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    • English
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          • social distancing
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        • Definition(s)
          • The practice of maintaining a greater than usual physical distance from other people or of avoiding direct contact with people or objects in public places during the outbreak of a contagious disease in order to minimize exposure and reduce the transmission of infection. Merriam-Webster Dictionary
        • Example sentence(s)
          • How people across the globe are discussing social distancing - Forward by
          • Within the last two weeks, the world watched as Hong Kong eased its strict containment policies and saw a swift resurgence in the number of new cases within the country, CNN reported. The U.S. could face a similar situation if Americans don't adhere to social distancing measures for an adequate amount of time, Alessa said. - Live Science by
          • The only real question is whether we have an adequate handle on exactly where the line is between extreme social distancing and allowing business to continue as normal. - Vox by
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    • Spanish
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          • distanciamiento social
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        • Definition(s)
          • El distanciamiento social es una medida sanitaria que consiste en mantener una distancia prudente entre personas y suprimir temporalmente el contacto físico, a fin de reducir la velocidad de propagación de un virus durante una epidemia. También puede implicar el aislamiento preventivo. Significados - by Rebecca Breekveldt
        • Example sentence(s)
          • El distanciamiento social exige alejarse mínimo 2 metros (o 6 pies). - CNN Español by Rebecca Breekveldt
          • Mientras el país continúa obedeciendo las pautas para el distanciamiento social de modo de ayudar a detener la propagación de la COVID-19, muchos de nosotros sentimos estrés, miedo y nerviosismo. - Cruz Roja Americana by Rebecca Breekveldt
          • Un informe advierte de que las medidas de distanciamiento social podrían ser necesarias hasta 18 meses. - El País by Rebecca Breekveldt
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    • Bulgarian
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          • социално дистанциране
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          • Социалното дистанциране умишлено увеличава физическото пространство между хората, за да се избегне разпространението на заразата. Разстояние на поне 3 метра от други хора намалява вероятността да се заразите с COVID-19. - by Yoana Ivanova
        • Example sentence(s)
          • Социалното дистанциране е пакет от мерки, който се предприема от обществото. Социалното дистанциране намалява възможността за контакт между хора, които са здрави и тези, които вече носят дадената болест. - BTV Новините by Yoana Ivanova
          • Социалното дистанциране за борба с COVID-19 предизвиква не малко съпротива в обществото, а някои дори се съмняват дали въобще работи. - Offnews by Yoana Ivanova
          • Говорител на Amazon е потвърдил пред CNBC, че служителите, които „умишлено нарушават“ правилата за социално дистанциране, ще получат две предупреждения, а при второто документирано нарушение може да се стигне до уволнение - by Yoana Ivanova
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    • Serbian
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          • socijalno distanciranje
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          • Socijalno distanciranje ili „fizičko distanciranje“znači držanje fizičkog rastojanja između sebe i drugih ljudi. Budući da ljudi mogu širiti virus pre negošto saznaju da su bolesni, veoma je važno da drže fizičku distancu sa ljudima sa kojima komuniciraju. Da biste pravilno držali socijalnu distancu neophodno je da: - Između vas i drugih ljudi ne bude rastojanje manje od 2 m. - Izbegavate masovna okupljanja Glas Podrinja - by Olivera Popovic
        • Example sentence(s)
          • Kretanje nije ograničeno, ali važi opšta preporuka o socijalnom distanciranju. - BBC NEWS by Olivera Popovic
          • - PC PRESS by Olivera Popovic
          • Socijalno distanciranje spasilo u Italiji 38.000 života! Prema statistikama stručnjaka socijalno distanciranje odigralo je ključnu ulogu - Telegraf by Olivera Popovic
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    • Turkish
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          • Sosyal mesafe
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          • Sosyal mesafe veya sosyal alan, kişisel alan ile kamusal alan arasında kalan, bir kişinin kendisinden 120 ile 200 santimetre arasında değişen uzaklık. Vikipedi - by Omer Dasbilek
        • Example sentence(s)
          • Virüsün bir taşıyıcıdan başka bir insana geçmesini engellemenin en etkili yollarından biri kişisel hijyenin yanı sıra sosyal teması en alt düzeye indirmek ve sosyal mesafe kuralına uymak olduğu belirtiliyor. - Euronews by Omer Dasbilek
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    • Latvian
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          • sociālā distancēšanās
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          • Sociālā distancēšanās sevī iekļauj izvairīšanos no rokasspiedieniem, atrašanos daudz cilvēku sabiedrībā, kā arī vismaz 2 metru distanci vienam no otra Rietumu klīnika - by Kristine Sprula (Lielause)
        • Example sentence(s)
          • Pamatojoties uz Ministru kabineta 12. marta rīkojuma Nr. 103 punktā 4.22. ietverto normu, tirgotājiem jāievieš pasākumi sociālās distancēšanās un higiēnas prasību nodrošināšanai tirdzniecības vietās. - Iecavas novads by Kristine Sprula (Lielause)
          • Cik reāli ir ieviest sociālās distancēšanās ierobežojumus 1,3 miljardu cilvēku apdzīvotā valstī? - Latvijas Sabiedriskie Mediji by Kristine Sprula (Lielause)
          • 51% sniedza atbildi, ka stingri ievēro sociālo distancēšanos un citos noteiktos ierobežojumus, 51% arī norādīja, ka pastiprināti mazgā rokas un dezinficē virsmas, 50% atbildēja, ka dodas pastaigāties svaigā gaisā (piemēram, uz jūru vai mežu), savukārt 42% stresa mazināšanai nodarbina sevi ar sadzīves darbiem. - by Kristine Sprula (Lielause)
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  • Compare this term in: Serbian, Albanian, Albanian, Arabic, Arabic, Bulgarian, German, German, Dutch, Dutch, Greek, Greek, Spanish, Persian (Farsi), Persian (Farsi), French, French, Hungarian, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Italian, Korean, Korean, Malay, Polish, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese, Romanian, Romanian, Russian, Russian, Slovenian, Slovenian, Turkish, Ukrainian, Ukrainian

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