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    • English
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            • caldera
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            • A vast depression at the top of a volcanic cone, formed when an eruption substantially empties the reservoir of magma beneath the cone's summit. Eventually the summit collapses inward, creating a caldera. A caldera may be more than 15 kilometers in diameter and more than 1000 meters deep. CENGAGE Learning
          • Example sentence(s)
            • Subsequent eruptions from the Long Valley magma chamber were confined within the caldera with extrusions of relatively hot (crystal-free) rhyolite 700,000 to 600,000 years ago as the caldera floor was upwarped to form the resurgent dome followed by extrusions of cooler, crystal-rich moat rhyolite at 200,000-year intervals (500,000, 300,000, and 100,000 years ago) in clockwise succession around the resurgent dome. - USGS
            • Calderas tend to form after a series of large eruptions. Usually a new volcano starts to grow inside, eventually covering it. - Geology
            • Over the course of several hundred years following the creation of the caldera, rain and snow filled the basin to a depth of 1,943 feet (592 meters). Crater Lake today is the nation’s deepest lake. - Crater lake
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    • Chinese
      • Geology
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            • 破火山口
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            • 火山口是大自然建造火山的产物,破火山口则是火山受到破坏的结果。 在大自然建造火山的过程中,各种自然力对火山的破坏作用已在发生,只是由于得到不断喷出的物质补充,所以能保持或增加它的高度,形成火山特有的形态,圆锥形是最典型的。 不过仅仅是风雨等外部力量的侵蚀,一座火山要破坏到在地面上消失的程度,需要很长的时间,但如火山爆发猛烈,可以在短暂的时间内,将原有火山锥部分甚至整个炸成齑粉,抛上天空;火山的高度因而被削减,乃至成为凹进地面下的大坑。如果喷出的结果使地下原来储存岩浆的场所被掏空,顶壁的岩层支撑不住因而塌落,凹陷的范围更为巨大,直径常有几千米,直至几十千米,上下宽窄相差没有火山口那么显著,底部也比火山口的底部宽大平缓,在西方语言中称它为 “caldera”,源出于西班牙语“caldron”,本意是锅,西方人用的平底锅,其形相似,中文译作“破火山口”,用为地质学的专用名词。 百度知道 - by Li Cao
          • Example sentence(s)
            • 陆地上的破火山口,从表面形象看起来不过是块为山丘峭壁环绕的洼地,因为面积大,在里面行走,难时庐山真面目。出现在海上的破火山口,常表现为一群环状分布的岛屿。 - 百度知道 by Li Cao
            • 火山口中有一类较特殊的,叫破火山口。它是因火山喷发过于猛烈,巨大量的岩浆一下子将火山颈和周围的岩石冲开,这种喷发所造成的火山口,直径往往超过5公里,猛烈的爆发除了形成破火山口外,还使火山的高度大大降低。 - 百度知道 by Li Cao
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