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    • English
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          • zoonosis
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          • A zoonosis is any disease or infection that is naturally transmissible from vertebrate animals to humans. Animals thus play an essential role in maintaining zoonotic infections in nature. Zoonoses may be bacterial, viral, or parasitic, or may involve unconventional agents. As well as being a public health problem, many of the major zoonotic diseases prevent the efficient production of food of animal origin and create obstacles to international trade in animal products. WHO
        • Example sentence(s)
          • Just to give an example how zoonosis can adversely impact the economy of a country- the emergence of SARS in 2003 has the cost the world economy over USD 50 billion on account of medical treatment and loss of revenue associated with abrupt halt of tourism industry. - WHO by
          • These studies might provide new surveillance opportunities by allowing improved targeting of the key wildlife species most likely to harbour the next emerging zoonosis. - NCBI by
          • The highest zoonosis burden, they found, occurs in just a few countries, particularly Ethiopia, Nigeria and India. - Live Science by
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    • Croatian
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          • zoonoza
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          • Zoonoze (grč. ζῷον: živo biće, životinja + -oza) su bolesti ili infekcije koje se prirodno prenose sa životinja kralježnjaka na čovjeka i obratno. - by Elio Verbanac
        • Example sentence(s)
          • Uzročnici zoonoza se prvenstveno nalaze među životinjama ali se pod određenim okolnostima mogu prenijeti i na čovjeka. Izvori širenja zoonoza mogu biti i domaće i divlje životinje. - HAPIH by Elio Verbanac
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    • Slovenian
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          • zoonoza
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          • Z izrazom zoonoza označujemo nalezljive bolezni, ki se iz okužene živali lahko prenesejo na ljudi. NIJZ - by Marko Šuster
        • Example sentence(s)
          • Zoonoze so bolezni, ki se z živali prenašajo na ljudi, med najbolj zloglasni, ki sta množično izbruhnili v zadnjih letih, pa štejemo BSE (bolezen norih krav) in aviarno influenco oziroma ptičjo gripo, vendar so ju doslej v Sloveniji na srečo odkrili le pri živalih, ne pa tudi pri ljudeh - dnevnik by Marko Šuster
          • LETNO POROČILO o zoonozah in povzročiteljih zoonoz, 2015 - by Marko Šuster
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    • Korean
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          • 인수공통감염병
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          • 인수공통감염병은 동물과 사람간에 서로 전파되는 병원체에 의하여 발생되는 감염병을 의미하며 현재, 새롭게 나타나는 감염병질환(emerging infections)의 약 75%가 인수공통감염병으로 알려지고 있음 질병관리본부 (KCDC) - by Heajung Yun
        • Example sentence(s)
          • 인수공통감염병의 원인으로는 병원체 자체(예, 높은 돌연변이 비율), 숙주인 인간의 행동 및 생활양식의 변화(예,해외 이동 활성화, 항공이동의 발달 등), 생태학적 및 환경변화(야생동물 서식지 침범, 환경파괴 등), 기후변화, 글로벌 차원의 농산물 유통 등이 알려지고 있음 - 질병관리본부 (KCDC) by Heajung Yun
          • 질병관리본부 인수공통감염병관리과 관계자는 "코로나19 처럼 비말이나 손을 통한 간접 접촉을 통해서 감염될 가능성이 없다. 주사바늘이나 성 접촉을 통한 체액 교환이라면 가능성이 있을 수 있지만, 기본적으로 사람 간 전파는 되지 않는다."면서 "지난 수십 년간 관리돼 온 신증후군출혈열이 코로나19 사태에 악재로 작용할 것이란 우려는 전혀 근거가 없다."고 설명했습니다. - KBS by Heajung Yun
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    • Arabic
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          • مَرَضُ حَيَوانِيٌّ المَصْدَر _ مرض حيواني المنشأ
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          • المرض حيواني المنشأ أو حيواني المصدر أو مرض مشترك : ‏ هو المرض المعدي الذي يسرى في الحالة الطبيعية بين الحيوانات الفقارية البرية أو الأليفة ويمكن أن ينتقل منها إلى الإنسان. ويمكن أن يكون الإنسان المصاب مصدراً لعدوى الناس الآخرين في بعض الأمراض مثل الطاعون، أما في بعضها الآخر فلا ينتقل المرض من الإنسان المصاب، كما في داء البروسيلات. wikipedia - by Ebrahim Mohammed
        • Example sentence(s)
          • أهم مسببات الأمراض الحيوانية المصدر التي تسبب الأمراض التي تنقلها الأغذية هي ايشرشيا كولاي و كامبيليباكتر، وكالكيفيريدي - wikipedia by Ebrahim Mohammed
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  • Compare this term in: Croatian, Arabic, Armenian, Armenian, Bengali, Bengali, Bulgarian, Bulgarian, German, German, Dutch, Dutch, Greek, Greek, Spanish, Spanish, Persian (Farsi), Persian (Farsi), French, French, Hungarian, Hungarian, Indonesian, Indonesian, Italian, Italian, Korean, Latvian, Malay, Polish, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese, Romanian, Romanian, Russian, Russian, Slovak, Slovak, Slovenian, Turkish, Turkish, Ukrainian, Ukrainian

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