performing economic functions, including consumers, borrowers and investors, and their effects on market prices, returns and the resource allocation. The fields are primarily concerned with the bounds of rationality (selfishness, self-control) of economic agents. Behavioral models typically integrate insights from psychology with neo-classical economic theory. Wikipedia - by Marwa Shehata
          • Example sentence(s)
            • الاقتصاد السلوكي هو دراسة أثر علم النفس في عملية صنع القرار الاقتصادي . by Marwa Shehata
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    • Indonesian
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            • ekonomi perilaku
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            • Bagian ilmu ekonomi perilaku yang membahas pengaruh faktor psikologis dalam perilaku ekonomi seseorang. SWA - by Wiyanto Suroso
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Para ekonom menyarankan tiap buku teks mikroekonomi tingkat Sarjana memasukkan topik ekonomi perilaku (behavioral economics) dan ekonomi eksperimental (experimental economics) supaya ada keseimbangan antara pokok permasalahan, teori dan data empiris sehingga akan memudahkan mahasiswa memahami teori ekonomi. - Humas & Protokoler IPB by Wiyanto Suroso
            • Ide tentang teori ekonomi perilaku (behavioral economics) sebagian besar datang dari Daniel Kahneman, psikolog yang tahun lalu memperoleh Nobel dalam bidang ekonomi. - Ekonomi Kerakyatan UGM by Wiyanto Suroso
            • Levitt dan Dubner (2005, 2007), ekonom yang mendalami teori ekonomi perilaku (behavioural economics), menuliskan secara populer bahwa insentif tersebut tak harus finansial atau material, ia dapat pula berwujud sosial (misalnya status sosial) dan moral (misalnya norma). - Nasional Demokrat by Wiyanto Suroso
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    • Macedonian
      • Economics
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            • бихејвиорална економија
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            • Конкретно, бихејвиоралната економија е насочена кон тоа, со помош на образцсите во човековото размислување и неговите постапки да се толкуваат добрите и лошите економски и маркетиншки практики и на тие постапки да се влијае. Таа има голема доза на оптимизам, многу е корисна за сите оние кои се занимаваат во маркетинг и продажба, а покрај тоа е и многу итнересна како наука. Own research - by Sashenka Ljuben
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Бихејвиорална економија - обид за психолошки пореалните сфаќања за човековата природа да се вклучат во економијата. by Sashenka Ljuben
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