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    • English
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          • zoonosis
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          • A zoonosis is any disease or infection that is naturally transmissible from vertebrate animals to humans. Animals thus play an essential role in maintaining zoonotic infections in nature. Zoonoses may be bacterial, viral, or parasitic, or may involve unconventional agents. As well as being a public health problem, many of the major zoonotic diseases prevent the efficient production of food of animal origin and create obstacles to international trade in animal products. WHO
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          • Just to give an example how zoonosis can adversely impact the economy of a country- the emergence of SARS in 2003 has the cost the world economy over USD 50 billion on account of medical treatment and loss of revenue associated with abrupt halt of tourism industry. - WHO by
          • These studies might provide new surveillance opportunities by allowing improved targeting of the key wildlife species most likely to harbour the next emerging zoonosis. - NCBI by
          • The highest zoonosis burden, they found, occurs in just a few countries, particularly Ethiopia, Nigeria and India. - Live Science by
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    • Arabic
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          • مَرَضُ حَيَوانِيٌّ المَصْدَر _ مرض حيواني المنشأ
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          • المرض حيواني المنشأ أو حيواني المصدر أو مرض مشترك : ‏ هو المرض المعدي الذي يسرى في الحالة الطبيعية بين الحيوانات الفقارية البرية أو الأليفة ويمكن أن ينتقل منها إلى الإنسان. ويمكن أن يكون الإنسان المصاب مصدراً لعدوى الناس الآخرين في بعض الأمراض مثل الطاعون، أما في بعضها الآخر فلا ينتقل المرض من الإنسان المصاب، كما في داء البروسيلات. wikipedia - by Ebrahim Mohammed
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          • أهم مسببات الأمراض الحيوانية المصدر التي تسبب الأمراض التي تنقلها الأغذية هي ايشرشيا كولاي و كامبيليباكتر، وكالكيفيريدي - wikipedia by Ebrahim Mohammed
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    • Slovak
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          • zoonóza
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          • zoonóza -y ž. ‹g› lek., veter. infekčná choroba prenosná zo zvieraťa na človeka (napr. červienka, myxomatóza), antropozoonóza Slovník cudzích slov - by Katarina Mihalova
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          • Zoonóza je choroba spoločná človeku a zvieraťu. Podľa expertov WHO/FAO sa v infektológii používa tento jednotný termín. - Alphamedical by Katarina Mihalova
          • Besnota (rabies, lyssa) je veľmi závažné vírusové ochorenie centrálneho nervového systému postihujúce teplokrvné živočíchy. Patrí medzi zoonózy, choroby prenosné zo zvierat na človeka. - Leká by Katarina Mihalova
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    • Croatian
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          • zoonoza
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          • Zoonoze (grč. ζῷον: živo biće, životinja + -oza) su bolesti ili infekcije koje se prirodno prenose sa životinja kralježnjaka na čovjeka i obratno. - by Elio Verbanac
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          • Uzročnici zoonoza se prvenstveno nalaze među životinjama ali se pod određenim okolnostima mogu prenijeti i na čovjeka. Izvori širenja zoonoza mogu biti i domaće i divlje životinje. - HAPIH by Elio Verbanac
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    • Romanian
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          • zoonoză
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          • Zoonoza este un termen medical care desemnează bolile și infecțiile transmise omului prin intermediul animalelor . Este un cuvânt grecesc format din " grădina zoologică ", ceea ce înseamnă "animal" și " noso ", ceea ce înseamnă "boală". Zoonozele sunt transmise de animale prin viruși, bacterii, fungi, protozoare și alte microorganisme diverse. Ciuma, carbunclele, psittacoza, trichinoza si ornitoza sunt exemple ale unor zoonoze. Ce este Zoonoza: - by Simona Pop
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          • Zoonoza este infecția sau boala animalului care este transmisibilă ființei umane în condiții naturale sau invers. Termenul derivă din două cuvinte grecești: zoon ( "animal" ) și nósos ( "boală" ). Într-un sens mai specific, boala care este transmisă de la animal la om este antropozoonoza, în timp ce cea care este transmisă de la persoană la animal este cunoscută sub numele de zooantroponoză . - Definiție zoonoză by Simona Pop
          • Bruceloza este o zoonoza, afecteaza personalul din preajma animalelor. - Brucelozele by Simona Pop
          • În unele zone geografice (Orientu Mijlociu) există o formă particulară de boală. Se numeşte „halzoun” şi apare în urma consumului de ficat de vită crud. Acesta poate conţine viermi adulţi care se fixează cu ventuzele de peretele faringelui. - Fasciola hepatica (Viermele de galbeaza) by Simona Pop
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    • Latvian
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          • zoonoze
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          • Infekcijas slimība, kuras ierosinātājs parazitē kādā dzīvnieku sugā vai vairākās sugās (piemēram, trakumsērga, tuberkuloze, tularēmija). Tēzaurs - by Sandra Kuple
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          • Zoonozes uzliesmojums, kas saistīts ar pārtikas produktu lietošanu, — divu vai vairāku cilvēku inficēšanās ar vienu un to pašu ierosinātāju vai epidēmiskas situācijas, kurās novēroto inficēšanās gadījumu skaits pārsniedz konkrētai teritorijai raksturīgu saslimstības līmeni, un šīs inficēšanās ir saistītas vai iespējami saistītas ar viena pārtikas produkta lietošanu. - Likumi by Sandra Kuple
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    • Malay
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          • zoonosis
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          • Zoonosis adalah jangkitan yang disebarkan di antara haiwan vertebrata dan manusia atau sebaliknya. Zoonosis atau zoonose merupakan sebarang penyakit berjangkit yang boleh menular antara spesies (dalam sesetengah kes, melalui vektor) dari haiwan pada manusia atau dari manusia pada haiwan (yang kemudian kandangkala dipanggil zoonosis songsang atau anthroponosis). Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu - by AAAS
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  • Compare this term in: Croatian, Arabic, Armenian, Armenian, Bengali, Bengali, Bulgarian, Bulgarian, German, German, Dutch, Dutch, Greek, Greek, Spanish, Spanish, Persian (Farsi), Persian (Farsi), French, French, Hungarian, Hungarian, Indonesian, Indonesian, Italian, Italian, Korean, Korean, Polish, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Slovenian, Turkish, Turkish, Ukrainian, Ukrainian

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