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    • English
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          • (to) contract
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          • If you contract a serious illness, you become ill with it. Collins Online Dictionary
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          • Anyone of any age can contract pneumonia, but it tends to be common in children aged four years and under, and in the elderly. - Better Health Channel by
          • However, the briefing makes clear that four in five of the population “are expected” to contract the virus. - The Guardian by
          • Data shows thousands could contract virus in Memphis area without social distancing - Memphis News & Weather by
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    • Italian
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          • contrarre
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          • contrarre v. tr. [dal lat. contrahĕre, comp. di con- e trahĕre «trarre»] (coniug. come trarre). – 1. a. Tirare a sé, restringere, raggrinzare: c. la bocca, i muscoli, un nervo. b. Ridurre: in minor regno Contrasse il mar le sue procelle (Mascheroni). 2. a. Accogliere in sé, prendere, acquisire: c. una malattia, un vizio, una cattiva abitudine. b. Assumere: c. un debito, un’obbligazione. c. Stringere: c. un’amicizia, una parentela; c. familiarità con qualcuno. d. Concludere: c. un accordo, un patto, un’alleanza; in partic., e più com., c. matrimonio, sposarsi. Con uso assol., stipulare un contratto. 3. intr. pron. a. Raggrinzarsi: la sua faccia si contrasse in una smorfia di disgusto. Con uso più specifico, in fisiologia, riferito ai muscoli, subire una contrazione o anche una contrattura. b. Diminuire, ridursi: in questo periodo le vendite si sono contratte. c. In linguistica, sostituirsi di una vocale sola o di un dittongo a due o più vocali (v. contrazione). ◆ Part. pres. contraènte, anche come agg. e sost. (v. la voce). ◆ Part. pass. contratto, anche come agg. (v. contratto1). Treccani - by Claudia Sartori
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    • Greek
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          • προσβάλλομαι (από την νόσο ή τον ιό)
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          • Προσβάλλομαι από μια νόσο ή από ένα ιό σημαίνει ότι εκδηλώνω τα συμπτώματα τα οποία επιτρέπουν ή και επιβεβαιώνουν την διάγνωση της εν λόγω παθήσεως ή επιδημίας. WORD REFERENECE - by Savvas SEIMANIDIS
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          • Whereas Hendra disease may be transmitted by cats, and dogs and cats contract Nipah disease; ότι η νόσος Hendra µπορεί να µεταδοθεί από γάτες, και σκύλους και γάτες που έχουν προσβληθεί από τη νόσο Nipah - EUR-LEX by Savvas SEIMANIDIS
          • Every third citizen of Europe can expect to contract this disease and the trends are not promising. νας στους τρεις πολίτες της Ευρώπης μπορεί να αναμένει ότι θα προσβληθεί από αυτή την αρρώστια και οι τάσεις δεν είναι ελπιδοφόρες. - European parliament by Savvas SEIMANIDIS
          • Η νόσος POMPE ή Γλυκογονίαση τύπου 2 (GSD ΙΙ) είναι μια λυσοσωμιακή νόσος που προσβάλλει κατά κύριο λόγο τους σκελετικούς και αναπνευστικούς μύες - EΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΟΡΓΑΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΥΓ� by Savvas SEIMANIDIS
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    • French
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          • Contracter
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          • Être atteint d'une maladie, l'attraper : Contracter la grippe. Larousse - by Xanthippe
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          • Si vous ne présentez pas de symptômes, n'avez pas été au contact d'un malade, ne revenez pas d’une zone à risque et ne faites pas partie des personnes “fragiles” (personnes âgées ou souffrant de maladies graves/pathologies chroniques), susceptibles de contracter le virus, il n'est pas nécessaire de porter un masque à domicile. - Santé magazine by Xanthippe
          • On peut alors contracter la COVID-19 si on touche ces objets ou ces surfaces et si on se touche ensuite les yeux, le nez ou la bouche. - OMS by Xanthippe
          • Pourquoi certaines personnes sont plus susceptibles de contracter le coronavirus - National Geographic by Xanthippe
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